Cattle injected with air

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Aj, after they're done, whatever's left is welcome to stop by, look at cows in the pasture, and crack open a cold beverage.  As long as you don't bleed too much in the truck.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
Aj, after they're done, whatever's left is welcome to stop by, look at cows in the pasture, and crack open a cold beverage.  As long as you don't bleed too much in the truck.

Oh man!!!! You guys are cracking me up!!!!  (lol)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
aj said:
Steer jocks are crooked bastards.....end of story. They aren't breeders of cattle they are traders of cattle. Guess they are to lazy or not smart enough to have a real job. They can impregate women and they do look look good in blue jeans but they are leaches. Jmo I guess after the mafia and jocks get done with me there won't be much left of me. ;D

Never fear aj - Stormalong and I will protect you  ;)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Stor ma long.....thats it!!!!Dang.....The eagle has landed!!!!!!I repeat.....The eagle has landed. ;D


New member
Aug 8, 2009
I have showed with people who aired  calves and pump em too.  They was some of my best friends and then I showed with some that wasn't a friend of mine.  No matter what the standing was between us I never looked for stuff to get them kicked out of the fair.  The county fair is suppose to be for the kids and the ones who are all the time trying to cause trouble for another one obviously is having fun.  Everyone needs to get along.  It makes for a long week if there is constant trouble.  Why have we let this thread cause so much bad blood with everyone. Everyone is intitled to his or her own opinion on this subject.  (cow)


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
aj said:
Steer jocks are crooked bastards.....end of story. They aren't breeders of cattle they are traders of cattle. Guess they are to lazy or not smart enough to have a real job. They can impregate women and they do look look good in blue jeans but they are leaches. Jmo I guess after the mafia and jocks get done with me there won't be much left of me. ;D
I can not believe this quote has not been wiped from this board.  Their are alot of good people that trade steers, there are some crooks in that business, there are also crooks that raise and sell cattle, there are crooks in every business in every day life.  I know jocks, traders, whatever you want to refer to them as that raise cattle as well, and damn good cattle.  Most I know have a good job that requires a high level of intelligence and salesmanship.  Some have a job that requires traveling which gives them an advantage with their steer trading.  Yes, they can impregnate women i have noticed.  Most have a real nice pretty hardworking wife and kids that takes care of chores and holds down another job while he is gone.  Haven't seen the crime in that.  Or i haven't noticed that they look good in blue jeans.  I'm not that kind of a guy (clapping)  These people allow for some of us to sell a calf off the place at good price.  He has connections that we don't have, in which we may not be able to get more than county steer price for that calf.  He does make money off our calf.  Last i checked that was legal in America.  Knabe will probably comment on that one......


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I agree with farwest on this on, especially on the part about someone making money from buying a calf and then selling it at a profit. It seems some people see this as being evil and crooked. That is called making a living, and I see this no different than a store buying at wholesale and then marking the price of the product up and selling it at retail. What is the real difference?  I hear this all the time, when someone buys some cattle then resells them at a good profit. This makes me insane.

Here is an example:  A few years ago, a neighbour of mine asked me to haul some cull cows to the auction market for him. When I loaded the cattle, I saw a 4 year old cow that I had sold to him as a bred heifer, in the load going to town. I asked him why he was shipping this cow as she was a very good cow. My neighbour said that she was open so he was shipping her.( If that was all he had said, I would have hauled the cow to town and unloaded her at the auction.) He then said that he had AI bred the cow and then sent her away to pasture for the summer, and he had not put a clean up bull out. I thought to myself that this was probably not the cows fault, but the owners fault, so I asked him what he would sell the cow for. He said I could buy her for market price. I hauled the load to the auction,including this cow, and I weighed her there and then calculated out the price. When I paid him for the cow I gave him an extra $100 over market price. This cow went out to pasture and settled on her first service. Later that year, I featured her in my production sale and she sold for $5000.

After the sale, I heard from a friend that my neighbour was not happy with me. I called him up and asked him if there was something wrong. He said that he felt that I had taken advantage of him by selling this cow for $5000. I said to him that I had paid him more than what he had priced her at. It took him awhile to get over this, and I really don't think I did anything wrong.

Personally, when I sell an animal to someone and they do well with it, I am very happy for them. I am pleased to have had even a small part in this. A few years ago a sold 50 embryos in a package to Scotland. One of the resulting calves, topped the Perth sale at 10,000 pounds ( approx $20,000). I heard that he also sold several of the embryos for 5 xs what he had paid me for them. To me, this is just business. I was happy with what I had got for them, and if I wasn't I would not have agreed to sell them. I was happy that he had had success with my embryos and hoped I could sell him some more.

It just seems that some people feel that it is a sin to make money from buying, selling or trading cattle. Is this any different if someone bought some used cars and trucks, cleaned them up a little and sold them again at a profit? I think not.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Quote from farwest: Yes, they can impregnate women i have noticed.  Most have a real nice pretty hardworking wife and kids that takes care of chores and holds down another job while he is gone.  Haven't seen the crime in that.

Some even have the talent of impregnating women (many at least "go through the motions) while their wife and kids are AT HOME.....  

