Americans ideas of living in Canada

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
...if you read what the founders thought, it was protecting the country.  find me some examples that the founding fathers set up programs to provide health care for everyone. me where health care is ommited.  show me where it's included, general welfare right?  so where i have to provide health care to someone else for free or someone with experitise to provide health care is obligated to provide it for free or at a compensation rate not determined by them.

HOW DARE A DOCTOR CHARGE FOR HEALTH CARE, who will decide how much we can afford?.......your words not mine....No, they are yours because you want to provide free health care and you basically have said health care is a right.  there is a right NOT to provide it.  you can't compel someone to provide it.  rights are to pursue something, like life liberty and pursuit of property, not the right to have them provided for you.

that's exactly what we don't need because there is no incentive to improve have alot of faith in "incentive"...maybe that could be your new party....the Incentive Party....are you incentivised to provide your services for compensation at the level that is your best otherwise you will lose out to your competitors?  so.... you have little faith incentive?.

.having a truly equal society doesnt mean its because knabe jor jbarl  agrees with it.... ok.  what is a truly equal society.

a truly equal society is equal opportunity, not equal outcome based on unequal effort, natural ability etc. one goes " that extra mile"...just to get sick....our "oppertunity" to get well has nothing to do with our efforts or natural  abilities...jbarl.  it has everything to do with getting sick in some cases.  diet, lack of excercise, choosing occupation, not getting educated to give oneself choices.

what is personal responsibility, where does it begin and end?  

.i still stand by the preable to the consitiuion and the interputation of " good and welfare" of its people to solve any "argument" that may arise concering medical care for amercians, how do you pay for it, and how do you compel people to take care  of themselves if their behavior is driving up the cost of health care by their diet, smoking, lack of excercise etc.  do you fine them, tax them for not jogging, tax them for body mass, it's in their and our welfare to not maximize lack of health?  the only way to do this is a massive infrasture.  since i know already you are going to disagree, come up with a plan to spend my money wisely.  how much "extra" money do you give to health care for others.  do you pay taxes on all income to provide health care for everyone, why not?  

i suppose it's a right to provide social security with ever expanding benefits under general welfare to eh?

the reason i say we need someone like you to set up a panel is because money isn't infinite.  if you don't have enough revenue, you will print it, which is probably ok under the general welfare because it redistributes wealth.  that is the foundation of your economic policy.  to know when to print money, you need to know what things cost, who is making too much etc.  you can't do it any other way.  if you think you can, provide some examples.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
Blah Blah blah blah blah.  I am only 22, but I have dealt with health care here in both Alberta and Saskatchewan a lot for someone my age!  I have had several surgeries, and been in an ambulance, and waiting room plenty of times.  My only complaint is going to a doctors office and dealing with MOODY doctors that don't seem to care whether or not I have a problem  They are certainly not all like that, but quite a few can be.  For what we pay for and what we get ( health care, medications, ambulance rides, etc), I CERTAINLY have NO complaints. 
Like others, I feel the Americans may be scared of change, and scared of actually caring for every man, woman, and child.  This is not should not be "the toughest man wins".  There is NO NEED to tell a mother with a sick child to "tough it out" if she cannot afford to see a doctor for 2 minutes, and cannot afford the antibiotics to cure her baby.  Health care is not something to "make money on".  Well, yes, it is, but not by taking the desperate measures that the US seems to be. 

I like the immigrants.  Although many people may not, I do.  I appreciate seeing a whole Chinese family, open and run a family restaurant, and watch their kids bike down the street where they just bought a home of their own.  I appreciate seeing immigrants come to this country and boast about how kind we are, how much space and beauty there is, and about the great job they just got.  Even if it is at MacDonald's...they are HAPPY!  I love that Canada opens up so many opportunities for all of mankind!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Bawndoh said:
Blah Blah blah blah blah.  I am only 22, but I have dealt with health care here in both Alberta and Saskatchewan a lot for someone my age!  I have had several surgeries, and been in an ambulance, and waiting room plenty of times.  My only complaint is going to a doctors office and dealing with MOODY doctors that don't seem to care whether or not I have a problem  They are certainly not all like that, but quite a few can be.  For what we pay for and what we get ( health care, medications, ambulance rides, etc), I CERTAINLY have NO complaints. 
Like others, I feel the Americans may be scared of change, and scared of actually caring for every man, woman, and child.  This is not should not be "the toughest man wins".  There is NO NEED to tell a mother with a sick child to "tough it out" if she cannot afford to see a doctor for 2 minutes, and cannot afford the antibiotics to cure her baby.  Health care is not something to "make money on".  Well, yes, it is, but not by taking the desperate measures that the US seems to be. 

