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  1. J

    What bull died in Texas ----

    What's the saying to ASSUME is to make an ASS out of YOU and ME. I am guilty of it too, but man we are quick to have a really strong assumption on things. There is no such thing as innocent until proving guilty its the other way around. And I am not trying to pick on anybody, just calm down and...
  2. J

    getting heifers to cycle?

    About 6 yrs ago, we decided it just wasn't worth even trying to AI wet 2 yr olds. We were running about 50% conception on 2's and that is not good enough, so we just put them with a bull and have had great success with keeping them calving when they should and then turn around and stick AI as a...
  3. J

    What spring calving matings are you looking forward to?

    All of our Upgrades. Dr. Who x Simmi embryos (Hoping for hfrs)
  4. J

    Texas Hold Em Daughters

    we kept 6 and not one of them stuck AI. all but one bred back first natural breed. There are way too many factors that can go into that but they were the only ones we bred to Pioneer so was it the semen, the heifers, the tech, or just a combanation. I would bet just a coincidence, but it makes a...
  5. J

    Flushing a heifer (If you could answer the other 2 Please)

    Many of you will NEVER flush a virgin hfr and she has to produce my question is you NEVER use a virgin bull? The cattle business, at most times is a risk and a person has to take advantage of marketing oppurtunities when they can. Yes, there are probably too many females being...
  6. J

    Flushing a heifer (If you could answer the other 2 Please)

    You can flush a heifer when she is mature enough. We have only ever flushed two virgin heifers and saw them both come in heat naturally then had our techhnician palpate them befoe we went ahead and flushed them. i know a couple people who would recommend just single egg flushing virgin heifers.
  7. J

    electrice fence problem

    Get the Gallagher tester. It shows which direction the short is and how many amps are being lost. We have 3 of them (one in every outfit) They have saved us many hours messing with fence. They cost around 110.
  8. J

    What to Flush to - new cow added

    You said she was a Dirty Hairy NOT HW. You did however say she was out of a HW cow. There are many pple who have tried to linebreed straight bred cattle and failed, I wouldn't recommend it with HW.
  9. J

    clipping for a show

    On bulls and heifers for winter shows I like to slick their necks 3 to 4 weeks prior to the show. I leave the top of the neck so I can blend it in and give the levelness I want. I have pretty good luck with this and it saves alot of clipping especially on the bigger cattle that have been show...
  10. J

    LOT 8 - First Class Bred Heifer Sale..CHECK THIS ONE OUT!

    I would say the recession hasn't hit the club calf industry I never heard what they averaged but it was crazy IMO. 15,000 for embryos and only one guarunteed preg. that is too risky for this guy.
  11. J

    Frame Size of Sunseeker Steers

    going for an aug fair and he already weighs 800 lbs you really shouldn't have to push him too hard. If my calculations are right to finish at 1350  he would need to gain about 2.3 lbs/day.
  12. J

    Stupid Question?

    I would some what agree with your dad. We have had many calves when they were born that you just said wow! and they have almost always sold well or were one of our best replacements. I think it gives you a good idea of what kind of calf they are (later maturing or what have you) just by the way...
  13. J

    CIDR protocols

    I have been told that by giving the lut on day 6 and pulling on day 7 it tightens up the syncroniztion. we pretty much just use CIDR's for recips and use the extra shot of GnRh to sync them up tighter.
  14. J

    How about those Vikes

    The super bowl is in Miami on feb 7, 2010 not in New Orleans.
  15. J

    How about those Vikes

    I have been a vikes fan my whole life. so therefore i have realized to enjoy the highs, but to expect dissapointment. I compare it to being a cubs fan. but Jared Allen is a STUD and worth every penny and yes Percy Harvin will win Offensive Rookie of the Year. As far as super bowl, I am not...
  16. J

    Australian Shepherd Breeders (please reply)

    This post kind of gives me a chuckle, because it seems everybody who raises Aussies also raise shorthorns. must really like the roans  ;) Anyway I am easily amused
  17. J

    August born steer

    A picture of Family Man
  18. J

    August born steer

    Thanks! Family Man is a Heat Wave son that our neighbor Stacey Kopfmann raised. I believe he has some simmi on his dams side (can't remember) We actually got along really well with him. The calf's dam is a granddaughter of R&R Warehouse (simmi)