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    Thanks for sharing.  Love the picture of the bull with his ladies.  Also the picture of the moon. Nothing more satisfying than watching a calf get up and nurse for the first time.  One of God's major miracles occuring on a daily basis.
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    Disrespectful teacher

    There are much better ways to address this problem than being antagonistic and "in your face" with this educator.  You become no better than this person when you take the "you are a  moron approach".  A face to face meeting with the teacher would be in order.  However, "you catch more flies...
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    BW on Dirty Hairy 2?

    Our cows and heifers (we use him on both) Have NO heatwave in them.  Some have no "clubby" blood in them.  Same mature cows this year as last year and bigger hipped calves.
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    BW on Dirty Hairy 2?

    We have used the original Dirty Hairy on heifers and gotten along great until this year.  Now I am wondering if when we ordered semen last year if we got DH2 instead.  I m going to have to go back and look at the paper work and a straw of the semen.  Our Dirty Hairy calves are quite a bit bigger...
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    Purebred Charolais Fakeford

    What also strikes me is the bw epd's.  Notice the 0.7 with a 105 actual bw, the -2.7 with an actual bw of 95 and the 102 lb bw with a -0.1.  That is stretching the red factor just a bit :)
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    mis-presented - fluke or trend this year?

    We have had years that it seems like everything that could go wrong would go wrong.  One year on a group of 20 heifers the first heifer calved unassisted and the last heifer calved unassisted.  Everything inbetween was ASSISTED.  Yes it was definately the bull. On malpresentations I am...
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    What is the Value of a herd sire.

    What really floors me is the fact that most bull buyers will pay more of a yearling bull than they will for an 18 to 24 month old bull?  It will be interesting to watch the bull market here in Missouri this Spring to see if the price of bulls reflects the increased price of feeder calves.  The...
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    early morning calving cks have begun

    Still doing the calving the old fashioned way.  Getting up and checking.  It does seem to be getting harder as the birthdays go by.  I can't bring myself to say getting older ::) The rewards for the sleepless nights is seeing a bunch of bouncing babies running through the pasture on a warm...
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    Take a look at my 2011 4-H Steer and heifer!!!!

    Nice Calf  Good luck showing him.
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    Suspender Guy NWSS

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    Critical Mass "New Bull"

    I would definately use the BW photo.  The straw draws your eye away from the bull.    I happen to prefer a good BW photo anyway.
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    Ft. Worth FINAL DRIVE Video.

    That Herford was a beast.  I am with you I sure liked the look of him in the video. Thanks for sharing
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    More SNOW (with pics)

    Enough with the exteme cold weather and snow.  After 20 inches last week we got another 6 on top of that yesterday.  When I was driving in to town this morning my truck was telling me it was -22 degrees I know that you folks up north are a tough bunch this has been awful  our state, county and...
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    Missouri Heifers

    As bad as the weather has been in Missouri I would venture to guess that some of the  cattle were unable to get out and get there.  The roads were flat treacherous in our area.  Granted it was in SW Mo
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    $20,000 will be awarded thru Sullivan Supply Scholarships

    (clapping)  Always good to see companies and individuals that are willing and able to help students achieve their goals.  Thank you.
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    fence posts

    Oh my that is some whimpy hedge post.  ;D  We use our hedge for corner posts and believe me there is nothing better.  Use power fence so we use posts designed for the PF in the fence line itself.  Not long on looks if you are wanting pretty corners but I guarantee that hedge will outlast any...
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    Social Security N/C

    So this one slipped right by me until I got notified by the SSI and the IRS this week to change my Social Security Tax ( the match for employers stays at 6.2%) from my employees checks to 4.2%.  Didn't I just read where SS is broke this year?  What premise did the government use to lower the...
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    200 Dead cows in Wisconsin

    And I was do certain that it had to do entirely with Aliens.  Darn it your ruined my conspiracy theory. ::)