slow down health care

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the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
Obama says slow down on health care bill and even scale it down.Guys he has made a deal again ,my guess Olympia Snow.I bet he has talked to her and she said she is in ,if he slows it down.reports yesterday that he was talking to her about the H.C BILL.some more good old chicago politics.Rusty

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
It was reported that Harry Reid called Scott Brown, (new senator) and "welcomed him to the senate and ask him to work with the democrats in passing pending legislation".... 
Translation: "Hello. What is your price?" 

I was trying to keep an open mind when obama was elected, but no longer. He is an egotistical, self serving, dictator that has the attitude of "my way or the highway". Not a good leader, but hellava dictator.
pelosi.... no words can describe her, except several I will not type on here. But she follows obama with her nose up his butt. They have no intentions of working with anyone. They have no intentions of doing what the people want. In fact, between reid, obama, and pelosi they have said, "we will pass whatever we want, and the Amercian People will like it."
Transparency?? Has ANYONE seen any negoations for health care? Did anyone see the Nebraska deal? Louisiana deal? Or the union deal that exempts them from paying health care tax? Anyone?  What about the closed door sessions discussing the airline underware bomber? obama and the tsa authorities said "the system worked"?  WHAT? The only system that worked was good ol' Americans taking things in their own hands and stopping the bomber with their own hands and body.

These three years can not go fast enough to save this country.


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
Holy Smokes Show Heifer!!  You hit it right on the head!! 
He is an egotistical, self serving, dictator that has the attitude of "my way or the highway". Not a good leader, but hellava dictator.
Some of the truest words ever!



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
just remember that the biggest party in america is the government unions, ie teachers, government employees etc.  it's not hard to see why they have the best pay and benefits compared to the private sector for the same job.  they do a great job keeping themselves invisible.  the news will not point out they are the largest contributors to political coffers, but heaven forbid a private corporation contribute.  no comparison is ever made, and why should there be, the news is 90% democrat.

voters refuse to vote for anyone else besides incumbents in the primaries which is why probably both parties will see turnover and neither house or senate will change hands and of course the democrats will take that as a mandate as if they won 90:10.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
just remember that the biggest party in america is the government unions, ie teachers, government employees etc.  it's not hard to see why they have the best pay and benefits compared to the private sector for the same job.  they do a great job keeping themselves invisible.  the news will not point out they are the largest contributors to political coffers, but heaven forbid a private corporation contribute.  no comparison is ever made, and why should there be, the news is 90% democrat.

voters refuse to vote for anyone else besides incumbents in the primaries which is why probably both parties will see turnover and neither house or senate will change hands and of course the democrats will take that as a mandate as if they won 90:10.

the biggest, most influential  party in amercia now is the corporate lobbyists for the banks/insurance companies/ and pharmaceutical companies...small in numbers...big in bucks....whens the last time the teachers unions and organized government employees "flexed there muscles and big bucks and gained "anything" ? ?  why does the right hate organized labor...but cant survive themselves in washington without organized government lobby representation ?

i agree both sides will see turnover.....and the house and senate numbers will probally stay relatively the same....and the democrates will still be fighting for health care reform, and talking like they have 90:10 advantage...but by the time voting time comes again....the same voters are going to be paying the same ridiculous insurance premiums, as well...its not just democrates that are out of work/running out of benefits/or dealing with unaffordable or unobtainable coverage for there families....all voters will be looking to fill the voids in there personal life 3 years from now...incumbent or my opinion...the politicians who help let our pending health care reform op pertunity " die on the vine" for everone....will be unpopular 3 yrs from now....repub or dem...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
the biggest, most influential  party in amercia now is the corporate lobbyists for the banks/insurance companies/ and pharmaceutical companies...small in numbers...big in bucks....whens the last time the teachers unions and organized government employees "flexed there muscles and big bucks and gained "anything" ? ?  why does the right hate organized labor...but cant survive themselves in washington without organized government lobby representation ?

sounds good.  to bad it isn't true.

Unfortunately, many of those top donors are public employees unions meaning that our tax dollars are caught in a revolving door with tax money going to public employees who then turn around and donate some of that tax money right back to politicians and their campaign funds in order for those politicians to themselves turn right back around and pass laws that give public employees unions more money!

the right doesn't hate organized labor.  they just want someone who will negotiate for the taxpayer.  unions, especially government unions are out of control with regard to pay, benefits, retirement.  you should really back up your comments with facts.

perhaps the lobby with the most democratic influence is the media where it's a proven fact that over 90% of journalists donate exclusively to the democrat party.  the link i provided is even worse at the state level where the state government unions and teachers union far outdonate everyone else.  ever wonder why they don't lay off government workers?  well, it's because they are the biggest contributors to campaigns and they GET TO DONATE UNION MEMBERS DUES TO POLITICIANS WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION.

got any more lies?



