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  1. cpubarn

    Early harvest let me...

    One of the few good things about the heat / drought this year was it gave me most of October to do a couple of things that I (or my spouse) wanted to do, that I usually could not do as I was in the combine. I got to: Go to an Angus sale I always miss.... Take my wife to California to a...
  2. cpubarn

    Thanks Chap and Schneider Bros!

    Thanks Chap and  Schneider brothers for extending me a warm welcome on a quick visit to SE Iowa looking at animals for their cattle sales.  I will not gush about your cows, so I hope that this thread doesn't cross over the line...  Great job! Thanks, Mark
  3. cpubarn

    Bushy Park Female Sale

    How about lots 67,71,81,82,88? Thanks in advance
  4. cpubarn

    Bushy Park Female Sale

    I will bump this to the top and ask again if anyone has results that would bee great! Thanks!
  5. cpubarn

    Bushy Park Female Sale

    It was not online. If anyone gets results it would be great!
  6. cpubarn

    Ladies of the Fall - sneak peak

    Looks gorgeous! Good luck with the sale.  Any breds or all opens?
  7. cpubarn

    Ohioans, Iowans - What do you think? - Non-Cattle

    If you are interested in what life is like in Iowa during political season? I have 4 registered voters here.  4 postcards from Romney AND Obama in each days mail.  6-8 political calls per day, guessing by the numbers poping up on caller ID, and 75%+ political commercials on over the air TV. If...
  8. cpubarn

    WAGR Dream Catcher 03R

    I have had good luck with him, and used the 2ml sexed semen, I'm 2 for 2 on baldy heifers... I happened to request a list of available sexed semen from Cattle Visions the other day and they still had sexed dream catcher available.... FYI- I am not connected to the bull or the semen dealer...
  9. cpubarn

    ARE there any Rumor Mill calf pictures out there ----

    Love the cow, She should work with about anything. Mark
  10. cpubarn

    Another NHR heifer making her first show this week, Show results added

    Have fun with her.  I think she has the look of one that will just keep getting better as she ages. Mark
  11. cpubarn

    Our first freeze branding experience... (3 weeks later pics added)

    The brand looks good, but I REALLY like "Grace" The second picture down, seems like a very deep bodied heifer. What is she? Mark
  12. cpubarn

    ARE there any Rumor Mill calf pictures out there ----

    I am sure that you will keep us informed if sexed semen becomes available, I may be interested in a few depending upond the details... What type of cows does he click on now that a few calves are out there? Thanks. Mark
  13. cpubarn

    I-80 not producing

    We expect picture come spring... Mark (argue)
  14. cpubarn

    corn stubble hay

    I agree with HAB do a search. We wait a few days after the combine so that the stalks are dry in the center.  If the combine has a chopping head it will be small enough (too small?).  If the combine has a standard head, we chopped it after the dew was dry, and only baled on dry days.  We rake...
  15. cpubarn

    Little League World Series!!!

    I watched a little yesterday, it is always fun watching the kids play.  Have fun watching your local team! Mark
  16. cpubarn

    Grazing corn stalks with lots of corn....

    Thanks for the suggestion.  It is all that I can think of too, just act like I will rotationally graze it.  I will have to see how much corn is left after we combine.  I just don't want to kill any of them off, I will have to limit area or time, and I have this feeling that  once the combine is...
  17. cpubarn

    Grazing corn stalks with lots of corn....

    I have a small corn field in the corner of my pasture.  We have a less than average corn crop, but there is corn there.  The problem is we had 70 mph wind, so the corn is flat. I will combine what I can of it in a week or two, but my question is do I dare let the cows graze it or will they...
  18. cpubarn

    Updated Pics of Fullblood Maine Bull

    Did you get him registered? Looks thick! Mark
  19. cpubarn

    will she raise a smoke? UPDATED PICS 12-29-12

    Very nice looking cattle. How big are they?  How do they take the heat?  Do they shed? Very nice looking Cow/ heifer pair, you will enjoy them. Mark
  20. cpubarn

    Hay shortage solutions

    Sounds like a helpful suggestion.  I haven't had any experience in dry weather and any help from those with some experience is great.  It helps make good, thought out decisions.  We have gotten rains of late, but it hasn't been the most fun just watching it melt away all summer.. Any other tips...