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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
feed grass said:
Doc said:

I think it's ironic I breed a Red Angus bull to a couple of heifers- and now i'm a specialist in that department- and that's the only animals I produce- what a dumb ass you are. I can assure you that OHB is not a dumb---. Not only is he a very intelligent person , he's definitely got better manners than you.

you must not remember the DR. Feelgood bull I bought from Jeff-- I had 100 straws sold on himI thought you said that you don't give a " tinker d--- about selling semen or flushing a cow" until he went sterile and we decided to ship him instead.  I've got a Red Maine bull right now that people would die over. Well don't show us a picture of him , I would hate for someones' demise to be on your hands.

We've always collected our bulls at home- had Interglobe come down to do it... but you obviously have no idea about sexed semenWho has mentioned sexed semen until now?.  Genex wants to keep the bulls atleast a week to collect it.  We'll probably collect the Maine bull for sexed once he gets off cows for the spring. 

O, darn, time wasted on that reply... let's see what nonsense you can come up with now... 

Those who are jealous- sure don't forget... Boy, that sure is the pot calling the kettle black

Don't have a picture of the Maine bull

Collect the semen for our own personal use,I geuss I'm confused. I thought you said had 100 straws SOLD on him, not just personal use. I must have misunderstood you. insurance policy.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
you must not remember the DR. Feelgood bull I bought from Jeff

What bull have you RAISED that people would want to buy semen on? buying a proven bull is not the same thing.

I specifically remember JIT stating that any bull calves born over 102 lbs get the knife

Your memory going also? JITs program is that a bull calf over 110LBs,, not what you want to make it for this instance.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
After reading this thread, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief! Two guys ( aj and feed grass ... whatever his name is at this point in time!) have all the answers. Everyone else is not only wrong ... but totally wrong. These two have between them driven more people from not just commenting on this board, but to also leave this board and not even read the comments, than all the rest on here combined. I find it interesting that they can make terrible comments about some of the most successful cattle breeders in the business yet neither have set the world on fire with their own cattle they have produced with all their wisdom and devine knowledge of the beef industry. I would think that with their understanding of what this industry needs, that they would have a well worn path to their doors for breeding stock... yet neither can show us examples of the great product they are or have produced. As the old addage goes.... the proof is in the pudding!



justintime said:
After reading this thread, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief! Two guys ( aj and feed grass ... whatever his name is at this point in time!) have all the answers. Everyone else is not only wrong ... but totally wrong. These two have between them driven more people from not just commenting on this board, but to also leave this board and not even read the comments, than all the rest on here combined. I find it interesting that they can make terrible comments about some of the most successful cattle breeders in the business yet neither have set the world on fire with their own cattle they have produced with all their wisdom and devine knowledge of the beef industry. I would think that with their understanding of what this industry needs, that they would have a well worn path to their doors for breeding stock... yet neither can show us examples of the great product they are or have produced. As the old addage goes.... the proof is in the pudding!

some of us aren't older than dirt.. and didn't get everything handed to us down through the generations- which means we work for a living- not stay at home and goof off with cows...

Little woman and I are getting ready to spend just over $400,000 on a house and 38 acres...  kinda makes it hard to spend much on livestock with bill such as that...  even with our better than average GOV job...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
some of us aren't older than dirt.. and didn't get everything handed to us down through the generations- which means we work for a living- not stay at home and goof off with cows...

Little woman and I are getting ready to spend just over $400,000 on a house and 38 acres...  kinda makes it hard to spend much on livestock with bill such as that...  even with our better than average GOV job...


one year had left a bull calf in with a bunch of heifer calves to grow out-- ended up getting a bunch of them bred for 18 month old calvings.. 18 month old jersey heifers-- don't calve so well to a holstein bull.  that was 4 c- sections in a matter of no time-- the other was a prolapse with twins-- and we couldn't do anything.  it was basically the same as the sheep ones- but different all together.  when you do as much butchering as we do-- the insides of an animal aren't that hard to figure out. 

Thanks goodness you cant buy livestock with managment like this..


