knabe said:
i got nothing except it grates on me to say how evil and bad people are that used carriers and then takes one to denver. don't like the continual bad characterizations.
i don't really like the characterization of drug store cowboy.
it's a glass half empty mentality.
many people make a successful living catering to them.
it's a glass half full mentality.
complaining about how much shorthorns suck and never producing ones that don't is a glass half empty.
creating and selling shorthorns that people think don't suck and make their children happy is a glass half full mentality.
i apologize for having a hard time giving an inch on this issue. i understand what talcool1 is saying. maybe the 5 year drugstore cowboys don't really need to know about the hypocrisy that bothers me. they can find it out on their own.
Posters have called you and AJ out on this Steer Planet Board, as part of the reason that they have quit posting and commenting. So, after reading AJ’s statement on another thread, that he is “no longer going to post on SP”, and your last several posts on this thread, I decided to speak up.
First Off, I CALL BULLSHIT! Quit crying and lying to yourself...
1). Why do you constantly STEAL or change the topic of a post? If you want to discuss something else or a different topic, start a new thread.
2). This post was not about genetic defects. Many of us DO NOT CARE that you are BUTT HURT because a poster made negative remarks about PHA and then took a positive animal to Denver YEARS AGO! Give it a rest! Move On! Try to have a little forgiveness and understanding of the person and there situation at the time. If you do not seem to be able to do this, as you have once again shown, PLEASE JUST “READ OVER THE THREAD” AND KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!
3). This thread has nothing to do with “Dime Store Cowboys”, “Five Year Cowboys”, “Changing Breeds Every 5 Years”, “How a Breeder Treats His Customers”. (Not that it is your business), or “A Glass of Water, half full or half empty”. It is about why is has there been a decrease in posts and comments on those posts. I believe that the only point AJ was trying to make was that, perhaps some people that previously posted on SP are NO LONGER IN THE CATTLE BUSINESS.
4). SERIOUOSLY?! How often and how much you are on thes board? You write about as many or more posts and comments on threads as anyone on this site. This is even evidenced by your “National Poster” standing. Both you and AJ.
5). The seems to “take exception” to, quite often to things other people write and are negative in your demeanor in your comments. People do not like to be “talked down to”, “belittled” nor “told they are flat out wrong”.