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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
Manitoba, Canada
Don't want to get to theological here but, here goes. All man is born with sinful nature, because of the fall into sin in the garden of Eden. I do believe children are born with serious issues. They need all the professional help that you can give them.  I would like to share an newspaper article that someone posted on Facebook. I don't know the original author and I don't know when it was origianally published.

When I say that "I am a christian", I am not shouting that "I am clean living." I'm whispering "I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven."When I say "I am Christian" I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide. When I say "I am a Christian," I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on. When I say "Iam a Christian," I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. When I say "Iam  a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. When I say "Iam a Christian," I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. When I say, "I am a Christian," I'm not holier than thou. I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow!

As for the tagedy in Conneticut, I feel for those parents deeply. I only hope that the families will be left in peace and that they will be given privacy to grieve in peace. It must be hard to deal with your pain when everywhere you look there are TV crews hanging out at the funerals, politicians putting in their 2 cents etc. May they all get the strength they need to make it through these very difficult days.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
And when I say that I am an atheist, I'm not assuming that I know everything. But I am saying that I don't believe in God.  To me, that means that all my failings, shortcomings, fallacies, moments of weakness, transgressions, and mistakes are all mine.  That also means that all success, strength, good deeds, and happiness comes from me too. 

I don't have a problem with other people having faith in religion. At all.  I just personally cannot subscribe to Christianity, Islam, or Judiasm. Mostly because they teach some parts of their holy books and not others. Pretty much whatever works for them.  I enjoy the stories, and can see the value in a good many of them.  But when a verse says that a man can rape a woman and pay a fee, and then pretty much own her....that doesn't make much sense to me.  Much like the verse where if a son is disobedient, he should be killed. Or the one where you can sell your daughter into slavery.  Or where it's okay to kill a woman if she isn't a virgin before her wedding night.  Or when it's okay to kill homosexuals. I just can't do that.  Also, any reasonable person should be able to clearly see that Earth is more than just a few thousand years old, and that evolution is a real thing. 


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Man is not born with a sinful nature. Man is born with an undying urge to do good!  Like Abe Lincoln said, "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion." 


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
Will post this pic on a separate thread... the kids had their Christmas program at church... standard angels with tinsel halos, Shepards in bathrobes... thought you guys might like this pic


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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
First off, this was an absolutely tragic event.  I can not even comprehend losing my child in this manner, nor being any of those educators that are entrusted with the safety and well-being of our children.  So much good took place in that building in a time of so much evil.  Teachers gave their lives, numerous children were protected in a time of crisis, and quick response from the police, firefighters, etc. helped end this evil quickly.

No sane person can every truly understand the logic behind such insanity.  God is around us all the time, and I am not just referring to the Christian God, but all religion's God for which they believe.  This God did not make this happen, this God did not stop this from happening, but this God did live in the hearts of all those in Newtown, the rest of the US, and throughout the world.  Good people will be the catalyst in the healing process.

I do feel that there are no laws that will completely stop evil.  But I will also say that removing laws is not the answer either.  I see so many comments that just seem to contradict themselves.  We have on one side saying that we need less regulation, smaller government, and less government spending while suggesting we need to hire security guards at every school in the US and and lock away mentally ill people at government paid for facilities for the rest of their lives.  While you have the other side saying that all guns need banned, more laws need to be in place, and things will just work themselves out. 

Now for my opinion. 

Gun reform does need to take place.  This reform needs to look at guns that are used outside of normal hunting and self-defense practices.  In no circumstance is their a need for a greater than 5-10 round capacity in any gun.  Does a hunter really even get the opportunity to get off more than 5 rounds while duck or pheasant hunting, does a deer hunter even get more than 2 chances at a deer?  And then their are assault rifles.  Regardless of the caliber, these rapid-fire, long barreled type weapons are the most commonly used in mass murder type situations.  These are not the type of weapon you are going to store under your dash, or in your purse for self-defense, these are the weapons chosen when a person wants to unleash the most amount of bullets in the shortest time possible.  For most Americans, a good ol' shotgun is the best choice of firearm to have for self defense at home.  They need a firearm that will hit the target no matter how poor of shot they are.  And I am pretty sure after 5 shots, the perpetrator will either be incapacitated or gone.

