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  1. JbarL


    how calving ease is he supposed to be ?...jbarl
  2. JbarL

    slow down health care

    i totally agree with should try and gather some views of your own, as well......not being able to understand the consequences of others, makes fiction seem real to you.....sometimes i think you believe ,  im the only union person on here.... if single payer health care reform...
  3. JbarL

    slow down health care

    i refuse to accept your reasearch as fact...thats all...two sides to every story,... ect ect.....i dont have to support my thoughts with others thoughts and published rethoric.....yoiu however seem to think its necessary to have yoiur thoughts and perspectives represented by others.   if the...
  4. JbarL

    slow down health care

    interesting comment...." the right doesnt hate organized labor....they just want someone to negoiate for the taxpayer" if the right is the only one who pays taxes, and deserves there needs narrow minded/......not all working folk are union members and not all union...
  5. JbarL

    slow down health care

    the biggest, most influential  party in amercia now is the corporate lobbyists for the banks/insurance companies/ and pharmaceutical companies...small in numbers...big in bucks....whens the last time the teachers unions and organized government employees "flexed there muscles and big bucks and...
  6. JbarL

    raush limpd$%^&#K

      aside from the fact that the" original post"......, simply states ( if i  may paraphase  mt....) that"  rush Limbaugh is a pompus ass"  for his views on relief to Haiti......some here seem to share his views.....some here seem to share everything he says...i personally believe that "pompus...
  7. JbarL

    raush limpd$%^&#K

    i said support to  rush or support to haiti.....not obama....i think you forgot what we were actually talking well as mr rush seem to find some connection...??......thats exactly the idiology his audience all seem to share....jbarl
  8. JbarL

    raush limpd$%^&#K

    i kinda thought it was the poster child of why ilt was left the way it was by popular vote.....??  and the popular general concensus was... if your not interested ...dont participate...jbarl
  9. JbarL

    raush limpd$%^&#K

    hummmmm.....all the topics that maybe elbee likes to follow of sp  ;)....couldnt help my self...... <beer>......jbarl
  10. JbarL

    raush limpd$%^&#K

    and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric.....some will send there money for cause and  support to haiti.....some will send there money for  cause and support to rush....jbarl
  11. JbarL

    raush limpd$%^&#K

    wasnt that what rush was so upset about??.......helping obamas  "black"  friends so quickly  ??...leading with the race card pulls out all the real trump cards.....thats rush's way of making a living....and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric....feeding rush is more...
  12. JbarL

    haiti N/C

    be a great opportunity to retro fit the whole country for alternate wind and soloar panel  power and put some of this "world wide" technology into play...looks like its going to be a complete redo there regardless.....a complete infrastructure " do over......"...
  13. JbarL

    DJ Salution

    just had one this morning...60 # bull calf...out of a pb angus 1st time problems.....all black....i'll send you some pics.... jbarl
  14. JbarL


    congrats  .....enjoy
  15. JbarL

    haiti N/C

    not many "natural" resources left there....we are in for an eye opening culture reality check, in the days to come....jbarl
  16. JbarL

    breeding up unregistered cows

    maine...gigelo joe simmi...aftershock shortie..jakes proud jazz angus... im with tj
  17. JbarL

    "Eye of the Storm" Denver display Bull

    people who have a boat fish towards the bank....people on the bank cast out to the middle ???....jbarl
  18. JbarL

    Marketing new sires - What would you do???? How far is too far??

    i missed the thread 2 yrs ago ...but i must say i find the concept....excentric, and unique....and a hugh gamble for the markerters at the time i'm sure....but isnt that what it takes in this game??.....unique, a bit of a gamble, and just a bit excentric??...i think the marketers new there...
  19. JbarL

    what to flush this cow to?

    sheriff taylor (3/4)
  20. JbarL

    TH and PHA in correlation with quality

    interesting post.......i think ive seen it finally come full circle now....on my first visits to SP, the debate was if pha even existed .....and certain "individuals" here were more  updated/knowledgable/ and intuative about its existance and need for control than the main...