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    Shorty Folks

    most of you know where I stand on that deal! asterisk free is what we have concentrated on for almost 20 yrs. I have one line that carries the * but it is productive so it stays around.  back in the mid 90's when we got started and had 100 cows that were about 50 50 there was a BIG divide on...
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    Elbee Throwback son "Added an updated picture"

    I owned Throwbacks sire and he was AWESOME. 
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    A&T Cattle Co. partners with JT Moreland Farms! Major Announcement!

    JTM.. I am sure by now Aaron has told you about our bull deal.  If you get the chance to get a pic or 2 on the bull calf that he sent you i would love to see him..  We would like to make some plans to come to your place to see them around July 2 or 3.
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    Elbee Throwback son "Added an updated picture"

    Nice calf!!!! bet he is heavier than the guess! or at least on the high end.. those kind of cattle weigh good! 
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    RB EAGLE 239th

    if this chuck o lucks is maine how is 148 listed as * free? He is no appendix / cross bred bull
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    Suggestion on white shorthorn bull?

    well they are not pure white most of the Gizmo genetics availabe had lots of white on them and will throw color!
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    RB EAGLE 239th

    If I were to use any of those genetics  Eagle 148 would be the one I would use.
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    Tail bleeding for preg checking

    We also use SEK... it has been 100% accurate.  its pretty easy to do.  much better and cheaper than having a Vet out!  Less stress on cows!
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    i went 14 yrs ago on a grazing tour.. went with a delegation from Ohio and Nebraska.  12 day trip... You must see the Linnears livestock  market. ... I would try and contact an ag tour company in Argentina and get connections that way... I will say that trip changed my thinking and molded my...
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    Shorthorn experts I need your expert advice! Serious in-vitro flush decision!

    Well I have been in the shorthorn deal for nearly 20 yrs now and I can honestly say the 3-4 warrior daughters we had 20 yrs ago were the worst cows we have ever owned.  And honestly there really is not anything special about DS daughters...At 13 if she is still getting bred don't screw her up...
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    The new registered Shorthorn business model.

    AJ There are tons of cattle multipliers out there..  They think they are breeders but they are just chasing popular pedigrees they really have no clue how to actually get what they want. How many people out there really have their own prefixs on their cows?  not many... I like to see this...
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    If I was to ratain ownership and feed out purebred shorthorn steers and I owned 100 cows like 90% of what everyone else owns I would make sure that the bull I picked to sire my calves would lower frame score and increase muscle mass and thickness.  Live wt at slaughter would be 1100lbs or less...
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    Breeding for longevity

    Also wanted to add that Gizmo's sire was up in his early 20's when he was sent to slaughter and he was used as a lease bull going from ranch to ranch breeding cows!  he must have been a hellofa sight!
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    Breeding for longevity

    Well I did not read all 5 pages of replies but I like the topic so i will add my 2 cents Breeding for longevity is an endevor in breeding for several other things as well. They are also somewhat antagonistic to modern day breeding and selection principles.  Fertility, soundness, structural...
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    Shorthorn Cow Families

    Halter hoochie!!!  CLASSIC  i love it  that's going down in my book!!!!  LOL
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    American Muscle

    no prob  we have plenty
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    American Muscle

    nooo tried to sell him couple years back didn't pan out... Did not want to go through the hassel of semen rights and all that AND he certianly did not owe me anything so he just stayed around... But we had some major damage this past year durig that bad storm and insurance did not cover all the...
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    American Muscle

    Nooo I don't know about other people but I don't run around with a camera... and after 20 yrs all the pictures look the same to me There is a pic of him on here at 4 or 5 out with cows that looks pretty good... I am convinced that this endophyte fescue really is hard on our cattle.  We don't...
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    American Muscle

    Folks just wanted to post and let people know that we sent American Muscle to market  yesterday..... It was just time  7 yrs old.....  I am sure that he will be one of the best we ever raise. Thanks to all the folks that have used him.. There have been some good ones out there. ... We will...
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    Hey Knabe , here's a Maine bull for you.

    I saw that AD in the SC.... Is that guy on drugs??? $25000 for that thing?  I guess you can ask whatever you want..