I have seen Future calves from all over and he far and away beats his dad hands down. In focus did his job when ha made him because the genetics definitely improved. I know exactly what you mean about in focus though...we had 30 calves off of him 2 years ago out of excellent cows and ended up selling them all at the sale barn. Thankfully I sold my semen to another breeder before my calves hit the ground though so that was some salvaged. All of the future calves I've seen have been very 3 dimensional, sound, easy fleshing, easy calving, big topped, big butted and nutted, and his heifers milk well and they work amazingly well bred to rito blood from what I've seen of those grand-progeny )(granted they
re '10 fallborns). They also shed out well but grow a good deal of hair even here. I saw Future himself in Alabama in July and he was perfectly shed n shiny. I leased a heifer out out of him and she was the only calf to consistently beat a local friend/competitor's Grid maker heifer at local shows. I'll try to find some pics and video of her from her last show. I also think highly enough of the grid maker heifer that I bought her for quite a bit, pm me if you want the exact price, and have bred her to Future focus, surprise surprise. After seeing him and his progeny coupled with his epd's i think the only reason he isn't the number one for volume sales is his dad. ABS needs to push him, and so do Yon and Summerford for that matter. Truly one of the best angus bulls I've seen in a while.