JbarL said:
pay/beneftts/ rretirement for governement employees ..."out of control".....if find tthat laughable....i'd like to know what some of
the teachers/prision staffs...county and state / police and fire members we have here on sp think about that...and see if they agree there memebersips are over paid/ benifit leaching/ and have hugh retirememnt bonanzas awaiting them as you expect us to beleive...
it almost sounded like yoiud like to see organized labor across the board (only for the right of coarse)........level the playing field so to say?...
....you despise the fact that unions even exist....but you say the right could use a little bit of it...??....jbarl
you refuse to look up or accept facts. i don't despise unions. i despite elected officials that roll over for unions and don't negotiate with them on behalf of taxpayers because they know unions are their biggest contributors. the average government worker makes more than the average private sector worker. FACT. they make more in benefits and retirement. FACT.
you apparently are not aware of huge retirement salaries of government workers. i could look them up and post them but you wouldn't believe it anyway. still, it would be useful if you could cite sources and use some facts in your arguments. you despise the fact that anyone would question unions.
maybe union members don't understand what facts are. maybe they don't take statistics classes, physics, calculus, spelling, grammar, writing classes, you know, the stuff you need to get a degree and to be a well rounded person.