I think Sullivan is the best bet for the national deals. in that you get what you pay for-but it wont be cheap-expect to pay a min-of $35-5000. But cattle hes produced get heard from again,and if they dont produce-hell make it right.Olsen family on here-Smithers in Ill-Dale Wernicke-and Stuart Manchester are close-and will help you get the best cattle BY FAR-for the money.The sale management people in general only want your money-AND WILL NOT HELP YOU AT ALL LATER, everything you have is junk-everything they and thier clique have is gold.-I know first hand -19 years and $135000 later. Probably the best overall cow herd of all (for the money and lack of exposure )would be Raisebecks in Wisconsin. FOR CLUBBY-commercial_CALL GEORGE AHLSCHWEED,SAn Angelo Texas-HE produced (among others)AHL Double Stuff-and has a number of females for sale-some being in Nebraska. These are not just little pud cattle. Backenhus produced alot of compettitve (ANYWHERE) cattle out of groups of hiefers from AHL.Frame score wise and coming from a tuff background these cattle are as right for the times as any-breed well-and can be competitive.LAST_BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST_Vogel Family Shorthorns @SHOW STEERS >COM-Iowa-have really done well NATIONALLY showing They -sell really good cows every year-and have incorporated alot of the aforementioned breeders cattle-ACE OF Diamonds bred by Raisbecks, and arguably the best overall Double Stuff -Vision females anywhere-producing calves that stand right up at national shows-etc. O0