As for safety at schools, I love the idea of security at the front door of all schools, but that costs money, and our schools are broke.  We can't even afford enough teachers, let alone hiring security.  Schools do need a single entry point, and as we saw in Newtown, this entry point needs to include bullet proof glass doors.  These entry points should be designed as to where any business or evaluation of a guest can be conducted without the front-desk staff being at risk.  Then a quick lockdown mechanism, or process, needs to be in place if a situation does occur.  And for addressing acts of violence from fellow students, I would say that a local law-enforcement officer located at the single entry point during the morning arrival of students would deter many wrongdoer's.  These law-enforcement officers would have the right to search a student of something didn't look right.  Again, it would still be easy to carry in a six shot pistol, but try hiding a 3 foot long assault rifle.  Not nearly as easy to conceal.

I will finish by saying that nothing will completely stop senseless acts of violence like what occurred in Newtown, but a little common sense can possibly reduce the number and severity of these atrocities.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
this was a dark day for america. but, someone this looney would have found another means of carrying out his heinous crimes. i believe that if anything, the people of this country should have equal arms as the government. if we get rid of the 2nd ammendment, lets just get rid of it all.  <rock>


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Well-known member
May 15, 2011
Zeeland, MI
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. >From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were round
ed up and exterminated
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late!
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
Communities have already hired security guards for schools, they are called cops, sheriffs, police officers and many other names. I am sure most communities can  agree to find ways for these outstanding gentlemen and lady's to stand guard at the front doors of our schools and protect our children. Not saying 5 cops patrolling the halls all day but their in the morn, frequent check-ins , schedule with schools so they are there when security measures are the weakest something to improve security. It would be a start, let's face it most of us couldn't ever imagine something like this. Yea Jr. high or high school kid taken a gun into an urban school and shooting 1 kid he has a beef with not unheard of but this. We have to start some where and have not seen this mentioned yet.  


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I have a a vault full of guns, absolutely love hunting, and I do not think that gun control will help this.  

But its like a lot of things - if we as the gun owning community don't figure out some way to regulate ourselves the government will eventually, some day, do it for us.  And we won't like it even a little bit if they do.  

Frankly, I'd like to see the NRA, gun companies, and other groups get together, step up, and create a program to someway, somehow limit the capability/availability of assault rifles with high capacity magazines.  There's not a reason in the world why a program couldn't be created to get the high capacity magazines off the streets via a voluntary trade-in program.  You won't get them all, but it could help.  I might like my AR-15 for plunking coyotes, but I can't shoot it from my truck very well with a 30 rd magazine.  I sure as heck do not need 10+ rounds to hit what I'm aiming at.  There isn't a semiautomatic, hunting shotgun made that holds more than 5 rounds.  By law your shotgun can't hold more than 3 cartridges for migratory birds.  Most states have regulations for deer/large game hunting that limits cartridge capacity to 5 or less.  Gun ranges could band together and refuse to allow target shooting with high capacity magazines.  There are a lot of ways that the demand for purchase of them could be eliminated.  Even though there will always be some out there, less availability decreases the chances that someone who flips out can get a hold of something like that in hurry.

We can't ever eliminate the events, but we can do everything we can to limit the magnitude.  

