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  1. KCK


    We always pinched them when we got ready to push them back into something. That way, when the judge came up, you pinched them and they thought something else was coming. Brace tight, tight.
  2. KCK

    Bedding Allergies?

    We had a show heifer once that would do great at home, but was allergic to shavings at the shows. We never used them at home, but come time for a show she would get raspy and weezy, go off feed and roach her top really bad. Vet said her lungs would swell a bit due to allergies. Never got to take...
  3. KCK

    SOLD! AUCTION: Hawkins Pecan Creek Ranch

    Brochure is at the printer. Let us know if you need/want one.
  4. KCK

    Show Cattle T.V. Show airing on RFD-TV

    Crystal...... I am slow:) I can't get the link to work. Am I just an airhead?!?! It says the video is missing, but I want to see it really bad. Sounds like it was pretty fun.
  5. KCK

    Jr. Associations

    State level associations are great, but if you really don't have one just go ahead and forge on to the junior national. The Hereford people are great, their junior national is amazing and the experiences are life changing. I might be biased because I was able to go to every junior national in my...
  6. KCK

    SOLD! AUCTION: Hawkins Pecan Creek Ranch

    GREAT opportunity! This place is ready to become the newest home for you and your cattle. The traps are show perfect. Barn can easily become a great showbarn. This great property is UNDER CONTRACT! Thanks for all your interest. We are more than happy to find the right place for you or to...
  7. KCK

    SALE PENDING! AUCTION: 450 +/- acres near Asher, Okla.

    Pages 1-4 of the brochure. Mailing soon, so get on our list if you are intersted.
  8. KCK

    Body Clipping Animals

    If you don't have time to shear or are a bit skeptical, you can grill brick them. I spent a couple summers in Colorado with one of those dang things coming attached to my hand for hours on end. It is tedious, and my family always believed in shearing, but it does get that dead hair out and...
  9. KCK

    Cooking Feed

    Crock pot would work if you are feeding small amounts or few head. Don't forget how much it expands and might experiment during the daylight hours so you can keep an eye on it. I love the smell of cooked barley!
  10. KCK

    SALE PENDING! AUCTION: 450 +/- acres near Asher, Okla.

    Here's the flyer for our Tuesday, May 24, 2011 auction that is the Complete Liquidation of the Estate of Mr. Jerry Graham of Oklahoma. We will offer the land in parcels, multi parcels and whole. Following the real estate auction, we will auction off the remains of his farm equipment and horse...
  11. KCK

    AUCTION: 1258+/- Acres near Tecumseh, Okla

    We had great turn out at the open house last weekend. We can still get you toured around this property before the auction. Call Craig Buford at 405-833-9499 and he can schedule you for Monday, April 25: the day before the sale. Looking forward to a great auction! KCK
  12. KCK

    Any crop farmers out there?

    Here in Oklahoma they are worried that the wheat might be toast. Statewide, 69 percent of the crop is rated poor to very poor. It is way above the five-year-average for heading out at 41 percent of the crop there instead of the average 18 percent. In my travels around the central region, it...
  13. KCK

    Regional Hereford Show, June 24-26

    Good luck! Stillwater is hosting one this summer, too! I will spread the word on this Northern one.
  14. KCK


    Are you talking on humans or show cattle? Seen it done on cattle, never on people.
  15. KCK

    Tips & Advice...what would you do?

    This is a silly one, but don't forget to put a nice big window and a patio within clear view of a pasture. When things get crazy or stressful, simply go there, stare and all is well:)
  16. KCK

    AUCTION: 1258+/- Acres near Tecumseh, Okla

    If you want to receive a brochure via snail mail, PM me your address and I can get one out.
  17. KCK

    AUCTION: 1258+/- Acres near Tecumseh, Okla

    Just found out: OWNER FINANCING IS available!
  18. KCK

    Show Ring Bling????

    Whoa wowcows.... no offense.... but if you are 54, I am really far behind you <rock> I just happened to have parents that made work manditory to go to a show. Things are different these days, but I still think understated and educated are better than bling and nothing.
  19. KCK

    Show Ring Bling????

    Judged a showmanship contest. Decent showman with bling on her harness, halter, boots, belt, neck, hair, hands and maybe even showstick. I am sure she was upset about not winning, but a bit more time in the barn and less time searching for sparkles might have helped her. Harsh, yes. Honest, yes...