Walks Alone vs BIM

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
nobody can tell you for sure, the biggest believe in me's are still on the cow for the most part

walks alone is pretty dang good though, going to  slap him in some american cows needing shape and raw slicking power along with the hair of a show steer


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
From what I have seen this year if I've seen 20 or 30 walks alone about half are no good and the other are really good. The believe in mes I can say that I've seen 30 or 40 and 25 have been outstanding. I think they are both great bulls and I think the cows paired with believe in me were better than the walks cows they paired up. I'm using bim this year hoping he can do for us what monopoly did.


Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Perkins, Oklahoma
I've been wondering the same question. I asked around and most of the people I have talked to have told me that Walks Alone works best on cattle that have zero club calf blood in them, like Angus or commercial cattle that have alot of body and need some lines added to them. I am eager to see some Believe in Me calves, there is a red and white bull called Two Tone that I was curious about also.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2009
its not really a fair question to ask which bull throws better calves. walks alone gets used on a lot of cows, from donor quality to poor cows. bim seman was put on online sales and sold for wild prices, so you know he got used on mostly donor type cows. stands to reason that he should have better calves on the ground this year. ive seen both bulls at hawkeye and i think that walks alone is by far the better looking bull but looks doesnt always breed the best. the bull 2 tone did look very good earlier this spring when i seen him at hawkeye also.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
SE Oregon
I used Walks Alone on a few (non clubby) cows a few weeks ago.  As someone mentioned earlier, I have heard that WA works way better on "plain" or non clubby cows.  A friend of mine who used the heck out of him last year the calves out of his non clubby or plain jane cows (ang/herf) or (sim/ang) turned out WAY better than calves bred to his more clubbier cows. And I mean difference in night and day.  Have never used BIM.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
I'm breeding my sim/angus non clubby cow this evenning to either WA or BIM. This would be her 4th calf. As a heifer her first calf was enormous and we could not get it out in time... her second calf came backwards with one leg sticking out. However, it was a small pull. Her 3rd calf came unassisted! Hopefully we won't have troubles with the 4th calf. She is powerful, larger framed, but lacks dpeth. The last calf she had was a heifer who is very clean necked, smooth shouldered, and is pretty thick/muscular out of her quarter. Am I making the right decision on breeding this cow to either WA or BIM?

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
I don't agree with saying that WA does not work on clubby cows. I have bred my best clubby cows which are high percentage Maine's to WA cause it works and is proven connection for my cows. Those cows are now bred to him again to calve next spring and are large framed Maine cows. From calves I have seen BIM looks nice but does not add as much muscle as WA. WA builds them thick and his only down fall is he shortens the calves up so if you do a search cause this has been discussed a lot, many people including myself will tell you to use him on tall cows. I have used alot of WA for the past 3 breeding seasons.


Well-known member
May 11, 2011
NE Nebraska
I had two WA this year out of a WMW cow and WMW granddaughter and it didn't click. The one out of the WMW cow is getting better but the other not so much.  Have another calf that is spose to be a fat butt but I am having him DNA tested to see if the semen got messed up cause he is a stud out of a plainer angus cow.I really like my other fat butt calves  but this one looks clubby so I just want to make sure cause if he isn't a fb then he would be out of WA.  My abs guy couldn't get BIM, it was on backorder, I was looking forward to trying him. I did use WA again except this time on the plainer angus/commercial cows. I think he is too good to not use again but it just didn't work on my those two this year.

Carlson Cattle

Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
ive got a hannibull more clubby cow would BIM be better then WA on her? she are best cow