And using outdated arguments to justify their existence is silly.  We need to be as well armed as our government?  That hasn't been the case since about World War I. Ever been to an Army installation?  In modern wars, most of the people we kill aren't even within visual range, let alone rifle range.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
My thoughts and prayers go out to all in CT and especially the families of the lost love ones. I can not even begin to imagine the pain they are going through. While deeply saddened, I also get very aggravated when the first thing you hear is GUNS! Pencils don't misspell words and sports don't make people fat! These same people that are yelling "guns", what were they yelling when 200 were killed in the OK city bombing? No guns were involved. What about 9/11? Simple $10 box cutters and airliners! We going to regulate those as well? How did we make flying safer??? We put armed marshalls on board as well as armed the Pilots!!! If you think about it, these people are out for one thing. Take as many lives as they can with the least amount of resistance. So is more gun control going to help? I'd say not at all and very well might help these people with their evil deeds. Being from TX, I'm please to see the Attorney General considering legislation about arming teachers. There is actually a school in Texas that indeed already allows a certain number of teachers to carry a gun. We have to protect these innocent children at all cost. I know plenty of teachers and I can tell you that they love and will protect their students by ALL means necessary.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
In my opinion the only reason God should be mentioned in this discussion is in mentioning the overall moral decay and move toward secularism in the country today. There are good and evil forces in the world. I don't see how a rational person can deny that. I don't see how a rational person could see some of the world that I have been able to be fortunate enough to see or know the complexity of any living thing, any eco system and think there was no intelligent design involved. There has been evil and evil people since there was a being on the earth. No amount of religion is going to take that away. If the person who did this had been raised in a Christian home, with 3 generations of devout people behind him, it would not have prevented this. It's a non issue as it pertains to this case. The Christian people who subscribe to the theory that if we just put prayer back in the schools, if people would just turn to God, all this stuff would go away, you're just hurting the cause you stand for. You give morons like the resident bong toker here an opportunity to say how stupid you are and make fun of you as some religious loon. And what he says is true in denying that the lack of religious belief is what is involved here. It may have been that this kid was so screwed up he never had the capability to believe, to have faith make any difference in his life. He may have simply been a tragedy. I applaud you for being willing to make your statements of faith. But the way to get more people to be on your side is to use more rational logic when applying your faith to the tragedies of the world, not just blame the lack of prayer in schools as the reason for the moral decay. It is more of a symptom than a cause.

In our county we have had an armed policeman on each of our high schools. He is on sight at all school events as well and at football games there are several.  Everyone here is good with that and I am sure there will be a push of some kind to expand that program to middle and elementary schools. In MY OPINION this is one of the few things that could be done to have lessened the impact of this particular tragedy.

As to the guns, I USED to believe much as Robert above that there is no reason for having large magazine semi automatic  rifles.  In our state there is a limit to the number of rounds you can have in the gun when hunting any species.
HOWEVER, recently I have changed my belief on this. The second amendment was written not so that people could defend themselves from other citizens or to hunt. It was written to be able to defend the citizen from its government. My good friend Robert, whom I admire and think the world of, thinks the argument about having to be as well armed as the government is an outdated one. Having an AR-15 "assault rifle" certainly doesn't arm you as well as a US soldier. But it definitely offers a deterrent to a government agent coming into your home. And if the government were to war against its citizens it would have to come to their homes. Not on some battlefield where the enemy is beyond visual range. I would assert that the Syrian government is, for instance, are far more superior in their arms than it's people. However since the people were able to acquire arms, they are winning their fight against their government.

Many more than half of the people who are surveyed say over and over that they are not satisfied with the direction the country is headed in. But obviously they don't vote. They believe that things will be the way they always have been. Yet there are more people that vote who are in favor of the socialization of this country than there are that are not. And even though the vast majority of those people are concentrated in  small geographical areas, there are more of them that vote. People who are so wrapped up in their daily lives probably don't even know anyone who believes the country should be socialist because none of those in their small little world do. So to them it's not real. There is no real threat from the government. Many, like Robert, don't believe there will ever be anything to fear from the United States government.

