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  1. Chap


    optiflix and zilmaxx are different products.  i have used Optiflex last 42 days of finishing.  make sure your animal is really sound and fat before you start.  It will add volume of muscle, especially in the top and hip, but will also put some shoulder on them.  if you feed past the 42 days it...
  2. Chap

    scf cow of the day

    i have started to add a cow of the day post to our facebook and twitter pages and thought i would share a few on here with a little additional info on what we are mating them to.  tag 46 - Grizzley x Macho - 3 yr old bred to Afterhours tag 1053 - Destiny's Ace - 6 yr old  - nursing a BIM and...
  3. Chap

    Bull choice

    to clarify,  is she a virgin heifer?  Ali is her sire?  if both are true, you probably need to look at a bull like Northern Impovement or The Answer.  proven calving ease pb angus bulls that should give you some extension and look.  The Maine calving ease bulls are mostly descendants of Ali and...
  4. Chap

    What Irish Whiskey Son Bull Do Recommend For My QDog Cow (pic included)

    Afterhours - Irish Whiskey x Dr Who/Imprint.  THF and PHAF.  included a pic of Afterhours and a daughter out of an I Am Legend that is similar to your cow. 
  5. Chap

    SCF spring preview of calves

    weather straightening out and finally got a few pics of this years crop. 1st - Afterhours x Doc x Dr Who/Wyoming wind bull calf 2nd - Afterhours x I Am Legend Heifer 3rd - MAB x Sandman heifer
  6. Chap

    Who raises good angus steers?

    bobjon Angus in IL.  Moose Johnson has been raising really good angus cattle for years
  7. Chap

    Bull for Hannibal cow

    Your description is custom made for MAB. 
  8. Chap

    man among boys calves.

    We have both BIM and MAB calves.  had BIM last year as well.  MAB does what he does, extremely well.  makes them soggy and big legged.  for me and my preferences.  BIM calves come pretty reasonable at birth and get better everyday through weaning.  I will need to see if the MAB calves do the...
  9. Chap

    Best Irish Whiskey Son

    Afterhours has really been working nicely for us,  thanks for the post Brent.  We have 21 Afterhours on the ground now.  All unassisted out of a variety of cows including Clubby bred 2nd calvers.  Heifers have been 75-85 and bulls 80-95 consistently.  All solid black and really good structured. ...
  10. Chap

    man among boys calves.

    pic of a week old MAB x Sandman heifer.  he has really put some pipe under ours.
  11. Chap

    man among boys calves.

    We have had several. ComIng at or slightly before 283 days and unassisted. Heifers are about 80, bulls 90. Big boned and correct.
  12. Chap

    Need some names of beed judges

    can you give us a location? 
  13. Chap

    Best smoke bull???

    he is new this year, but try Guilt Trip from Trausch,  Eye Candy x Char that we raised,  he has always had lots of middle,  good smoke color and very loose structured.  pics of him at Denver and as a baby calf
  14. Chap

    Houston Steer Show Judge

    Mark has a very keen eye.  he assisted as coach on my judging team at Iowa State back in the mid 90s.  if you are really going to break him down, remember that he is a pig guy at heart.  He will evaluate market steers with the same criteria that he uses in hogs.  they will need to be blown...
  15. Chap

    Craziest breeding decisions

    i do this every 3-4 years, so it may be stupidity more than crazy.  but using any so called "calving ease" maine cross clubby bull on heifers.  Ali and sons included.  High accuracy, proven pb bulls are the only way to go.  seems like every time i try the flavor of the month calving ease clubby...
  16. Chap

    BC Classic 385-7

    use him on heifers last 2 years.  the 2nd set should be coming within the next week.  Flat good cattle that come easy and have look.  i included a pic of a BC Classic x Grizzley heifer that topped our online sale this past fall going to Pryor Cattle Company
  17. Chap

    I believe semen only for auction?

    I Believe was one of the most popular bulls in Denver this year, undoubtedly he will be in good demand for a rookie bull that hasn't frozen semen yet.  High Demand + low supply = $$$ I appreciate how Wade does this.  if you have a cow you want to flush and are 20th on the list and he can only...
  18. Chap

    Denver 13 bulls

    Just got the official pic of the bull we sold back in the summer to Trausch Farms and Sievers Show Cattle.  Guilt Trip is a March born Eye Candy x Char. 
  19. Chap

    Heifer needs a ride - Eastern IA to KS

    I have a heifer that needs a ride from Tipton, IA to Meade, KS or vicintiy.  Sugar Creek Farms 716-432-3549
  20. Chap

    Ladies of the Fall pics and videos are up

    a few more Lot 5 Hollywood x Dirty Hairy Lot 14 amen x Carnac Lot 4 Predator x Aftershock