My son purchased a 5.5-6 frame Char. Maine- Angus -Hereford steer. Today he about 550 lbs. What is a good grower ration? How many lbs of this ration do we feed? We do not want him too heavy at Weigh in Jan 1st. Our 4-H fair is the last week of July. WE have shelled corn, oats, beet pulp, cotton seed hulls,soybean meal and grass- alfalfa hay available. I wish he could get grass hay but it is hard to find. Shortly before Jan. 1st we will slowly switch over to a ration similar to the AAOK Ration. We have a hard time finding lighter steers. In Iowa a lot of people calve in Mar. so they are done with calving before corn planting season. This is the best steer we could find in our price range.