Where have all the readers/posters gone?

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2013
Moscow, ID
I imagine there are plenty of people that read but don't post. I am in that boat.  But as there is less to read I visit less often. I used to visit daily and now it's maybe once a week

I tried to use the ads last fall as I've had success selling on them before, but I couldn't get photos to post and got frustrated so I gave up and used some facebook groups instead, which I hate because not only do you have to try and skirt the asinine Facebook rules, you also have to deal with what ever opinionated jerks are there who decided they need to insert their negative opinion on something if it doesn't fit their system or their budget instead of just scrolling on by.

So, usability probably plays a factor. A quality mobile platform would help make posting and reading easier.


mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I agree with everyone about facebook-The logistics of finding cattle-on "All things show cattle" etc can be a nightmare-and alot of breeders no longer have websites-so things get pretty jumbled up on thier facebook pages  and you cant really make sense of what or where the cattle are at times O0


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Ole e6 can't write one post........that doesn't have politics in it. Now that's funny. Ok damn that Trump guy!


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
aj said:
Ole e6 can't write one post........that doesn't have politics in it. Now that's funny. Ok damn that Trump guy!

And you are just a bitter old man. Maybe start another genetic defect thread on here. Or a post bashing the shorthorn breed. Yet to see any bull of yours in a semen book. You had to bring in red angus to fix your cattle. L O L



Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
I can't speak for everyone, but can share my own thoughts.

With any online forum, there is the issue of things being lost in translation.  It is very difficult to convey context unless you are a very good writer.  Knabe and AJ are perfect examples of this.  I believe that the "banter" between AJ and a few other members can really turn off a lot of site visitors.  It even exists in this thread.  This doesn't personally bother me, because I see a lot of it as playful exchanges that are pretty harmless.  Some visitors likely don't understand it.  The reality is that every member knows something that can be of value to someone else...if we focus on the message and not the delivery of the message!

As vc stated, families move into and out of livestock exhibiting.  As the kids grow up, there isn't a reason to visit or weigh in.  My kids still have eligibility remaining, but we are to the point that we don't really NEED the advice that we once needed.  If I get stuck on something now, I send a PM to the person that I know can help me with it.  I don't need to float an issue out to the entire group because I know who my go to person is.

Another thing that I have noticed is the Shorthorn influence within the group.  I know that you guys are extremely knowledgeable about your breed.  I just don't have an interest in Shorthorn cattle beyond a crossbred steer that might classify as a Shorthorn.  My point is, I don't understand most of these posts therefore have absolutely nothing to add.

Then we come back to the name of the site...STEER Planet.  Years ago when I started coming here, a great deal of the forum posts were about show steers, clubby bulls, and daily care.  Look at the posts now.  How far back do you have to scroll to find meaningful content of a show steer? 

The bottom line is that attrition is likely the biggest culprit.  It isn't really anything that anyone has done to cause problems.  It is simply that people come and go...and fewer are coming than are going.  The size of the database here is monstrous.  Any questions that people have can likely be answered in the archives.  People are more conditioned to use the search function today than they were 5 years ago.

I would be interested in knowing what the site statistics look like today as compared to 5 years ago.  They may not be much different!


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
Decatur Texas
I began in 2010 and like others posted it was active and such but with the addition of groups and pages on Facebook that’s more readily available I think people like the instant gratification.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
Ok, I’ll bite. I have been a member since 2010, but rarely post but was an avid reader until about 2 or so years when I slowly started to not read as much. In fact, this is the first time in about 6 months that I got on. I wanted to see what people thought of the display Bulls in Denver. When I first joined I was a freshman in high school and I enjoyed learning, seeing options etc, what people bred their cattle to, etc etc. Now I can see a lot of that on Facebook and to a greater extent. I slowly stopped reading because I could see this information elsewhere. However, there are other issues that have turned me off (personally). No offense to all the shorthorn breeders, but I have never been a fan of the breed and it seemed like that’s all people talked about on here. It got old (to me). Another reason is how often good, informative, interesting topics got derailed(yes, I realize this is going to happen and isn’t something we can totally prevent). But topics getting derailed and turned into petty, immature, personal conflicts between several people who couldn’t just agree to disagree is probably the number one reason I stopped coming on this site.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
KKshowcattle said:
Ok, I’ll bite. I have been a member since 2010, but rarely post but was an avid reader until about 2 or so years when I slowly started to not read as much. In fact, this is the first time in about 6 months that I got on. I wanted to see what people thought of the display Bulls in Denver. When I first joined I was a freshman in high school and I enjoyed learning, seeing options etc, what people bred their cattle to, etc etc. Now I can see a lot of that on Facebook and to a greater extent. I slowly stopped reading because I could see this information elsewhere. However, there are other issues that have turned me off (personally). No offense to all the shorthorn breeders, but I have never been a fan of the breed and it seemed like that’s all people talked about on here. It got old (to me). Another reason is how often good, informative, interesting topics got derailed(yes, I realize this is going to happen and isn’t something we can totally prevent). But topics getting derailed and turned into petty, immature, personal conflicts between several people who couldn’t just agree to disagree is probably the number one reason I stopped coming on this site.

This is pretty solid information.  This post mirrors some of the things that I posted, but you said it better.


