We're Located in southern west-central KY, just north or the TN line, about an hour NW of Nashville.
Sort of an MIG operation, grazing mostly novel endophyte fescue/orchardgrass/clover, moving to fresh paddock every 1-2 days, from March through October. Cows are limit-fed grass hay and DDG from Nov-Feb.
So...spring-born calves are pretty much just grass and mama's milk from birth to sale post-weaning; fall calves are dropped on pasture a couple of months before winter feeding commences, but do eat hay and DDG along with their dams through the winter, then spend 2-3 months on pasture before sale.
Last spring(2014)- Orion-sired steers weaned @ ~697#, Coppertops @ ~654#, IIRC. Don't have the weights on the Fall 2014 group at hand, but the Shorthorn-sired steers were far better than any Angus sired calves(by the walking Angus cleanup bull), and most of the Simmental-sired steers - though all the Simmies were by extreme calving ease sires out of first calf heifers, so I didn't expect them to be as good.
Small herd, only about 70 females, so I'm limited as to how many sires I can use... there are quite a few Shorthorn (and Simmental) sires I'd love to trial... just don't have enough cows or time to use 'em all.
Still think Shorthorn genetics are an vastly underappreciated resource for commercial cattlemen, but the market here is so obsessed with black hair that I don't know when or if the breed will make many major inroads - but I recommend SH bulls every chance I get.