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  1. C

    Cotton Seed Hulls??

    The nutritional value of cottonseed hulls is not that great.  They are what are left after the seed is crushed and the oil is removed.  The main thing they provide in a ration is "scratch" or roughage so that the rumen works correctly.  They are used in most show cattle rations to add...
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    OYE Heifer Show

    The Chi heifer was Peach's from Mooreland.  Heifer from Gregory's, not sure how she was bred.  She was Res. at our district show in Woodward behind our heifer that was Champion Shorthorn at OYE.  The Champion Charolais was also from our district, Megan Johnson from Laverne.  Heifer entries were...
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    oye maine show

    There will be well over 100 head in the Maine and Maintainer shows.  They show on Tuesday and they only show 2 breeds per ring on Tuesday.  Usually the largest breeds.  If you have never shown in OKC, you are in for a fun experience.  The new facilities are excellent and the show management is...
  4. C

    Secrets to feeding a show steer

    I think if you are feeding a complete ration from one of the good feed companies, that you are probably 1/2 way there as far as feeding is concerned.  You can add to it to help the cattle.  For instance, if you need more body and guts, you can add some beet pulp.  You can also feed one of the...
  5. C

    NW District Show ?

    Which one?  We have 2 NW district shows.  One in Enid and one in Woodward, that takes in the Panhandle and the far NW counties.  I spent from Saturday til yesterday in Woodward.  Woodward had 107 heifers and 70-some steers.  Grand steer was the champion Maine shown by Danielle Dodd from Arnett...
  6. C

    Favorite Web Site or Sites (besides Steer Planet)

    I enjoy looking at the message board on  Real cattle people that make a living at it.  Some post ranch pictures several times a week that give you a look at how they do things in their operations. I also teach ag and look at the website every day or 2.
  7. C

    Who was the first truely clubby bull?

    Sugar Ray was one of the first clubby bulls promoted as such.  I remember seeing him in Denver when he was a calf.  He was solid black at that time, but was brown and silver when he matured.  Some of those cattle were really good at that time, but their dispositions weren't the best.  
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    give us some triva about yourself

    M bar, I thought you were going to say you got threatened with a Grey Hound bus ride home from a show one time.  Just kidding. I showed the biggest Shorthorn bull to ever show in Denver.  A bull named Evergreen CT Kendall that belonged to Fieser's Polled Shorthorns in Kansas.  He weighed in at...
  9. C

    Finding semen on old bulls

    Troy, the bull looks good.  I remember most of the cattle in his pedigree.  Looks like he could work for a lot of programs.  Good luck in Denver.
  10. C

    Finding semen on old bulls

    Theiman's bred TPS Cornet Leader 21st.  They were still in business a few years ago, but I've been out of the loop for a while so don't know if they still are or not. a.j., let us know how the cattle look in Denver.  Mbar's bull sounds interesting, lots of good older genetics behind him.
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    Finding semen on old bulls

    Another breeder I remember advertised beef bulls in the 70's was Dr. Nold at Weston Shorthorns in the Dakotas.  He had a bull named Weston Shamrock that they ran several ads on.  I remember Garris or Arden Prehiem told me once that they had gone to a state field day at Nold's and they had the...
  12. C

    Finding semen on old bulls

    I have really enjoyed this thread.  We started in the Shorthorn business in 1976, and have seen several of the bulls talked about. I can remember seeing Lancer 457 at Dean Fieser's in Kansas as an older bull.  He was still impressive with thickness and was really smooth for an older bull.  I...
  13. C

    Finding semen on old bulls

    AJ, you mentioned the Hub's bulls.  They were milking Shorthorn bloodlines, but were as thick as the beef cattle were.  I haven't been in that set of cattle for several years, but I remember them as being one of the most complete, uniform cowherds of any breed I have ever looked at.  They are...
  14. C

    Keeping cattle on feed at shows

    Klint, We are about 10 hours from Denver also.  Yes we would cut feed and water the night before the haul.  We are in OKlahoma and it seems like cattle are harder to get a fill on in Denver than anywhere else we have shown.  I don't know if its the altitude, ice cold water or what, but I can...
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    Keeping cattle on feed at shows

    This is what I do.  You will have better luck getting them to eat, drink and fill up if they are hungry and thirsty when you get there.  The day before we haul, we cut the morning feeding to about 2/3 of a normal feeding.  That evening we cut it to 1/2 feeding and cut them off water.  If we are...
  16. C

    sheep head for clipping heads

    I have clipped a lot of sale cattle with a P7112 blade (20 tooth goat comb).  They won't leave them as smooth as the flat head blades, but will get the hair off a lot faster.
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    Wash Rack

    Make them tall enough that they can't get over the top of them.  You could have a wreck on your hand if they can get over them.  Otherwise it should work.  We have used T-post with PVC pipe over them to keep cattle straight in stalls and it worked fine.
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    sharpening clipper blades

    I always change them when they start dragging and not cutting smoothly. If they have a tension screw on the cutter(top) blade, don't tighten it down if they are not cutting smoothly.  It will only increase the friction and wear on the blades and cause them to heat up.  Keep plenty of oil on the...
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    clippers broke - where/cost to get fixed

    If they are the 2-speeds, check the plastic drive yoke inside the head.  You can replace it yourself if you have one.  They come with an extra when you buy a new pair of clippers.  They cost about $5 and are replaced by taking out 2 screws that hold them on.  The instructions to replace them is...
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    Breaking in new halters

    I usually take them apart and rebuild them.  The twisted ones are about worthless to use on cattle.  Sometimes You can start on the other end and make the halter on the lead end and use the halter part for the lead.  We used to make all of our own halters and it got to the point you could buy...