I like the immigrants.  Although many people may not, I do.  I appreciate seeing a whole Chinese family, open and run a family restaurant, and watch their kids bike down the street where they just bought a home of their own.  I appreciate seeing immigrants come to this country and boast about how kind we are, how much space and beauty there is, and about the great job they just got.  Even if it is at MacDonald's...they are HAPPY!  I love that Canada opens up so many opportunities for all of mankind!

What I find amazing is not one Canadian on here has said OH DEATH IS ME in regards to their health care. Wow maybe it CAN work!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
worthabit said:
aj said:
Did Canada participate in WW 2? They had some people in it didn't they?

we might have one a battle or two ;)

For AJ
WW II Allies

Within days of the invasion of Poland, Canada declared war on Germany on September 10, 1939. As in World War I, Canadian formations fought under British theater command, and they played an important role in the Allied campaigns in Europe. Canadian forces contributed heavily with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in the Battle of Britain, in the air raids against Germany, by the Royal Canadian Navy in the Battle of the Atlantic, by the army in the Italian campaign, the Raid on Dieppe, the Invasion of Normandy (including the landing on Juno Beach on D-Day), and the Scheldt.

The Canadian Army in Europe after Normandy fought its way up through coastal France, into western Belgium, overrunning many German V-1 and V-2 bases, and then into southern and eastern Netherlands. The Canadian Army received the surrender of all German forces in The Netherlands in May 1945. In Italy, a Corps was fielded beginning in January 1944, and the Canadian Army in Normandy built up from a single division in June 1944, to a full Corps in July 1944, and next, to a field Army in August 1944, under which several foreign national formations were under its command, including at various times British, Polish, Dutch, and American forces. The Canadian Army in western Europe was a part of the British 21st Army Group under Field Marshall Bernard L. Montgomery.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think it is amazing the job Eisenhower did as the supreme commander. He had to deal with so many generals. Marshal, Mongomery,Patton was always getting into trouble. He had to allocate resources send men to their death in Normady on and on. I believe his brother was like KSU's president or something similar. I wonder what % of men and money Canada contributed to ww2. They do have a low population intensity I realize. Are their still wooley Mamouth's in Canada. Is blah, blah, blah, good or bad? Are Canadians moraly superior to usa people?


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2008
prince edward island Canada
aj said:
I think it is amazing the job Eisenhower did as the supreme commander. He had to deal with so many generals. Marshal, Mongomery,Patton was always getting into trouble. He had to allocate resources send men to their death in Normady on and on. I believe his brother was like KSU's president or something similar. I wonder what % of men and money Canada contributed to ww2. They do have a low population intensity I realize. Are their still wooley Mamouth's in Canada. Is blah, blah, blah, good or bad? Are Canadians moraly superior to usa people?

here you go eh.


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
justintime said:
Here is a picture of how farming in Canada is done.

couple of thoughts.

that bullock is very deep, wonder if he's efficient.
wonder if that guy needs a permit for a wild animal.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
As I understand it is a given that Canada rides on the United States coat tail as far as national security is concerned. With Alaska on one end and the mainland on the other end is readily known that the U.S. military protects Canada. Canada knows that if anyone messes with Canada the U.S.A. will have a jet fighter in in 15 minutes. I'm not saying this is right or wrong but it is a fact. I have a friend that was a political major. She is pretty high up in the Democrat machine. She told me that Canada has the fortitude and military strength of France. I guess if you aren't really carrying your own weight it is easier to have socialist programs that work. Thats her words not mine. jmo


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Everything considered, there is more things similar between Americans and Canadians than there are differences. I think most Canadians are very proud to be neighbours to the great country of USA and I think we share many of the same values. Maybe it is a sign of me just getting old, but I do see the values that both our countries believe in ( or used to believe in, in many cases) being eroded. We hear lots of stories that just makes many of us shake our heads in disbelief about our Canadian society and how stupid some of these political correct issues have become. I also see this happening in the US, and that really bothers me. Just a few minutes ago, I heard a Canadian radio host, on talk radio, interview a high school girl from Florida. The story is that she was the High School President, and she had been just informed that she would not be allowed to speak at the High School graduation, simply because the school officials were not certain that she would not refer to God in her speech. She also told of two high school teachers who have been charged with criminal charges, for leading a lunch time prayer at this same school. If convicted, they could see federal prison time.

Stories like this, make me wonder if this has been completely blown out of proportion, however the radio interviewer said he had checked with the Florida law authorities and this was indeed the true story. If this is true, I think everyone better be singing " God Bless America" a little more often.

