What Do People Of Colorado Think Of This?

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Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
A perfect example of our elected government officials not listening to their constituents. The story doesn't tell you about the company's that will be leaving Colorado because of this either does it, adding more unemployed folks to the high unemployment of the state.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
I firmly believe that there is no law that is currently on the books, or one that they can come up with, that will keep criminals from doing what criminals do.  I believe Hickenlooper is just as uninformed and spineless as every other elected official that continues to support the current administration and the removal of our rights.  As soon as I can find a way out of CO my family and I will be leaving.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
How much of this do you feel is to blame on the influx of population from the West and the fact that your state has become a Democratic state when it was once a strong Republican state?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
Rackranch, I absolutely believe that is why our state has become so liberal.  There are densly populated areas like Boulder, Aspen, etc. that attract a very wealthy, powerful, liberal type of person and being a Republican state is a truly a thing of the past.  Yes I know how bad it sounds for me to say that, but it is so true.  It is just so sad and sickening for those of us who have lived here our entire lives.  Like i said before CO is no longer a place where I want to raise my family.  Pretty sad.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Ide move to the Denver area tomorrow if I had a place to put my cows.  Construction is booming there too as we re supposed to have completed 2 - 400 + unit apartment complexes there within the next 3 years.  Both class A luxury apartments. Not to mention year round outdoor and recreational  ;) activities.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Ide move to the Denver area tomorrow if I had a place to put my cows.  Construction is booming there too as we re supposed to have completed 2 - 400 + unit apartment complexes there within the next 3 years.  Both class A luxury apartments. Not to mention year round outdoor and recreational  ;) activities.

The tolerant left.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
I know that I read some where and don't ask me to find it now, but there were special interest groups begging liberally based companies to move to Colorado and based their operation on the front range near Denver. Rather it is true or not the influx of people that lean to the liberal side came in the late 90's and early 2000's and they have made the state almost intolerable for the cattleman that has to depend on federal lands to operate. there are so many issues on the table right now from wolves and sage grouse to timber harvest, oil and gas and water rights that you cannot start to keep up, factor in the unemployment and high cost of doing business and why would you want to live in Colorado.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
Mtnman said:
I know that I read some where and don't ask me to find it now, but there were special interest groups begging liberally based companies to move to Colorado and based their operation on the front range near Denver. Rather it is true or not the influx of people that lean to the liberal side came in the late 90's and early 2000's and they have made the state almost intolerable for the cattleman that has to depend on federal lands to operate. there are so many issues on the table right now from wolves and sage grouse to timber harvest, oil and gas and water rights that you cannot start to keep up, factor in the unemployment and high cost of doing business and why would you want to live in Colorado.



Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
A big boost to the states income during the fall and winter months is out of states hunters.  The bill signed yesterday in going to have an adverse affect not only on the States income through license sales but also Hotel/Motel, retail, and fuel taxes.  Not to mention the hit that small businesses that cater to these hunters are going to take. 


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
rackranch said:
A big boost to the states income during the fall and winter months is out of states hunters.  The bill signed yesterday in going to have an adverse affect not only on the States income through license sales but also Hotel/Motel, retail, and fuel taxes.  Not to mention the hit that small businesses that cater to these hunters are going to take. 

How does then new bill which will expand background checks on gun purchases and limit the size of ammunition magazines effect hunters? 

" wealthy, powerful, liberal type."  (lol) That wordage doesnt help your cause, Willow.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
I've already heard two groups here locally say they were not going back to Colorado hunting this fall as they have the past 15 yrs. If this is the case nationwide, it will take a big part of revenue out of the state.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
I've heard the same thing from others as well and that is why I posted my comment.  If we both have friends that feel this way then it is apparently a feeling shared by a lot of hunters.

Ryan its not that this will effect the ability to hunt but the fact that 2nd amendment rights are slowly being taking away by the government.  Hunters are not going to support a government or state that is taking away their rights.

I'm sure it is a reactionary statement out of anger at this time but we shall see...

Gargan said:
I've already heard two groups here locally say they were not going back to Colorado hunting this fall as they have the past 15 yrs. If this is the case nationwide, it will take a big part of revenue out of the state.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
XBAR by the time you get to go on an elk hunt, your leftie comrades in Colorado will have banned that activity.  By the way, they hate cattle too.

Unfortunately, the knee jerk reaction to boycott elk hunts will only hurt the outfitters and rural businesses -- there will be virtually no effect on the urban and suburban Democrat voting block on the Front Range.  Maybe have some protests at the Donkeys' football games or the Sluggets basketball games.  Also, support any college team but the University of Colorado.  Have more educational efforts at the NWSS focusing on rural issues so that the urbanites can understand there is a bigger world out there and the harm that some of their issues cause.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I will keep hunting in Colorado if I have to use a slingshot.

Why dont we get as mad because we can only use three shots for migratory birds?

I dont want to make my buddies on here mad at me over this, but it needs to be much more difficult for creepy, picked on, yuppy kids to get a hold of high capacity guns and go act out their video game fantasies.  Their parents wont - thats why they are that screwed up to begin with.  As far as I'm concerned, this has nothing to do with our "rights" as gun owners, but as our responsibility as gun owners to do everything we can to keep horrific incidents from happening which will eventually cause us to loose what's really important to us.

ARs and 20-30 round magazines havent been around all that long.  And honestly - how many of you actually own them and use them?  Its a sure fire symbol of a wannabe hunter that shows up anywhere with one.  Its usually the weird guy at the gun range that has one that you dont sit next to.

We need to self regulate ourselves on this issue to prevent well intentioned, but misguided politicians from trying to fo it for us.

We ought to implement a buy back program in urban areas.

I doubt anyone on this site hunts more than I do, but I dont follow the party line on this.  Nothing about the AR gun culture has anything to do with serious hunting, and associating hunting rights with them is very dangerous to our hinting rights.  We are outnumbered folks and irrational indignity sbout this threatens whats most important to us.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
There's plenty of big bulls in Colorado if you know where to look and patient enough to accumulate the points to draw the tag.

But my idea of elk hunting paradise northwestern Wyoming.  Not the biggest, but spectacular country.

Give me Colorado for mulies though.