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  1. Davis Shorthorns

    Link to The Great Shorthorn Revival Sale catalog!!

    Really wish the bull pregnancy was a heifer.
  2. Davis Shorthorns

    Link to The Great Shorthorn Revival Sale catalog!!

    not to hijack, but also check out lots 54A and 54B.  If you have any questions just shoot me a message or call me at 785 313 3993 Matt
  3. Davis Shorthorns

    US health care N/C

    Where I live I have NEVER had any kind of problem getting in or seeing a DR or NP within one day of calling.  I have blood work done at least every 3 months and I can walk right in and get it done within 15 min.  Usually having my results into the doc within a week.  Xrays I have had done were...
  4. Davis Shorthorns

    Denver 2014

    The display bulls are during MLK weekend.  It is also the Shorthorn show.  Enjoy the yards and soak in the history while you still can.  There is no place left like it that I know of.  Would go to Denver 100 times before I would go to Louisville.  And hit up the yard bar.  :) <beer>
  5. Davis Shorthorns

    CF Trump

    BAHAHAHAHAHA  Wow this thread has really taken off on a different direction.  But for show animals there isn't a sire or set of sons that has consistently put them in the purple like CF Trump.
  6. Davis Shorthorns

    Thoughts on this Charolais cow

    I agree For me it would depend on if the price was right, but at a decent price I would not shy away from a good 05 model.  <cowboy>
  7. Davis Shorthorns

    CF Trump

    And no one is forcing these kids to sign up to play for nothing.  They took their scholarships knowing they would not be compensated monetarily for playing football.  I look at it like a very strict intern program.  They are interning at the University for a chance to play football at the next...
  8. Davis Shorthorns

    CF Trump

    So, women just because their sports aren't as popular should be paid less?  hmmmm good luck with that one.  I'll let you explain that to all the female athletes that put in just as much time and energy into their sport than the men.  So what color of suit do you want to be buried in?  (lol)
  9. Davis Shorthorns

    CF Trump

    So should all student athletes get paid?  If so how does the track and field team or water polo team bring in a ton of money? also That student athlete that is out of state will on average receive over $100,000 dollars in tuition over the course of their college career.  Now take that number and...
  10. Davis Shorthorns

    CF Trump

    With your love of manzel I say go for it over and over.  but as a shorthorn breeder I say watch out for bw problems.  I would love to see a pict of the cow though.
  11. Davis Shorthorns

    Looking for a ride from Kansas to Michigan for 1 cow

    I am looking for a ride sometime in Sept for 1 recip cow up to Michigan.  If you can help me out please let me know. Thanks Matt
  12. Davis Shorthorns

    Cooking corn for calf feed

    for my bull that I was feeding I used a 2 to 1 mix of water to corn in a crock pot on low for about 8 - 10 hrs I used a 32oz cup as my measuring device.  1 cup corn 2 water.  Worked pretty dang good.
  13. Davis Shorthorns

    List all time rock songs and all time country song

    oh man a topic on Steer planet that has gone to 5 pages without arguing!!!  Lets keep it up guys keep it up.  <rock>
  14. Davis Shorthorns

    Any riots or civil unrest yet? NC

    Im sorry but if Trevon had just told Zimmerman that he lived right down the street and he was just walking home I bet he would of got a ride home instead of shot.  Instead he decides that violence is the way to go.  Sorry but I believe that Zimmerman did what he had to do.  I would love to see...
  15. Davis Shorthorns

    Need Some Tips for No-Fit show

    use a hair straightener for the tail head
  16. Davis Shorthorns

    One of our junior herd sires

    Wasn't 3000c a EXT?  Id say he made some pretty dang good females. 
  17. Davis Shorthorns

    One of our junior herd sires

    I understand how to select on basis of pelvic measurements and believe that it is a great tool in selecting for better calving ease, but as breeders we HAVE to bring down bw's.  I just wish we could realize that as a breed.  I understand that things are different up in Canada when it comes to...
  18. Davis Shorthorns

    One of our junior herd sires

    The research I have seen points to if you continue to select for just the largest pelvic areas your frame score will increase.  That's from KSU when I went to school there.  Now there are always outliers as with everything, but they are the exception to the rule. 
  19. Davis Shorthorns

    One of our junior herd sires

    I am very aware that larger pelvises = easier calving, but for one if you select for larger and larger pelvis size you get larger and larger frame size with it and at least where I am at that isn't what we need.  Also when you are talking to Joe Rancher commercial cattleman do you hear "well the...