Our two countries have differing opinions on many issues. I do not see this as wrong. It just shows that each country has the ability to think for themselves. I think we share many similar views on world events. Canadians have paid dearly in deaths and injury in taking a lead role in present day Afghanistan. Canadians are still considered as heros in many European countries, for their efforts during WW1 and WW2. Canadians maybe pick their fights a little differently than the US, but then, we are a relatively small country in population, and we have the second largest country in the world to defend. It takes a large amount of manpower just to defend our borders, on all sides.

All in all, I am very thankful to be a friend and neighbour to everyone in the US. I have many American friends, and I don't see many differences between us.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Dang it jit....I am going to have to meet you sometime. We would probably end up being best friends before it was over.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
...if you read what the founders thought, it was protecting the country.  find me some examples that the founding fathers set up programs to provide health care for everyone. me where health care is ommited.  show me where it's included, general welfare right?  so where i have to provide health care to someone else for free or someone with experitise to provide health care is obligated to provide it for free or at a compensation rate not determined by them.

HOW DARE A DOCTOR CHARGE FOR HEALTH CARE, who will decide how much we can afford?.......your words not mine....No, they are yours because you want to provide free health care and you basically have said health care is a right.  there is a right NOT to provide it.  you can't compel someone to provide it.  rights are to pursue something, like life liberty and pursuit of property, not the right to have them provided for you.

that's exactly what we don't need because there is no incentive to improve have alot of faith in "incentive"...maybe that could be your new party....the Incentive Party....are you incentivised to provide your services for compensation at the level that is your best otherwise you will lose out to your competitors?  so.... you have little faith incentive?.

.having a truly equal society doesnt mean its because knabe jor jbarl  agrees with it.... ok.  what is a truly equal society.

a truly equal society is equal opportunity, not equal outcome based on unequal effort, natural ability etc. one goes " that extra mile"...just to get sick....our "oppertunity" to get well has nothing to do with our efforts or natural  abilities...jbarl.  it has everything to do with getting sick in some cases.  diet, lack of excercise, choosing occupation, not getting educated to give oneself choices.

what is personal responsibility, where does it begin and end?  

.i still stand by the preable to the consitiuion and the interputation of " good and welfare" of its people to solve any "argument" that may arise concering medical care for amercians, how do you pay for it, and how do you compel people to take care  of themselves if their behavior is driving up the cost of health care by their diet, smoking, lack of excercise etc.  do you fine them, tax them for not jogging, tax them for body mass, it's in their and our welfare to not maximize lack of health?  the only way to do this is a massive infrasture.  since i know already you are going to disagree, come up with a plan to spend my money wisely.  how much "extra" money do you give to health care for others.  do you pay taxes on all income to provide health care for everyone, why not?  

i suppose it's a right to provide social security with ever expanding benefits under general welfare to eh?

the reason i say we need someone like you to set up a panel is because money isn't infinite.  if you don't have enough revenue, you will print it, which is probably ok under the general welfare because it redistributes wealth.  that is the foundation of your economic policy.  to know when to print money, you need to know what things cost, who is making too much etc.  you can't do it any other way.  if you think you can, provide some examples.

thats the tail chasing talk  we do with our private time that seems to consume us as amercians these days...we've become argumenative participants of the tv show  "jackass" ....i call it a helath issue call it a money issue....i say it will be paid for say we'll all have to be nazis or taxed to nothing  if we do.....thats what they laugh at us for..the truth is we will all  will have to live with it either way the day after .......even the canadians/sweds/ and brits seem to think were fools for not having it ourselves least thats what i seem to have gotten from the canadians posts anyway....jbarl


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
aj... I think you and I have much more in common than we have differences. If we meet, I think we will agree on many more topics than we disagree on.

In regards to woolly Mammoths, I haven't seen any in the wild in Canada, however I thought I saw a descendant of one in Walmart a few days ago. It left me wondering if I had just seen proof that our native Indians had tried to mate with them at some time in our past history.

We could have Mammoths again soon, as there are some Canadian geneticists on the team who are planning to clone a fully intact baby Mammoth who was found frozen in ice in Russia, in perfect condition. Who knows, in today's world we may see them again...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
.i call it a helath issue call it a money issue. what should a doctor be paid?.

.i say it will be paid for .HOW? say we'll all have to be nazis or taxed to nothing  if we do., those are your words, although progressives historically have more in common with the nazi's than anyone else, of course you haven't pursued those sources have you?....

if it will be paid for, that implies taxation to nothing.  how do you avoid it?


Shady Lane

Well-known member
Mar 30, 2009
Saskatchewan Canada
aj said:
Did Canada participate in WW 2? They had some people in it didn't they?

When I first read this comment this morning I was having a coffee after tieing up some calves outside, I was tempted to respond right away as it hit a bit of a nerve and I'm pretty sure I could hear some dead relatives doing cart wheels in their graves somewhere in Europe.

