To those that defended or tried to defend me and the other "brigade"....THANK YOU (clapping) (clapping) :-*
I take a bunch of heat and have been accused of being everything but white, female and free....and that is OK by me....if I reach even ONE person, the butt chewing will be well worth it. And I appreciate (or hope) that some folks get what I am trying to accomplish! Thank you, from my heart!

I get frustrated (and it shows sometimes) that some of the folks on the board claim "everyone" knows about TH and PHA so shut up already.... and that is just not true.

Joe Boy, excellent ideas about getting out the word. How about posters showing a TH or PHA calf and asking "have you seen one of these?? .......(explaining what TH and PHA are)
And you could use the same approach I do when I sell my stock...."So have you heard of PHA and TH? They are genetic defects that ..(explain in graphic detail)......but I assure you all my angus animals are clean. And those that have any maine or shorthorn in them have been tested and are neg for both." I even show pictures and that gets their attention!!! I usually add "if you don't buy one of mine, PLEASE insist that any animal you buy is tested, and not just claimed to be free. If you have any questions about bloodlines that are questionable, please call me and I will do the best I can to answer them!"
Have I ever lost a sale due to the honesty factor? Nope.

Have I received calls asking about certain bloodlines that I don't have from another breeder? Yep.

Does the maine breeder in my area like me? I'm guessing not....but I don't care for him either!
On another note, sign me up for those shirts!! How cool!! (clapping)
But, must admit it will be hard giving up my purple tube top!!! ;D
Great day....sunny and 75, nice breeze to dry the mud....