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  1. S

    Razor ~ The Next Great Charolais Bull

    For all those with their panties in a knot......  Time will be the telling factor on any bull.  He is not proven until he has alot of progeny on the ground.  I like the picture of the bull but then there are a lot of bulls that picture well.  Give us his Reg Number so we can see his numbers and...
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    Razor ~ The Next Great Charolais Bull

    The one thing to consider in the use of any breed or any bull is the environment that you are putting him into.  Bigger framed Northern Cattle just don't work too well in Southern Missouri.  The tend to be too big, too hairy and don't thrive well with our heat and humidity and FESCUE.  Certain...
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    ***OFFICIAL SteerPlanet NCAA Tournament Challenge 2012*** - Prizes

    Just so you know,  I am going with Miz Zou All the way.  Sorry guys the other teams just don't matter to me.  <party>
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    HSUS and the GOP Candidates. I found this interesting It seems like animal agriculture will continue to battle the HSUS and other like organizations no matter which party is in office.  It is imperative that we continue to work to make the stories of agriculture known and appreciated.
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    Show steer numbers (poll)

    Our steer numbers are falling off however, some of this is due to an exhibitor only weighing in one steer to show rather than weighing in three or four and showing two.  The economics of owning and showing several steers is becoming harder.  The steers cost more and if you are raising them they...
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    Vet Charges

    You could hang some people with a New Rope and they would complain. I own my own business (not a vet) and I get complaints daily about the cost of the services I provide and what I sell.  Unfortunately, most of those that complain spend very little money with me.  People expect the same price...
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    New Herd Stud! *** Tell me what you think

    Very alert.  Does the rule about being able to run faster than the animal apply to this one?
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    Apalled by a breeders behavior after a show!!!

    That's showing. " if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen".  Oh and by the way for those of you that haven't already learned this. LIFE IS NOT FAIR AND ALL IS NOT EQUAL despite what Obama wants us to think. We have all been disappointed in the showring and have taken out lumps.  But...
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    Ft Worth.

    [[ Best quote from anyone in this whole thread.  When you buy the animal he or she should be wholly yours, Win or Lose, in the Junior shows.
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    Calving pen Bedding

    We use straw.  I personally don't like putting a wet calf on sawdust.  It sticks all over them.
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    Pic for my Canadian buddies

    It's a toss up as to which species I dislike more  SNAKES OR SPIDERS!  I suppose that guy is poisonous?  And not just an plain or garden variety black snake? As several others have asked.  What is he?
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    What breed?  Is this the Charolais Bull Alejandro?
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    What if?

    Joplin Regional Stockyards has rather large replacement cow and heifer sales.  Alot of these cows and heifers come from farms and ranches around the area that have raised the females,  however, other groups of these cows and heifers have been grouped up from several different sources and bred...
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    Afghan Christmas card

    God Bless and stay safe.  Have a wonderful New Year.
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    I agree with above two posts.  Steer looks like he doesn't feel well in the picture. 
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    It's Not About Winning, It's About Deserving to Win

    (clapping)  You "get It"  better than most of us.
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    News law -Changes-to-child-labor-laws-hurt-farmers "UPDATE"

    I hope that the 4-H and FFA national organizations get on the stick and speak out against these proposed new laws.  This will effectively eliminate 4-H and FFA as we now know it.  It would be impossible to enforce this law on an individual basis, however, it is highly likely that you would be...
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    A Death in My Family + a Perfect Storm

    (angel)  My prayers are with your family.  It sounds like a celebration of his life.
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    We'll be in the Charolais area.  Look us up.  Shaffer Charolais.