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    NAILE Open Shorthorn Show - a couple interesting facts.

    You must not have listened to that judge very carefully, because it has been a very long time since I have seen a judge get down and look at udder development, move tails to look at the vulva, and actually analyze the animals in class. Not only did he do this, but he was also not afraid to move...
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    NAILE Open Shorthorn Show - a couple interesting facts.

    She is an Ace of Diamonds. Congrats to the Vogel family, one he** of a job.
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    NAILE feeder calf sale question?

    $1500 was bottom dollar range last year.
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    We'll be there in the shorty barn. Coming in Wednesday night and be there until the shorties are done. Have 3 pb shorties, a pb Maine, and a fat steer.
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    guyer sale

    Saw on Matt's blog it went to Iowa. He sold the steer that won that deal this year too so put it together from there.
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    American Royal Steer Show

    Go to Rodgers blog for the pic of the grand.
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    How's harvest going?

    Off the wall question here, but are you using one of those modulator picker all in one deals? I've seen a fair number of people around here switching to them, wondering what everyone is thinking on them.
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    Some steers we looked at.

    Is it just me or were these calves cut late? That calf in the 1st pictures looks mighty course in that front end and through the sheath. Other that that for commercial calves i'd feed them out on the lot for sure.
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    Grower with vitaferm

    If you are referring to Sure Champ, it is designed to be fed as a supplement to a complete feed.
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    free choice mineral for steers

    We keep free choice high mag breeder booster mineral from Vita Ferm in front of everything, steers, cows, replacements, everything. Seems to be working so dont plan on switching. For the backgrounding groups, they get regular high mag from Vita Ferm.
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    Has anyone used IVF?

    You are correct, it is 90 days. I've also heard that you will have better luck with sexed semen through IVF than flushing.
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    American Royal Steer Show

    Grand was a Walks Alone calf.
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    Favorite Show Feeds?

    Umbargers without a doubt.
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    Bushy Park Sale Results

    I'll go out on a limb and say it was tag 4. Boomer out of that Eva 33s deal. I talked to Cory a few weeks ago and he said she was hands down the best calf he had ever had the pleasure of working with. Word was is she's the best heifer to ever go through Mitchell.
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    Sullivan's Sale Results

    Hey AJ just keep it to yourself. No one really cares about your opinion or your cattle. Get off your jealous soapbox and start raising something that can get you the attention you keep on begging for.
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    How to avoid that wrung out look

    Vita Charge Boluses or Gel caps before you leave and when you get there, and Vita Charge Paste when you get there. Never had one go off feed doing this.
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    matt lautners sale

    one And your point is? No one has any guarantees anymore on these sales. It ain't there fault for people messing up cattle them coming back and whining about it.
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    Sullivan's Sale

    What'd that flush bring??
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    Looking for cattle can be fun for the entire family

    Something about those labor day sales really can draw you in no matter how far you are away. I put right at 3000 miles on the truck that weekend.
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    cyclone trace sale

    Sullivan and somebody out of Minnesota had 11D.