oakview said:
Who or what do the Deerpark Improver's revert to? Evidently the TH and DS carriers. He's in the pedigree of a great many "pure" Shorthorns. Clare Man? Give me a break.
In most modern pedigrees, at least in the ones I value, those infused genetics you're talking about are a half dozen generations or more back and their outcross influence has been diluted over this time. To me, it's not a matter of them being 'pure' or not. My concern is that I want a stabilized genotype that hasn't had any outside influence for, ideally, 7 generations. 7 being the number of generations it takes to rid outside (outcross) gene expression. Minimize variation in pedigree ==> minimize variation in offspring.
mark tenenbaum said:
The commercial guys ive met from here to California are in the business of crossbreeding on a regular basis or at some point. And dont give a Rats A2345689s about pedigrees, "papered" up cattle and alot of genetic theories etc..They have a general idea what the strengths and weaknesses of the breeds of cattle overall, and what they want the cattle to look like . They make changes when things do not work out

r if they want to add-subtract various traits or color.
You've got a point. A large number of cattle producers really have no understanding of cattle breeding whatsoever. There's a large majority of producers out there who simply inherit a lot of a land and with their 'general ideas' and uncle sams direct payments, make a shit load of money. For these producers, good , is good enough. Some heterosis is huge improvement over the results they'd had from generations of straight breeding, so of course their pleased with new results. I personally attribute their satisfaction to the unfortunate realization that many of these people have never experienced the POWER of a genuine outcross. They don't know just how much better those F1 females are than the mongrels they've been using. They're touting their choice filets as the best only because they've never tried prime. They don't have to, nor do they have the passion, to have a deeper understanding that would enable them to further address and refine their product a true craftsman would.
Of course commercial cattlemen need to be crossbreeding. This is implicit. But what should also be implicit is that in order to create a crossbreed, you must initially start with purebred parent stock. Crossbreds do not replicate themselves. This is literally the sole purpose of purebred breeders: to preserve and propagate purebred lines so as to be able to provide the commercial cattlemen with the necessary components he needs in order to create market bound crossbred calves.
I can't emphasis this enough: the purebred breeder and the commercial cattlemen do not fulfill the same role in the supply chain.