At least you guys are considering thing from an informed perspective, regarding your recommendations, as well as thoughts on the original question being presented.
Here is the perplexing quandary in my part of the world....
Let's say my friend, who has a mixed herd of cows, has an older cow that is half Hereford and half Holstein. Black Whiteface. He breeds her to a Limousin bull. The calf comes out either solid black or BWF, because the Limmy Bull is black.
In another pasture,Roy has an older, proven Angus bull. Unfortunately, this Angus bull is a red carrier. 10-15% of the calves are red, no matter what the breed of cow.To someone retaining ownership, this many red calves would suit them,as well as the feedlots and packers they deal with.
Now comes in the weird a well-run, successful Sale Barn....
The Limmy-sired calf brings $1.97/lb, while the red calves, although Angus-sired, and out of cows that are part Angus as well, at the same weight (625lbs.), only fetch $1.73 per pound.
A black calf with NO Angus in him at all, whatsoever, is valued higher than a red calf that is at least 5/8, or maybe even 3/4 Angus!!!!!