The North American continent is what made England such a world power in the 1700's. The British Navy was far superior and larger than any and allowed England to project its power throughout the world. All of those British ships after the late 17th Century were being made of North America white pine. Not many trees left in Britain by that time.  A British war ship of the day cost similar to that of today's aircraft carrier. Many country's simply did not have the funding to raise such a Navy. America offered Britain unending free lumber to build ships at a fraction of what it cost other country's. SO 1722  the Crown decreed  any White Pine tree 12" or larger was it's own and could be cut only under the direction of the Surveyor of the King's Woods. No matter who owned the land the tree was on, or what the purpose was, it couldn't be cut, it belonged to the government. The effect of this was not only an in convenience to colonists but an  impediment to sound construction. This law caused more backlash than the tea tax or the Stamp Act. The backlash was such that if you built a cabin with less than 12" boards you were now looked down upon by your fellow colonists.

In April of 1772, 6 Saw mills in New Hampshire were found to have logs on their property over 12" in Diameter. The owners were fined large sums of money and all but one paid the fine. Saw mill owner Ebenezer Mudgett refused to pay. The county sheriff and his deputy were sent to arrest Mudgett. He was arrested and released after promising to pay bail in the morning. At dawn 20 or 30 men led by Mudgett, faces blackened with soot entered the inn where the sheriff and his deputy were. They beat them with tree branches, one lick for each tree they were being fined for and rode the men out of town through a gauntlet of townspeople trying to drag them from their horses. This test of government authority was the inspiration for the Boston Tea Party and eventually the American Revolution. The Pine Tree Flag carried by ships under the direction of George Washington of the Continental Army was inspired by this event.

Now the government isn't going to come to your house today and claim your pine trees. But the post "Bovine Chaos" made previously about what governments have inflicted on unarmed people  is fact. The next argument is that nothing like that could ever happen here. This is the United States of America! There were times when I believed that as well. I know lots of people who go to work, farm, raise their kids, come home, go to a basketball game, go to church, go to bed and that's their world. And if it ain't happenin' in their world, then it ain't happenin'. They have total faith in the foundation of our country. They believe that we have always been free, that if you work hard and keep trying you can accomplish anything you want. It's the American way. It always has been, always will be. It's like Robert saying the argument is silly that we do not need to protect ourselves against our own government. Yet the government has already decided to tax me in order to pay for my neighbors health insurance. They re-distribute wealth by taxing me and giving that money to someone else who pays no taxes.  Maybe even someone in Pakistan for crying out loud. They have already decided that if you are even a medium size farmer/landowner, when you die the government is going to seize up to 55% of your assets that you left to your children. You don't believe anything else will come along the government will take? What will be the next "pine tree?"

It may not come in our lifetime, but if things continue on the same path they are on now, there will be another armed conflict against government authority in this country. That is unless we allow them to regulate guns even further in which case the same thing will happen that happened in Russia, Germany, Turkey,  Uganda...............


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
-XBAR- said:
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
I still struggle to see how having children indoctrinated will help this kind of thing.  If the USA was more Christian in the past, how does that speak for our Christian forefathers that were proponents of things such as Segregation, hate mongering among people against immigrants such as the Irish and Chinese that thought they would come to this country to find a better life? How does that speak for the unknown number of young men and women cast out of their communities for being homosexual or witches? 

Morals are a must, but to tout all things "Christian" as the right way is narrow minded and naive.  Just be good people, and teach your children to be good people by example. I want to be a good person because that's how my father and mother taught me, not because I'm afraid to go to hell.

Remember that the attacks on 9/11 were carried out by people who were very devout and followed their "God" to the letter.

Its encouraging to see their are actually some people left within the cattle industry that actually have the ability to THINK for themselves!!   The problem with their indoctrinated way of thinking is that they are unable to associate anything Good without the inclusion of their God.  It ultimately comes down a lack of awareness and ignorance in the purest form.  TRAVEL the world folks and you will see that GOOD actually exist outside the confines of your christian community. Morals exist outside the confines of your Christian community.  Many GOOD things exist outside the confines of your community and UNTIL you get out, and expose yourself to WORLD, you'll never DEVELOP the abilty to put things in a rational perspective.

