I sure wasn't saying that Gizmo is not worth $100.00, but by and large most people can't afford the $100.00 semen in a commercial setting or if they are just getting started in the purebred business. I would love to have some Gizmo daughters, but he is not an option for my budget. I don't know without asking, but most semen distributors won't sell less than 1/2 rack, therefore the $500.00. I think that Gizmo would be a great choice to flush to, if a person is looking for a flush bull.
Elbee, I hope that you don't think that I am running Gizmo down, B/C I think that he is a great bull. I love his FS and his extension, Calving ease that will leave great cows, if I could afford him I would be using him. Please forgive me if I seem to be running him down or bashing him. Sincerely, Cab