After going outside and working on said calves and giving some more thought I, I figured I would respond more rationally as I'm sure it was meant as a harmless comment or more of an honest question than a slag.


  Yes Canada served in WWII, primarily in the European Theatres.

A few things to note would be that 1,100,000+ Canadians served over seas in WWII

  Canada was called to action essentially immediately into the first days of the war, right around the invasion of Poland in 1939 I believe. We did not wait until the Attack of Pearl Harbour in late 1941 or a similar event to officially enter the war.

During "D" day, (The Invasion of Normandy) the Canadians took the third beach "Juno" which was the second most heavily armed and made it further inland the first day than any other Battalion capturing several German held towns as they went.

  Canada was primarily responsible for the liberation of the Netherlands. As a token of appreciation the Dutch government/Royalty sent thousands of tulip bulbs to our captial city as a token of their appreciation. Every year since they send more and if you ever go to Ottawa in the spring you will some of the most ammazing gardens of flowers anywhere. After the war we had a large influx of Dutch immigrants, I think that is where a lot of our leggy blonde girls come from.  ;)

Canada held the largest flight training program in the history of the world and trained a massive number of pilots here on Canadian soil during the war.

Canada, being one of the world's largest manufacturers of Vehicles at the time contributed a massive amount of manufactured goods, weapons, ammunition, and other supplies.

Canada being a large agricultural producer exported thousands of tonnes of food to support troops and help to feed the populace in the allied nations.

Canada also provided massive amounts of raw matterials for the allied war effort, I think around 1/2 of the alluminum and 90% of the nickel required.

By the end of the war, Canada had created the 4'th largest navy in the world (remember this is comparitively a very small country)

  Anyway, enough with today's history lesson.

Sorry for getting off the topic at hand, this has nothing to do with health care or the original thread but I felt obligated to respond to the question posted above.
Sorry for getting off the topic of health care


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
What I find amazing is not one Canadian on here has said OH DEATH IS ME in regards to their health care. Wow maybe it CAN work!

OH Breeder what really amazes me is that not one Canadian that had to pay his taxes to cover someone else has said it was good. Only the ones like the young man who you quoted who doesn't have  to pay a dime for his services. Why wouldn't he love it??? He got something for nothing. I'll bet the ranch he doesn't make enough money to pay top tier taxes. Ask the guy who's money was stolen by the government and used to pay for the services he received if he was happy about it. How does HE feel abaout paying for someone else.

There is one way you can persuade me that you are really sincere in backing a government funded and managed health care plan. We could begin small and maybe it would grow and swell and take  the country. How 'bout each month YOU send ME a personal check to cover MY health insurance costs. Or if you think it'd be easier on you, I won't have any insurance and you just send me a check to cover my medical expenses when and if I need one. Which way would you like to do it? If you aren't willing to do that, then how come you are willing for the government to take my money to pay for health care for someone else?? Hmmmmmm??? Why would you want me do do that if you aren't willing to pay for mine?



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas darned ole Canadians. I guess when the glaciers start pushing south again(like the Wisconsin ice age) or are we still in it.......we may all end up in Mexico to escape the ice. Dang....drinking Modelo beer, quervo gold, smoking weed.......hummmmn........ya know........

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
What I find amazing is not one Canadian on here has said OH DEATH IS ME in regards to their health care. Wow maybe it CAN work!

OH Breeder what really amazes me is that not one Canadian that had to pay his taxes to cover someone else has said it was good. Only the ones like the young man who you quoted who doesn't have  to pay a dime for his services. Why wouldn't he love it??? He got something for nothing. I'll bet the ranch he doesn't make enough money to pay top tier taxes. Ask the guy who's money was stolen by the government and used to pay for the services he received if he was happy about it. How does HE feel abaout paying for someone else.

There is one way you can persuade me that you are really sincere in backing a government funded and managed health care plan. We could begin small and maybe it would grow and swell and take  the country. How 'bout each month YOU send ME a personal check to cover MY health insurance costs. Or if you think it'd be easier on you, I won't have any insurance and you just send me a check to cover my medical expenses when and if I need one. Which way would you like to do it? If you aren't willing to do that, then how come you are willing for the government to take my money to pay for health care for someone else?? Hmmmmmm??? Why would you want me do do that if you aren't willing to pay for mine?

WEll I will tell you what. Why don't you and all the rest that are complaining get a job in the local ER and see how many people we ALREADY are paying for. It really isn't a newconcept -- there is more medicade in the ER on a saturday night than paying customers. Why do you think that is?
POINT is there has to be a solution. Doing nothing is only going to get worse. As of 2008 the first baby boomer started to consume social secruity. This will be the largest population to move into the elder age in years. What do you think will happen to our already broken system when the popluation statistics triple in Heart Failure, Chronic Lung Disease and other disorders?