Get the right bull, display him a few times ( so that some of the right people see him), add a little promotion in print.... and sit back and watch the money roll in. It is really quite amazing how much semen some of these bulls have sold. I remember the late Doug Schrag in South Dakota, telling me that AF Dividends Impact had built their house... and it is a beautiful house with some amazing stone work. I can think of several bulls in several breeds that have sold over $250,000 without thinking real hard.
Another bull in the Shorthorn breed that sold an incredible amount of semen was Ayatollah. I sat beside Mark Graham Sr, of Graham Land and Livestock on a flight from Louisville to Minneapolis, several years ago, and we got into a conversation about the importance of advertising. Mr. Graham told me that after having the back cover of the breed magazine for almost 4 years continuously, they decided that they would advertise Ayatollah in every second issue. They did this because they felt that everyone in the breed knew about the bull, and it was no longer necessary to advertise him constantly. He said that by this time, Ayatollah had passed the $1 million in sales. He said that after a few months, it became very apparent that in the months that the ads were in the magazine, semen sales were very good. In the months that they did not advertise, semen sales dropped to next to nothing. His point was that even the highest semen selling bull is soon forgot unless he is constantly presented in front of the buying public.
There are some international markets that are incredible markets. I have been told by more than one semen distributor, that there are more cows AI'd in Brazil, than there are total cows in the US and Canada combined. I had a hard time believing this at first, but I have been told several times that this is true.