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  1. Cowboy

    Old cowboy down, please pray for him

    I can really feel for him, I as well will never give up the horses, I ride at least three times a week checking cows and pastures. A couple weeks ago, I allowed my good horse to get in a bad spot, and we both went down. He is fine, I was pretty ajitated but only lost my hat and a little dignity...
  2. Cowboy

    Wound or ??????

    These pics sure look like the advanced stage of Pink Eye to me, as it already has the red VOLCANO looking protrusion showing. The next sep is where it ruptures and the eye will essentially collapse and be dry and dead. At this point, you will most likely end up with a white and for the most...
  3. Cowboy

    Plugged Sheath or Faulty plug?

    Exactly the same gun I was describing above. The twist on ones have a deeper barrel, and are notorious for this very problem. Here is  a tip for all of you folks out there. If you MUST use a twist on gun, first thing you do before you insert the semen in the gun is to cut off about 1/4 inch of...
  4. Cowboy

    Plugged Sheath or Faulty plug?

    Word of caution -- and this is a good topic! ALL of us, I am sure, at times have taken for grantid certain things in the way we do things. One thing that stands out here is that we NEVER should take anything for grantid when breeding cattle. When I am getting a straw ready to breed, and am...
  5. Cowboy

    1/4 straw question....

    OK folks, no one panic here -- after MANY years using only 1/4 ml straws for ET, I have seen it all. I am old school, and I have 15 of the original 1/4 guns here. For every one's info, the cnter hole is much smaller on the 1/4 guns, as it should be. If you try and use a regualar 1/2 ml gun --...
  6. Cowboy

    Embryo Transfer

    Let us know where you are located and I can give you some averages for that area, or you may feel welcome to come to SW Nebraska here, this is all I do and would have it no other way (Till I get too old any way -- and it;s coming fast!!) PM me if you prefer! Terry
  7. Cowboy

    Potential Club Calf Semen Quality ...

    DFM -- I hate to make you cring here, but I breed ONE time, with 2 units, one into each horn -- not the cervix, but into the horn a little ways -- at LEAST 6 hours, many times a few more than that - after all activity is done. She not only does not stand any more, but she is not even close to...
  8. Cowboy

    Potential Club Calf Semen Quality ...

    A year or so ago, we used some of the earlier collected semen on Monopoly, and had what I'd call average results -- got some unfertile eggs, and looking at that semen (early collections) I Had called it about 50-55 % mobile. Last fall, I was sent some semen directly from Lautners, collected...
  9. Cowboy

    Lut or estrumate

    Estrumate hands down -- better ovulation rate, and better quality CL's after that. Especially if you do multiple sync's per year, after a couple shots of Lut, they will just quit repsonding to it. Lut is a naturaly based product, where as Estrumate is synthetic -- makes a big diference...
  10. Cowboy

    Milk replacer as hair grower

    We fed Calf Manna -- 2 oz 2x per day top dress for years, realy puts the bloom on and with a good ration to go with it, we grew hair in Mo in July!! Sure worked for us when we were out there! Good stuff, milk replacer is in there too by the way! Terry
  11. Cowboy

    Four strands of barb wire cut @ the post =

    The ranch we run here for the owners is 3400 acres, has 28.7 miles of fences on it, that are ALL older than I am. This spring, after we had already rode or drove all 28 miles of fence and fixed as needed -- we were honored by the presence of a Texas OIL explaration company, and all of thier 30...
  12. Cowboy

    sick calf

    CAB is correct -- there are two variations of the product line. One treats the symptoms (Anti-Toxon) where as the other is a vaccine -- (Toxoid) For every one who is interested or may not know -- here is what I feel needs done on EVERY calf. Birth -- ASAP - 2ml of Alpha-7 -- this is given...
  13. Cowboy

    Need some help with some cane codes...

    The xx 567 is Hannibal -- can't help you with the other Shorty semen codes! Terry
  14. Cowboy

    sick calf

    You are welcome, glad he is still kickin -- this was a close call -- trust me on that! No it is not contagious as far as anything else geting it from this one calf -- remember -- Clostridium Perfringens is in the ground almost every where, so in order for the calf to actually be infected and...
  15. Cowboy

    The price of liquid nitrogen.

    We are lucky here in SW Neb, as I live only about 30 miles from Neb Bull Service, where almost all the bulls are collected in this part of the world. I take my tanks there sometimes several times a month depending on how busy we are freezing embryos. A XC Millenium 2000, when less than 1/3 full...
  16. Cowboy

    sick calf

    You are describing to a TEE the exact symptoms of Clostridium Perfringens my friend. You have NO time to lose here, or your flat out calf will be flat out DEAD Your Vet was right only in saying it had bacteria in it's stomch, that bacteria is Clostridium C and D Get that calf, as soon as you...
  17. Cowboy


    Here is a week old Bojo from a SS Goldmine x Mainetainer cow Really soft made, hairy - smooth. He was not over 85 pounds at birth, up in minutes too. Had two this year -- both easy calving, popped right out form cows, can't say on hfrs though -- pretty big hipped! I like these two we have -- so...
  18. Cowboy

    Luck using two different sires on a Flush

    Jamie -- every one here that knows me, will know that I only breed the donors ONE time, with two units of semen, deposited into the uterin horn a little ways up. Timing is absolutely EVERYTHING, even if some of these guys breed several times, you are only going to get the fertilization you...
  19. Cowboy

    Thanks to Steerplanet

    Hey LoveRedcows. I am glad you found that thread as Navel Ill is very suttle and easy to fix. A word of advice here would be that you need to do that treatment for at least a week, I also assumed once they got to feeling better it was over with once, and it came right back. Give them a weeks...
  20. Cowboy

    Most embryos from one flush

    You folks will have to forgive me some here, after all these years of doing this, this is all I do by the way, I have simply seen more problems that are created by man than the good Lord will ever alow to be created in nature. Yes, if you let the cow have her second natural heat post calving...