There is only one GOD; the creator of all known, and unknown. The Father of the Christ, Jesus.  The one who made you and I.  You mention the Right Way. Jesus said "I am Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father, except by me".  All good people who deny the only God will spend eternity in Hell. We can't imagine Hell other than to know Hell is the absence of God. There are no other words. Many who consider themselves Christian, but have not surrendered their hearts to Jesus will suffer the same consequence.  GOOD will not save!  MORALS will not save!  JESUS SAVES!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia

There is only one GOD; the creator of all known, and unknown. The Father of the Christ, Jesus.  The one who made you and I.  You mention the Right Way. Jesus said "I am Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father, except by me".  All good people who deny the only God will spend eternity in Hell. We can't imagine Hell other than to know Hell is the absence of God. There are no other words. Many who consider themselves Christian, but have not surrendered their hearts to Jesus will suffer the same consequence.  GOOD will not save!  MORALS will not save!  JESUS SAVES!

Well said!! (clapping)


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Even if I believed in God, I would not want to worship one who acts that way.  So what you're saying is I can be an absolutely terrible person for the next 50 years, and then on my death bed accept Jesus and be "saved?"  But if I live a good life for the next 50, never accepting him, I go to hell in your eyes? Archaic and fear mongering is all that is.

If God made all, as you say, he made all the evil in the world as well. I've heard lots of people say that he had nothing to do with evil. Which is it?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
AAOK said:
-XBAR- said:
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
I still struggle to see how having children indoctrinated will help this kind of thing.  If the USA was more Christian in the past, how does that speak for our Christian forefathers that were proponents of things such as Segregation, hate mongering among people against immigrants such as the Irish and Chinese that thought they would come to this country to find a better life? How does that speak for the unknown number of young men and women cast out of their communities for being homosexual or witches? 

Morals are a must, but to tout all things "Christian" as the right way is narrow minded and naive.  Just be good people, and teach your children to be good people by example. I want to be a good person because that's how my father and mother taught me, not because I'm afraid to go to hell.

Remember that the attacks on 9/11 were carried out by people who were very devout and followed their "God" to the letter.

Its encouraging to see their are actually some people left within the cattle industry that actually have the ability to THINK for themselves!!   The problem with their indoctrinated way of thinking is that they are unable to associate anything Good without the inclusion of their God.  It ultimately comes down a lack of awareness and ignorance in the purest form.  TRAVEL the world folks and you will see that GOOD actually exist outside the confines of your christian community. Morals exist outside the confines of your Christian community.  Many GOOD things exist outside the confines of your community and UNTIL you get out, and expose yourself to WORLD, you'll never DEVELOP the ability to put things in a rational perspective.

There is only one GOD; the creator of all known, and unknown. The Father of the Christ, Jesus.  The one who made you and I.  You mention the Right Way. Jesus said "I am Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father, except by me".  All good people who deny the only God will spend eternity in Hell. We can't imagine Hell other than to know Hell is the absence of God. There are no other words. Many who consider themselves Christian, but have not surrendered their hearts to Jesus will suffer the same consequence.  GOOD will not save!  MORALS will not save!  JESUS SAVES!

This has to be the most arrogant post I've ever come across on Steer Planet.  It must be comforting to you to feel as if you're the 'chosen' people.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

I think you finally got it!

About the death bed confession, our God (mine and yours) does not discriminate on when we confess and place our faith in Him. However, He knows our heart, thus knows our faith. I believe completely there is death bed salvation. I also believe there are those who live their own lives, good lives, intending to call on God's salvation in just the nick of time. That Is not Faith, maybe hope or false faith.

God loves us All. We are His creation. He does Not send His own to Hell!  God made NO evil. His most trusted Angel turned away, succeeding in bringing Sin to the Earth.  Hell, Sin, and all Evil belongs to Satan.

As God's Sons and daughters, He gives us the choice to choose Him, or to choose the world. Choose Him, and fear No evil!


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar

Thank You. I think you may be beginning to "get it".  You can only imagine the Comfort, Joy and Peace one experiences at their Salvation. I was 19 at the time, and a true Wild Child. My life changed immediately!  If you want to know your God, and place your Faith on Him, send me an email. [email protected]