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
feed grass said:
justintime said:
After reading this thread, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief! Two guys ( aj and feed grass ... whatever his name is at this point in time!) have all the answers. Everyone else is not only wrong ... but totally wrong. These two have between them driven more people from not just commenting on this board, but to also leave this board and not even read the comments, than all the rest on here combined. I find it interesting that they can make terrible comments about some of the most successful cattle breeders in the business yet neither have set the world on fire with their own cattle they have produced with all their wisdom and devine knowledge of the beef industry. I would think that with their understanding of what this industry needs, that they would have a well worn path to their doors for breeding stock... yet neither can show us examples of the great product they are or have produced. As the old addage goes.... the proof is in the pudding!

some of us aren't older than dirt.. and didn't get everything handed to us down through the generations...

Little woman and I are getting ready to spend just over $400,000 on a house and 38 acres...  kinda makes it hard to spend much on livestock with bill such as that...  even with our better than average GOV job...

I'm glad to see that you aren't just disrespectful to people on Steerplanet. Do you call your wife your "old lady" also?
I'm glad to see you're spreading the wealth.
The big question is , will you hand this farm down thru the generations?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
I am experiencing reoccurring Deja Vu (especially with shorthorn related threads).  What medication if any is recommended?  Right when I think I'm over it, it re occurs!  

This repetitive cycle is not constructive and serves no positive purpose.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Experiencing technical difficulties on post above but here is your answere JA.
    49 heifers averaged 85.1 lb BW  - 2 assists - both backwards calves
    58 bulls averaged  90.4 lbs  BW - 1 assist - a backwards, upside down calf .
    106 calves averaged 88.8 lb BW  3 assists... all malpresentations.



Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
aj said:
Frostbbite.....what is JIT's average bwt for the 2011 year?

AJ what do you think JIT's $ABA EPD is for his herd? Is it higher than yours? If it is, then his avg bwt really doesn't make a crap now does it?


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
feed grass said:
justintime said:
After reading this thread, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief! Two guys ( aj and feed grass ... whatever his name is at this point in time!) have all the answers. Everyone else is not only wrong ... but totally wrong. These two have between them driven more people from not just commenting on this board, but to also leave this board and not even read the comments, than all the rest on here combined. I find it interesting that they can make terrible comments about some of the most successful cattle breeders in the business yet neither have set the world on fire with their own cattle they have produced with all their wisdom and devine knowledge of the beef industry. I would think that with their understanding of what this industry needs, that they would have a well worn path to their doors for breeding stock... yet neither can show us examples of the great product they are or have produced. As the old addage goes.... the proof is in the pudding!

some of us aren't older than dirt.. and didn't get everything handed to us down through the generations- which means we work for a living- not stay at home and goof off with cows...

Little woman and I are getting ready to spend just over $400,000 on a house and 38 acres...  kinda makes it hard to spend much on livestock with bill such as that...  even with our better than average GOV job...

..........................I pity that little woman.........................

And on another note, you know these days home that is $400,000 today was at least a million 4 years ago. Imagine little Full of BS living in a million dollar mansion! Who'da thunk it?

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
feed grass said:
justintime said:
After reading this thread, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief! Two guys ( aj and feed grass ... whatever his name is at this point in time!) have all the answers. Everyone else is not only wrong ... but totally wrong. These two have between them driven more people from not just commenting on this board, but to also leave this board and not even read the comments, than all the rest on here combined. I find it interesting that they can make terrible comments about some of the most successful cattle breeders in the business yet neither have set the world on fire with their own cattle they have produced with all their wisdom and devine knowledge of the beef industry. I would think that with their understanding of what this industry needs, that they would have a well worn path to their doors for breeding stock... yet neither can show us examples of the great product they are or have produced. As the old addage goes.... the proof is in the pudding!

some of us aren't older than dirt.. and didn't get everything handed to us down through the generations- which means we work for a living- not stay at home and goof off with cows...

Little woman and I are getting ready to spend just over $400,000 on a house and 38 acres...  kinda makes it hard to spend much on livestock with bill such as that...  even with our better than average GOV job...