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
the biggest, most influential  party in amercia now is the corporate lobbyists for the banks/insurance companies/ and pharmaceutical companies...small in numbers...big in bucks....whens the last time the teachers unions and organized government employees "flexed there muscles and big bucks and gained "anything" ? ?  why does the right hate organized labor...but cant survive themselves in washington without organized government lobby representation ?

sounds good.  to bad it isn't true.

Unfortunately, many of those top donors are public employees unions meaning that our tax dollars are caught in a revolving door with tax money going to public employees who then turn around and donate some of that tax money right back to politicians and their campaign funds in order for those politicians to themselves turn right back around and pass laws that give public employees unions more money!

the right doesn't hate organized labor.  they just want someone who will negotiate for the taxpayer.  unions, especially government unions are out of control with regard to pay, benefits, retirement.  you should really back up your comments with facts.

perhaps the lobby with the most democratic influence is the media where it's a proven fact that over 90% of journalists donate exclusively to the democrat party.  the link i provided is even worse at the state level where the state government unions and teachers union far outdonate everyone else.  ever wonder why they don't lay off government workers?  well, it's because they are the biggest contributors to campaigns and they GET TO DONATE UNION MEMBERS DUES TO POLITICIANS WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION.

got any more lies?
interesting comment...." the right doesnt hate organized labor....they just want someone to negoiate for the taxpayer" if the right is the only one who pays taxes, and deserves there needs narrow minded/......not all working folk are union members and not all union members are democrates....the voice of the unions is no more louder than the voice of the represented members.....and if you think that ....."many"of those top donor are "public employees unions....... ....not all governement workers are union.....and not all governememt union workers are democratic....people vote independently...wether they are the member of an organized"labor" union" member....hows about if we could be one of the invisiable..doctors "union"  ...or a pharmacutical "union" member...or a member of the "corporate banking and insurance" union....there unions seem to be doing there "members" well....

pay/beneftts/ rretirement for governement employees ..."out of control".....if find tthat laughable....i'd like to know what some of
the teachers/prision staffs...county and state / police and fire members we have here on sp think about that...and see if they agree there memebersips are over paid/ benifit leaching/ and have hugh retirememnt bonanzas awaiting them as you expect us to beleive...
it almost sounded like yoiud like to see organized labor across the board (only  for the right of coarse)........level the playing field so to say?... despise the fact that unions even exist....but you say the right could use a little bit  of it...??....jbarl


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
The only people who pay taxes are those who have a job. In other words, "the rich."


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
pay/beneftts/ rretirement for governement employees ..."out of control".....if find tthat laughable....i'd like to know what some of
the teachers/prision staffs...county and state / police and fire members we have here on sp think about that...and see if they agree there memebersips are over paid/ benifit leaching/ and have hugh retirememnt bonanzas awaiting them as you expect us to beleive...
it almost sounded like yoiud like to see organized labor across the board (only  for the right of coarse)........level the playing field so to say?... despise the fact that unions even exist....but you say the right could use a little bit  of it...??....jbarl

you refuse to look up or accept facts.  i don't despise unions.  i despite elected officials that roll over for unions and don't negotiate with them on behalf of taxpayers because they know unions are their biggest contributors. the average government worker makes more than the average private sector worker.  FACT.  they make more in benefits and retirement.  FACT.

you apparently are not aware of huge retirement salaries of government workers.  i could look them up and post them but you wouldn't believe it anyway.  still, it would be useful if you could cite sources and use some facts in your arguments.  you despise the fact that anyone would question unions.

maybe union members don't understand what facts are.  maybe they don't take statistics classes, physics, calculus, spelling, grammar, writing classes, you know, the stuff you need to get a degree and to be a well rounded person.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
There's more to unions than wages and benefits.  What about job safety, working coditions, employee discrimination.  About the upset in Massachusettes, do you think browne would have won had that state not already provided a state run healh insurance.98 per cent of massachusettes residents are covered because of a state run program unlike the rest of the country.  Hawaii tried it , it was a flop.  Idk if it's working in Mass. or not.  If it is why would they vote for a canidate who was going to washington as the 60th vote for fed health insurance when they are already paying for their owne, then pay for everyone elses and double up on us great cornhuskers from nebraska.  On the other hand if it isn't working in that state, they still wouldn't have voted for her.  Their already state run health coverage was a no win situation for her.  She was ahead early in the campaign with the dirt still visible on kennedy's grave, as the grass stated to grow the memory faded fast from voter's minds.  All anyone had to say to beat her was promise to be the 41st vote , agains health care....  I thnk this episode will make it tougher for republican's in the fall.  The democrats's have received the wake up call, they have time to recover.  It may have been better to let themselves beat themselves up all summer with 60 votes and let the general public get madder and madder at them,  Now voters will blame both parties...