I tried to fight the urge to respond, but God help me, I just couldn't. Not that strong of a person.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I also just wasn't strong enough to leave this one along.

We pretty much soured on the hassle dealing with trailers - too many issues on not getting paid, keeping up with where your calves went, etc.

However, do all of the supposed cattle experts on this board not realize that "traders" are present in every aspect of the cattle business?  I've known plenty of sale barn order buyers and other traders who have just as much of the "tomcat" mentality some of the young steer jocks ever did/do.

Maybe I'm just getting old and don't keep up with who's chasing who anymore, but it actually seems to me this game has become enough of a legitimate business that a lot of very established jocks and traders are very much family men/women now.  In fact, I could rattle off a list of names a mile long in Texas that are great examples for kids on how husbands/wives should work together. 

I don't think that stereotype is very accurate at all anymore.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Larkspur, CO
Just got back and settled from county fair. There is a huge stink going on in the county next to us about the grand champion airing her steer. Rumors are: charges are being filed, attorney's are being hired and worst of all innocent people are being blamed.
In any given steer show take a good hard look at the steers. Any of them that have unproportionally huge butts chances are they have been aired. Trying to have absolute proof is another matter. Ruining an innocent person's reputation is inexcusable!!!!
These folks on their high horses who come across as never doing anything against the rules, when half the state knows they do, and they want to go out an smear someones reputation had better watch their backsides. What comes around goes around!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
box6rranch said:
Just got back and settled from county fair. There is a huge stink going on in the county next to us about the grand champion airing her steer. Rumors are: charges are being filed, attorney's are being hired and worst of all innocent people are being blamed.
In any given steer show take a good hard look at the steers. Any of them that have unproportionally huge butts chances are they have been aired. Trying to have absolute proof is another matter. Ruining an innocent person's reputation is inexcusable!!!!
These folks on their high horses who come across as never doing anything against the rules, when half the state knows they do, and they want to go out an smear someones reputation had better watch their backsides. What comes around goes around!

Unfortunately I don't think this is anything new. Folks will always be jealous.
We are very small potatoes. But a few years back the kids took a strong interest in our program. There calves looked better and because they had a stronger interest I invested more in to it. It is the little things that people do to you when you win a few shows. We had two steers that fell in the same class. My neice asked another 4-H that had a steer entered to show her second steer. Well the young man had to take his calf home and someone went to fair board and complained we couldn't allow him to show our second steer because he did not have a project at the county fair. It just happen to be the day after our born raised show and both of our steers were in the top 5. It really made me mad and it was our first experience with sore losers attacking us unecessarily. We pulled out the old rule book and it said as long as the exhibitor had a project at the county fair they could show. Well the young man had both crops and woodworking exhibited and we were allowed to have him show. It was 45 minutes before the show was to start too. It was unfortunate for the young man because he had to take his steer home and we needed to have a person show. People are just sore losers. No one said a word when we showed the born and raised show an til after it was over. We have learned our lesson.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
Show Heifer said:
Quote from farwest: Yes, they can impregnate women i have noticed.  Most have a real nice pretty hardworking wife and kids that takes care of chores and holds down another job while he is gone.  Haven't seen the crime in that.

Some even have the talent of impregnating women (many at least "go through the motions) while their wife and kids are AT HOME.....  

I tried to fight the urge to respond, but God help me, I just couldn't. Not that strong of a person.
  Stereotyping anyone in the way several on here are doing is WRONG no matter how you want to spin it!  I would welcome a steer jock to check out my cattle!  An order buyer at the local salebarn bidding up my cattle against the local feedlot owner is good for the business!  If a Steer Jock has a market for my cattle and it drives the price up, How is that bad for business?  Are there some that I would rather not do business with?  Yes!  There are bad apples in every industry in America but to Stereotype anyone is just flat wrong, IMO!

Sorry for the rant!



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Showheifer. Do you seriously teach school. No teacher of my kids I know would make an open comment like that stereotypeing people. Also. What about female traders. Do the impregnate also. What about a lesbian trader. What type of action could you condemn about her while she's gone from home. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
  He has connections that we don't have, in which we may not be able to get more than county steer price for that calf.  He does make money off our calf.  Last i checked that was legal in America.  Knabe will probably comment on that one......

i've dealt with something similar in this vein.  people will get hired at companies and some smuck manager will notice someone who seems to have contacts with everyone.  they will try to get them to hand over their contact list.  ethically, i have a problem with that as a lot of those contacts are developed relationships.

develope relationships, they will save you gas and advertising and lots of other things.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
knabe said:
develope relationships, they will save you gas and advertising and lots of other things.

including air  ;D
boy aj's modicum of levity sure got some panties in a wad or is that knickers in a knot? - guess ya can't teach an old goat new tricks...or was that an old dog? aj lives in a little town with a big moon - it gives him a warped sense of humor ---


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Several people on this board who know me personally will bet I live in a smaller town with a bigger moon than aj. I don't believe I'm that warped to call a group of people a name like that and make false accusations.  It is nothing but jealousy. I would guess for a great price he would sell out to a trader immediately.
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