CRY ME A RIVER! Build a bridge and get over it. Do you know there are people who don't even have a home and they somehow mange to live. Is that all you can say, I didn't have anything handed to me. I lost my father when I was young. I didn't have the BENEFITS lots of others did. You know what, I didn't sit around and piss and moan about "....didn't get anything handed to me!". How about being thankful for what you DO have. Your parents fed you obviously and housed you for sometime. Although I am wondering about childhood vaccinations because of the potential for what i fear might be brain damage. Lots of people have it hard Jody ALOT harder than you. You didn't have to think where your next meal was coming from now did you. The world is a tough place and if thats the best you can do..." I didn't get anything handed to me. " well young man it gets LOTS harder. Wait til you have that $400,000 payment every month for the next 30 years. You will wish you had a hobby farm for a write off.

You know I just had an epiphany most likely your bitter over what you "feel you" haven't had so you must make everyone else miserable for your own short comings. 


While reading through all the posts I went from chuckling to feeling sick to my stomach.

Heres my thought: We all have our opinions about different kinds of cattle. We all have different experiences with different kinds of cattle. I know I have. I have all types of cattle and I enjoy them all, well, sometimes I don't enjoy some of them. Anyways, I don't have a problem with people talking about specific animals, bloodlines, and criticising them. It's there opinion based on whatever experience they have had. People deserve the truth when it comes to performance of animals.  I think where I get turned off is when people start personally attacking each other. Who really cares if somebody talks bad about a bull? It's a freakin animal! Let's just debate and discuss cattle and learn from each other instead of personally attacking. I'm going to shut up now before I piss everybody off...


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
feed grass said:
justintime said:
After reading this thread, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief! Two guys ( aj and feed grass ... whatever his name is at this point in time!) have all the answers. Everyone else is not only wrong ... but totally wrong. These two have between them driven more people from not just commenting on this board, but to also leave this board and not even read the comments, than all the rest on here combined. I find it interesting that they can make terrible comments about some of the most successful cattle breeders in the business yet neither have set the world on fire with their own cattle they have produced with all their wisdom and devine knowledge of the beef industry. I would think that with their understanding of what this industry needs, that they would have a well worn path to their doors for breeding stock... yet neither can show us examples of the great product they are or have produced. As the old addage goes.... the proof is in the pudding!

some of us aren't older than dirt.. and didn't get everything handed to us down through the generations- which means we work for a living- not stay at home and goof off with cows...

Little woman and I are getting ready to spend just over $400,000 on a house and 38 acres...  kinda makes it hard to spend much on livestock with bill such as that...  even with our better than average GOV job...

JTM... I could not agree more with you. We all will never agree on everything and that is great. Take a look back at this thread and see where it got derailed. Several people started out by expressing their opinions on the bull Salute... some positive and some negative which is what is to be expected. Then our local trolls aj and feed grass jump in and start making personal attacks and quite frankly some outrageous and insulting statements and accusations. IMO, these were totally uncalled for and should not be allowed. I have no problem with differing opinions about bulls, females or bloodlines, as everyone has their preferences and their own management systems. When I have major problems is when people and personalities get bashed and usually it is done by these people who hardly know the people or the programs they are bashing. That is uncalled for and totally unethical. This has to stop and stop soon!


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008

Only one way to settle this, take it to the THUNDERDOME!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Come on......all I asked was what the average bwt was!!!!!!!!!  Averages say a whole lot more than outliers.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I would think that a 87# average birth weight would be commendable in the Shorthorn breed. It would be interesting to know what actual breed averages are. And industry averages if they exist. JIT I guess if you want to ban me talk to your daughter frostie. She's best friends with COWZ who is a moderator. She could bounce me in a second.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
aj.... I have never requested anyone to be banned from this site and probably never will. My problem with your comments is simply that this thread started out as a discussion about using Salute, and several people including myself commented on oiur experiences. As soon as I commented, you turned this discussion into a personal discussion and that is where the problem is. If you go back and re read what my comments were, I simply gave my opinion and commented on how the Salute progeny I have used have worked in our herd. Why can we not just discuss the topic at hand and leave personalities out of it?  Trevorgrey... I reallly don't think I am on my high horse ... as I don't own one. I am not the SP police but I only made the comments I did when the discussion got completely derailed... yet again.