Red Cow Relocators

Well-known member
Apr 25, 2011
I was originally on here as Road Warrior, back when Red, Dragon Lady, Cowboy and several of the "old timers" were here. Over the course of time I lost my login information and had to start again. I enjoyed the swapping of information that used to go on here and helping the "newbies" with the challenges that they faced getting started. Over the course of time it seems that there was a change in the attitude of the posters here and it became more o a bashing sight than a helpful place for people to go. I still talk to "Cowboy" pretty regular on the phone but I seldom post here anymore and only check in occasionally.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
I’ve been here since April 2007 - another refugee from the old ShowSteers board.

I think these boards tend to have a life cycle, a kind of ebb and flow of their own. Regular posters get busy, or bored, or distracted, or sometimes their interests change. I’m not at all complaining about the Shorthorn breeders that have made a home here - to be sure, they get a lot of credit for keeping this board alive - but like others have said, I personally only have a passing interest. There are always cliques, and banter that newbies don’t quite know how to take and so not many stick around unless the board is busy enough that they can find a place to fit in.

I see the kind of newbie questions that we used to get here on Facebook groups now - and if you thought this place could be brutal, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet...

There used to be a handful from here on Cattle Today, but only a couple (that I recognize, anyway) are active now. But last I looked the “show” sub forum hadn’t had a post since October.

I’m certainly as guilty as anyone of not adding new content to this board. I check in 2 or 3 times a week, comment occasionally if something piques my interest. Then i’ll follow it a little closer ‘til that topic dies, and then go back to only looking in once in awhile. Yet I always think about how I miss the times when this board was busy.  Like everything else in life, we only get out of it what we put in it.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I know we are not supposed to talk about lethal genetic defects on here but.........when th and pha,ds, fawn calf were first discovered.......this was the best place to come for raw information. Dragon lady endured more hatred than than Obama or Trump on here. At first there was some confusion about PHA and th being the same deal. Some people thought that there would never be a dna developed. We thought that we were in the same position as the Herfords dwarfism deal that started with the 1890's bull St Louis Lad. Once dna tests were developed........there was no need to chase pedigrees. You didn't have to be a personal friend of a breed association's CEO to get information. We know know that those damn Maine's didn't bring the th deal to Shorthorns.......and in fact the Shorthorns brought the ph to the Maine's. I guess I was never interested in the fluffy hair stuff.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Or at least Double stuff spread pha all over the place. I can't remember for sure. Double Stuff may have gotten the PHA from the Maines's.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Stuff probably got PHA from Stinger-Draftpick was also PHA but I think Stinger came before him-and at least looked like a full blood-PHA or not-I saw some of the coolest calves out of Stinger-there isnt anything in a Shorthorn anymore that can compare in thickness and rugged make up O0


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
For me personally, life got in the way.  I always thought I was "busy", but learned that I actually wasn't until we started having kids.  It is amazing the energy that was once focused on other tasks outside my job, seemingly disappear when your running around chasing kids.

I do think messageboards have seen a decline, they are competing for your attention against other social media outlets.  They still do have their place and are a great wealth of knowledge in specific topics.

I was just looking at the visitor stat reports, and even though people are not engaged in posting, the #s are still pretty strong for people viewing the site.  We still average around 50k unique visitors a month.



Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
I enjoy the site and the posts.  I try to check at least once a day to see what new and interesting topics people are posting about. I do however, dislike the drama and bickering, enough of that crap at work.  I try to post stuff I think others would want to know or see.  If I see that no one has ever posted pictures of a certain bull and I have a calf that I feel is representative of the offspring from a particular bull, I will post it.  I just like cows, they're kinda like pizza, some better than others, but in the end they all have a purpose.  And Jason is so right, kids really get in the way, I had my older kids almost raised and my wife and I decided we'd like to try and have one more..... BAM, triplets, who are now 15 months old and if that's not enough we're expecting a single in June.  We both work full time, try to manage our small herd of cows, farm and do it all without daycare.  They have been such a blessing, after raising the older kids, I try to take the time to enjoy the experiences I missed out on with the older two. 

Jason, Thank You for running this thing, you're probably the most underappreciated person on this site.  To the guys who humbly share their knowledge and experience thank you also, we can all learn something from the other, even if its just to be humble and kind.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
As I understand it the DS deal is kind of a minor thing. It almost has to be mated to a pha carrier to even be noticeable.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2009
Ruskin, MN
For my family Steerplanet was the go to site for info I couldn't get from my contacts I already had.  I still love this site for it's format and the wealth of knowledge I've gained and "cyber friends" made.  Thank you Red and now Jason for managing it.  I lost a little interest when the number of posts decreased, but prior to that some of the bickering got old.  I'm pretty thick skinned and thought I could see some of the friendly banter between everyone, especially you AJ.  You may be like Howard Cosell, couldn't stand him sometimes on MNF but sure do miss him that he's gone.  We'll all miss you someday if you're not too ornery to die lol.  Glad to see the visits are steady.  And yes I've used the search site a lot, but even an old topic gets new discussion sometimes and it's useful and enjoyable.  I know I've posted the same pics of the same Th carrier cows numerous times for bull suggestions and have gotten many respectful suggestions and have used many of them and am very thankful.    FWIW we still have those same 3 th carriers and have sold some good calves for what we consider a good price because of the help gained on this site.  I still check on here occasionally. But like others, we don't have as many questions and our youngest is 18 so we are almost done.  RW or RCR glad to see you talk to Cowboy often.  Hope he is doing well.  He provided tons of great info on this site, as did many others, but I was shocked to learn he used to breed cows very likely on my farm and local area in the 70's.  I think the young kids have their new likes, FB is my site for news but that may not last long as the bashing is terrible and the searching is a pain.