Well-known member
Would it be tax deductable? Is there a special exemption for th cattle. Kinda like cash for clunkers. Kind of a social engineering deal?
r.n.reed said:I heard that A.J.was going to hire Sugarland to do a concert by his stalls but he figured he'd get more traffic if he brought a TH bull.
aj said:Would it be tax deductable? Is there a special exemption for th cattle. Kinda like cash for clunkers. Kind of a social engineering deal?
AJ if you work this right your pen will be overflowing with people! The banner could read " Make sure you check out the th carrier bull that is not for sale but is going to feed (insert appropriate charities)aj said:Make sure you check out the th carrier bull that is not for sale.Thanks GM
sue said:aj said:What are the top 5,mainly red polled, bulls to sell this year. I spose jungels pen might have a couple. These bulls would have a bwt of 102# or less. Shorthorn.Thanks in advance.
One of the top 5 will be a SUll deal .... out of one of these two females: SBR Dora 342 or DRC 4108.
2 of the top 5 will sell privately .... one is in Kansas and the other just west of me alittle here in Mi
3rd will come out of PA... really he is a cool dude.
5th will be in the Whos your daddy sale, Canada .... solid red Bonanza or a solid red Buster decendent.....
Wait I see a Black Shorthorn moving into the 5th spot...
How did I do... I know at least one of my guesses is right.
sue said:aj said:What are the top 5,mainly red polled, bulls to sell this year. I spose jungels pen might have a couple. These bulls would have a bwt of 102# or less. Shorthorn.Thanks in advance.
One of the top 5 will be a SUll deal .... out of one of these two females: SBR Dora 342 or DRC 4108.
2 of the top 5 will sell privately .... one is in Kansas and the other just west of me alittle here in Mi
3rd will come out of PA... really he is a cool dude.
5th will be in the Whos your daddy sale, Canada .... solid red Bonanza or a solid red Buster decendent.....
Wait I see a Black Shorthorn moving into the 5th spot...
How did I do... I know at least one of my guesses is right.
Well I didn't put a black one in and you were not being very specific!(which makes sense if you are in the market especially for a SULL bull, they can be pretty pricey) I haven't been through any of these bulls yet this year but was just going off the programs. Saw a small preview of some at Agribition.Of course I'm one of the fools that doesn't believe we have a calving problem and single trait selecting worries me. No doubt when I'm looking for a bull next spring, the one I like will be white, horned and have105# birth weight and I'll haul him home and try him. Before you gag on your coffee some of the best cows in my herd are by a white horned bull!sue said:Come on be specific: Solid REd and under 102# BW. ... you're right about Ramrod, I liked him the yr he sold . What are my solid Red options in Canada ... if was to purchase a "high seller"?
tucker said:i would gladly vote a.j. off. he has ran alot of good people away from this board with his mean spirit. trever could go too, both must be very insecure.
coyote said:Thats going to be quite the scene at aj's pen. Sugarland playing up on the cat walk while picketers from SBATH (Shorthorn Breeders Against Tibial Hemimelia ), CCSFTH ( Club Calf Showers For Tibial Hemimelia ) and finally TTBFC (Three Tooth Breeders For Choice) walk around.
Oh ya each group would be stuck like glue.
I have copy and pasted some info on Dover that Justintime posted a while back. Rolly in Canada we have a regulation that when we import an animal they will treated as though bred and born in Canada. So the Dover cattle are treated like the reclaimed cattle that went in our herd book in the 70"s and the original ones without papers were given 3/4 status. You almost need a math degree to assign percentages on them up here as every line on a pedigree is a different percentage!I know A&t Captain Obvious is out of DRC 244MU and Cpatain's offspring out of purebreds are purebred in Canada. So DRC 244MU had to be 31/32 or higher. Some Dover cattle are just above the 3/4 level here. Our registars have a lot of figuring to do with Maine influenced cattle as well as the Maines are put at 0%. If we ammended our rules to allow Maines Ag Canada would probably not allow it as we have a Maine Anjou registry and to be in a purebred book you need at least 7/8 blood.scotland said:can someone fill in the blanks about the Dover cattle , not registered for years and now in? Are these not graded-up stuff? thanks