Yes, there are other show supply companies. Blue Ribbon's "Recondition" is pretty much the same as Revive and prob'ly a little cheaper, but a light coat of mousse followed by a light coat of rag oil will get the same results too.
We used shaving cream way back before the show supply companies ever relabeled it as foam - Barbasol's usually as cheap and as good as any, but lots of different kinds will work. The mousse is a little lighter, so use a little less if you're using shaving cream.
I like Suave shampoo with the conditioner in it. Preferably we like to just use Joy on really dirty ones or to wash out after fitting and breakdown. Speaking of breaking down adhesives and paints, plain old purple oil is cheap and works, just be sure to get the oil washed out. While we're on washing, look in the auto care department at Wal Mart (or wherever) and you can pick up a spray nozzle with a little plastic jar for soap - a fraction of the cost of an ezee all foamer, and easier to use IMO.
Another alternative for conditioning hair (and especially good to help relax curly hair) is Downy Fabric Softener. A little goes a long way - pour about an inch of plain Downy in a fogger bottle and fill the rest of the way with water, then fog it on after washing. Comb and/or brush it in, let set for 5 - 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly and dry as usual.