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    Theories on backwards and upside down and backwards calves

    What are the educated guesses and  theories on why calves are born backwards, upside down and backwards and upside down. 
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    Sand cranes flying North

    I was thinking the same thing when I started seeing a larger than normal number of buzzards for this time of year in our part of the country.
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    Your thoughts on the results of the National Red Angus show in Denver

    In this world there are: 1.)  Breeders 2.) Multipliers 3.) and cow traders.  That goes in the beef industry and any other industry that you wish to examine.  It just depends on what your individual goals are.
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    Hauling heavy bred heifers

    Just looking for tips on hauling a heifer that will be due in 30 days seven hours.  I have concerns about hauling one that close to her due date.
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    Doesn't appear to me that this company is really into the Livestock Scale business. 
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    Heatwave still king, wins another major N.A.I.L.E 2012

    Not throwing Jeff and Jason under the bus.  However, was this issued as a press release from NAILE or did an individual provide the document with out the names blacked out to them?  There is a difference between an official press release from the show and someone with an axe to grind...
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    Heatwave still king, wins another major N.A.I.L.E 2012

    I believe that we still adhere to the  "innocent until proven guilty".  I think that it is a shame that this is leaked before there has been any ruling from either Ark Sar Ben or NAILE.  I also think that whom ever provided this protest with Junior Exhibitors names attached to the general public...
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    1941 Grand Champion Steer

    For all that times seem to change, a whole lot of what is discussed in the second clip is still relavant today.  Also, what Missouri FFA chaper is in this clip?  I couldnt make out the chaper name.  FFA jackets haven't changed much either  ;D
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    Mark,  I personally didn't call President Obama corrupt.  That is for history to determine and the courts.  However, his choices in the advisors that he has chosen to surround himself with has left me with little to no cofidence in his ability to run our government.  He has proven that he cannot...
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    For those people that thing that the President can't be on top of everything that is happening in this country.  #1  That is why he is supposed to surround himself with honest, competitent advisors. #2  To quote hmmmmm another president  .....  "THE BUCK STOPS HERE"
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    Pacelle files paper work to be on Tyson Foods BOD

    Not surprising but frightening.  Everything that the HSUS does now is to wear the agricultural community down both emotionally and financially. 
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    Prime Cut cows are still some of my favorite momma's!
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    Miniature Herefords

    Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, TX. has good mini herefords.
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    I had to think about this for some time before I posted because I HATE to be negative BUT! Geez will this heat never end.  Last year we decided to back our calving up to the second week of September because we were having calves coming too early due to the heat.  This year is just as bad or...
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    proud papa!!!

    I agree with CAB.  Please be careful.  Cattle seem to be especially wary of small children and sometimes downright scared of them.  Accidents happen in a heartbeat and you live with the consequences for the rest of your life.
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    Our cow pens are under water and facing more rain from Issac!!

    Not wishing ill on anyone but we are praying that Isaac heads west and then north to Missouri.  Sorry about you having too much water but we have had too little water for two years. So we are praying that he comes our way.
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    Bed and owned division

    We gaveour two kids several cows when they started showing and they retained all the heifers that they purchased to show.  Now it is rare for us to go out and buy any heifer to show.  I will tell you that this is a family affair at our house.  My kids work hard at what they do and have been...
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    Best Truck To Get???

    I really like my chevy until this year.  Four years old 77,000 miles and I have just spend $1,600 on the front end.  Mechanic tells me that the lack of grease certs is causing all kinds of problems.  Replaced all the ball joints, a cv boot etc.  New ball joints have grease certs!!! Next truck...
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    Most unlikely reserve champ/thanks all for advice

    Invalidates all the discussion on changing the forum in my opinion.  Congratulations.  It is stories like this that make this such a great place.
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    Struggling Calf

    We are having trouble with coccidiosis this year.  Is the cow milking?