Well-known member
JbarL said:.
...if you read what the founders thought, it was protecting the country. find me some examples that the founding fathers set up programs to provide health care for everyone. me where health care is ommited. show me where it's included, general welfare right? so where i have to provide health care to someone else for free or someone with experitise to provide health care is obligated to provide it for free or at a compensation rate not determined by them.
HOW DARE A DOCTOR CHARGE FOR HEALTH CARE, who will decide how much we can afford?.......your words not mine....No, they are yours because you want to provide free health care and you basically have said health care is a right. there is a right NOT to provide it. you can't compel someone to provide it. rights are to pursue something, like life liberty and pursuit of property, not the right to have them provided for you.
that's exactly what we don't need because there is no incentive to improve have alot of faith in "incentive"...maybe that could be your new party....the Incentive Party....are you incentivised to provide your services for compensation at the level that is your best otherwise you will lose out to your competitors? so.... you have little faith incentive?.
.having a truly equal society doesnt mean its because knabe jor jbarl agrees with it.... ok. what is a truly equal society.
a truly equal society is equal opportunity, not equal outcome based on unequal effort, natural ability etc. one goes " that extra mile"...just to get sick....our "oppertunity" to get well has nothing to do with our efforts or natural abilities...jbarl. it has everything to do with getting sick in some cases. diet, lack of excercise, choosing occupation, not getting educated to give oneself choices.
what is personal responsibility, where does it begin and end?
.i still stand by the preable to the consitiuion and the interputation of " good and welfare" of its people to solve any "argument" that may arise concering medical care for amercians, how do you pay for it, and how do you compel people to take care of themselves if their behavior is driving up the cost of health care by their diet, smoking, lack of excercise etc. do you fine them, tax them for not jogging, tax them for body mass, it's in their and our welfare to not maximize lack of health? the only way to do this is a massive infrasture. since i know already you are going to disagree, come up with a plan to spend my money wisely. how much "extra" money do you give to health care for others. do you pay taxes on all income to provide health care for everyone, why not?
i suppose it's a right to provide social security with ever expanding benefits under general welfare to eh?
the reason i say we need someone like you to set up a panel is because money isn't infinite. if you don't have enough revenue, you will print it, which is probably ok under the general welfare because it redistributes wealth. that is the foundation of your economic policy. to know when to print money, you need to know what things cost, who is making too much etc. you can't do it any other way. if you think you can, provide some examples.