We're still working on the " medicinal Moosehead" program. Typical of bureaucrats, they have legalized " medicinal pot". If you can get a doctor to verify that you need pot to suppress pain, you can get a license to " grow your own". Lots of people with MS on this program. The government also has it's own pot factories in some abandoned mines, far below the ground. I can just imagine the power bill to those grow operations! Total stupidity in my opinion.
In my opinion, the biggest problem we have is that, like any other bureaucratic system, our health care system has too many layers of people working in jobs in hospitals, that have little to do with care of patients. Yes administrators are needed in any system, but it seems to me that we have " too many chiefs and not enough Indians". Like I said in a previous post, I think the best model is a combination of the American system with our system.
It was mentioned earlier that some 5000 population towns have a hospital here in Canada. That may be more common in Alberta than in other parts of the country. It certainly is not the case here in Saskatchewan, where it is almost the opposite. Some small towns have converted their hospitals to basis health care facilities, where local people can get basic first health care, but if your illness or injury is more minor in nature, you are sent to a larger hospital, sometimes 150 miles from where you live.We have lots of people, in remote areas who have to go more than 100 miles for a baby delivery. This is unfortunate, but no system can provide first class health care for remote areas.
Alberta is a bit unique as, for many years, it was blessed with overflowing bank accounts, obtained from the oil patch. That has changed a bit in recent years, however, this has provided their population with many local benefits.