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  1. OH Breeder

    How to Put weight on a Green Steer

    When is you final show or what is your goal weight for this calf? If he is larger framed and you think he will be too big you may want to work with a nutrionist to put on condition and reduce growth. Find someone local that has experience you can trust and have them look at your calf in...
  2. OH Breeder

    Steer Standards

    I think what I have enjoyed about modern technology is the ability to watch the major steer shows on youtube. I go back and watch some of them again. It seems at most of the majors they are picking from that middle road size and weight. For the most part the calves I have seen Denver, NAILE etc...
  3. OH Breeder

    Believe in Me or Walks Alone

    We had a Walks Alone out of MA x Ang comm cow we bought from South Dakota. she was fine on the trailer ride. She was fine with the other calves. But as soon as she was haltered and in open terrain put your water skies on you were going for a ride. tried two very large men with two halters one...
  4. OH Breeder

    Unfortunate Loss of a young Steerplanet Member

    My sympathy goes out to your sister. Frosty alerted me to the fact the name sounded familiar. I did little research and found the story. I hope I did not offend anyone by posting this. He was a contributing member to the forum that gave advice at times seemed years ahead of his actual age.
  5. OH Breeder

    Dr. Who heifer

    NIce heifer.
  6. OH Breeder

    Unfortunate Loss of a young Steerplanet Member

    Some may have know Karlton Waechter as BCCC or Kansas Karl. He joined Steerplanet in 2008. Below are the links to his untimely and unnecessary death. I did not know him personally but had private communication with him through steerplanet. Knowledgeable young man. Hate to see this kind of...
  7. OH Breeder

    Ace of diamonds (shorthorn)

    this is purely my opinion I would look at bulls indexing high in maternal values; They may not be the highest in show ring but if you want to build a base of maternal females use the bulls breeding history vs show ring performance for that. JMO
  8. OH Breeder

    Structure Wreck or ??

    we had one that was worse than that. When he was close to weaning he seem to clear right up. was worried we would have to put him down, but came out of it.
  9. OH Breeder

    Stock Broker Bull

    I stood behind him fpr quiet a while. He was massive! LOTs muscle and depth, He wasn't giant but adequate sized. Cresty neck super thick top. Thought for seconded calvers he would be ideal. He should add tremendous amount of power. I really liked him and he got around good. Impressive in person!
  10. OH Breeder

    Ace of diamonds (shorthorn)

    Beautiful cow. I am not sure what you are wanting to achieve from this mating. The one thing that i don't understand is when you dig in to some of the bulls pedigree their numbers disappear. she would be an awesome cow for monopoly for clubbier made steers and females. Beautiful profiled cow...
  11. OH Breeder

    Ace of diamonds (shorthorn)

    If you have a compact deep bodied female he will work to bring them up and can suck the depth out of them if you aren't careful. On deep made cows he reminds me of hannibal. Makes them larger framed and plenty rib but has to have some base width and depth to work with.
  12. OH Breeder

    White shorthorn bulls

    Could see that bull used on some of those harder made clubbier heifers to add some softness and depth. Nice bull and he gets around smooth.
  13. OH Breeder

    AI Heifers

    If you are in southern Ohio. There is a new ET center that was at ohio beef expo to the north of you not far. He could be of great assistance considering you have two to Ai. Things to consider. Age of your females. We usually breed at 14 months unless they are a fat show heifer. Also when do...
  14. OH Breeder

    composite question

    Definitely go to Char website. They were very helpful with questions. my understaning is the cow or the bull on the first cross must be purebred or fullblood. You may have to provide DNA on embryos for qualification. so if you flush her pull DNA. Lot of bulls they already have on file if they...
  15. OH Breeder

    How to breed to get big soggy cows!!

    I think for xx bred bulls to be consistent is an oxymoron in itself. They are not bred to be consistent but terminal. To try to regain predicatability you should go back to bulls that are purebred to start building females. Reserach bulls from the various breeds that do what you want them to do...
  16. OH Breeder

    Give me some bull suggestions

    We have a fat we are feeding that is an unstoppable. Probably the easy covering cattle we have come across. Little tempermental but not bad at all. I sent you a PM. We are using a Boomer son which is a full brother to Sooner. so far our red maine bull has exceeded his expectations. The females...
  17. OH Breeder

    first time calving a heifer. *update*

    Congratulations. NICE CALF TOO! Its always nice when a heifer lays down on her own without any trouble. She hopefully will make a good cow for you. Heifers worry me every year. My family goes on heifer watch. We usually try to keep them in a group. Every 2-3 hours someone is out there.
  18. OH Breeder

    Best method to removing stains

    1- Keep the pen clean. We have a white one and the stalls are cleaned daily like picking horse stall. 2-Use Kleen sheen in your post rinse mixture. It coats the hair shaft and reples dirt and dust. 3- We use Oxy-Clean liquid spray and let it set. It britens spots pretty good. 4- Also use...
  19. OH Breeder

    Maternal Profection, Two Tone, Grizzley Bear (Lautner's), and Banshee

    I don't know the owners, the buyers or the breeders. I stood behind that bull (Stock Broker) before he sold at Ohio Beef Expo. He was a beast. Wide deep and hair. Have no idea how he will calve out but he was massive bull plus he could move.