I have a question. How did this topic become an argument over Christianity? What does it have to do with the topic? Clearly the boy who committed this terrible act was broken, as are the majority of those that have done similar acts are broken. There is a difference between evil and broken. Hannibal Lecter is evil. Joseph Stalling is evil. Many of these people are broken. They don't have the ability to grasp the ideals that you people are espousing. No amount of religion would have prevented these people from doing the things they have done.
As far as the knowing God and fearing nothing goes :

, the children that were killed did not have to fear death. HOWEVER, their parents certainly are hurting and fearful of their children losing their lives. Their parents are in pain that can't be understood. Knowing God does not stop the fear of sending your child to school and wondering if he will come home alive.
Once again I have to say that I applaud you people for standing up for your beliefs that are so often attacked while other religions are held to some other lesser standard. But once again I have to say that you are not furthering your cause by implying that if only the nation would "turn to God" this wouldn't happen. If you want to talk to these people you are arguing with about their faith, it would better serve you, them, and Christ by talking to them reasonably, rationally, and privately, preferably in person rather than beating them over the head with scripture they know nothing about in a public forum. /// Well put-even if they do have various levels of religious knowledge-there is so much proselitizing going on ;with good-to unspaekibly evil intent-that its sometimes like alot of noise O0