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
knabe said:
farwest said:
 Now voters will blame both parties...

and will hopefully vote several republicans and democrats out of office.
There ya go, maybe the next president will be from the Tea party..  Heh heh,,  it's possible.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
pay/beneftts/ rretirement for governement employees ..."out of control".....if find tthat laughable....i'd like to know what some of
the teachers/prision staffs...county and state / police and fire members we have here on sp think about that...and see if they agree there memebersips are over paid/ benifit leaching/ and have hugh retirememnt bonanzas awaiting them as you expect us to beleive...
it almost sounded like yoiud like to see organized labor across the board (only  for the right of coarse)........level the playing field so to say?... despise the fact that unions even exist....but you say the right could use a little bit  of it...??....jbarl

you refuse to look up or accept facts.  i don't despise unions.  i despite elected officials that roll over for unions and don't negotiate with them on behalf of taxpayers because they know unions are their biggest contributors. the average government worker makes more than the average private sector worker.  FACT.  they make more in benefits and retirement.  FACT.

you apparently are not aware of huge retirement salaries of government workers.  i could look them up and post them but you wouldn't believe it anyway.  still, it would be useful if you could cite sources and use some facts in your arguments.  you despise the fact that anyone would question unions.

maybe union members don't understand what facts are.  maybe they don't take statistics classes, physics, calculus, spelling, grammar, writing classes, you know, the stuff you need to get a degree and to be a well rounded person.

i refuse to accept your reasearch as fact...thats all...two sides to every story,... ect ect.....i dont have to support my thoughts with others thoughts and published rethoric.....yoiu however seem to think its necessary to have yoiur thoughts and perspectives represented by others.  

if the facts are so clear and " correct" a calculus/ physics / spc kinda way....why arent your views shared by all?

many union workers ( governement and non governement ) actually can long division, and consider thereselves.." well rounded"....

many others will still  consider them uneducated/ overpaid/ bad spellers and generally "unrounded"....your respect for them is obvious....mine  should be, too...and i dont need any connecting uploads/articles/ or anybody else opinions to assist me to form  mine.....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
i refuse to accept your reasearch as fact..

fair enough, but i refuse to accept your opinion as fact.  perhaps you think there should be a law against that?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
if the facts are so clear and " correct" a calculus/ physics / spc kinda way....why arent your views shared by all?

no view will ever be.  just because you are one that disagrees, doesn't mean everyone does.  i don't have views.  i rely on consequences rather than fiction.

the definition of psychotic is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome, which is the democrat and your platform.

also, indoctrination is powerful, which is why we need a diversity of views in early eduction so your side can't keep lying to generation after generation.  kids are not taught to question anymore.  therefore, there will be no improvement, which, is the union view.  and why american cars in general, suck and haven't kept place with improvements from non-american car companies and countless other industries which are over-influenced by unions.  unions by definition are conservative, ie, they don't change.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
if the facts are so clear and " correct" a calculus/ physics / spc kinda way....why arent your views shared by all?

 i don't have views.  i rely on consequences rather than fiction.

i totally agree with should try and gather some views of your own, as well......not being able to understand the consequences of others, makes fiction seem real to you.....sometimes i think you believe ,  im the only union person on here....

if single payer health care reform isn't made available for all ....the unions wont be the cause of the failure...and now neither will the democrats......when the realiazation of twelve to sixteen hundred dollar a  month insurance premiusms being the norm ....for a family...wether your a reb/dem/ union /non union...its going to affect what you want out of your elected officials, faced with those " "consequences"....."fiction" is thinking all repbs are going to ignore there voters...and help to fulfill the hopes of faliure .....and just say no"ism"........jbarl


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2009
Stillwater Ok
I learned a long time ago to stay out of conversations involving politics and My intention is to stay out of this one.  I will say that I am a republican and I am a member of thr IBEW as a journeyman lineman.  I don't have any special retirement fund or great health care plan.  My retirement is strictly a 401k with no pension plan and my health care plan is not as good as the plan was at my previous job that was at a rural electric coop and non-union.  I do not contribute to any political funds for the union and I don't vote the way they sugest, but I do believe that in the job situation I'm in the union is neccesary to protect our interest, which is saving what benifits we have and protecting us from the favoritisms of some ignorant supervisors.  Thats really all I want to say about the subject.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said: should try and gather some views of your own, as well.....

i did.  that's why i'm not a liberal anymore.  your logic is flawed because if i don't agree with you i can't possibly have any views of my own.  i've been both a liberal and a conservative.  how about you?  you seem to have little diversity with regard to what you post, but you and i both know you do have some diversity that is capitalist based but for some reason reject it.