Combined curly calf info

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Rocky Hill Simmental

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
kanshow said:
This will potentially affect many who have used certain SimAngus bulls too.   That is a huge commercial market.  I wonder how/if the ASA will react. 

I got an email about it from the ASA a couple days ago that warned of it. They sent a bunch of information:
It's the same thing that was already posted here though.

That's pretty scary.  :eek:


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
The following letter was recently posted on the Gardiner Angus website (emphasis added)

Dear Customers & Friends:
We have been asked many questions and attempted to respond to the concerns of our fellow beef producers who may be affected by the recent information released by the American Angus Association regarding Curly Calf Syndrome (CCS). In an effort to continue an open line of communication with our customers, we are providing responses to the questions most commonly asked by those contacting us.

Q: Have you had calves born at GAR with this defect?
A: Approximately 2,000 calves are born each year at Gardiner Angus Ranch and our ET Cooperator herds. Since 1991 we have produced about 27,000 calves. During this time period we have had 11 stillborn, anatomically-defective cases in our records. This would represent only .04% of the calves born in that period. Descriptions and/or samples from these calves were submitted to Dr. Horst Leipold (Kansas State University, AAA advisor on genetic abnormalities) in the 1990s and more recently to Dr. Dave Steffen (University of Nebraska, Dr. Leipold’s student who subsequently became AAA’s advisor). Six of these calves had “no Precision” in their pedigree. Dr. Leipold advised us that the anatomically-defective calves born on our ranch were the result of a variety of possible causes including: environmental factors (e.g., plants, insects, soil toxicity, etc), disease (viruses) or that some “might” have a genetic component. He advised us to continue recording and reporting abnormal calves and we have done so.This calving season we had one such calf and submitted the calf and samples to Dr. Steffen.

Q: When you did first hear about Curly Calf Syndrome?
A: Dr. Leipold referred to CCS as “Arthrogryposis.” We first heard this term from him when we submitted our first case in the fall of 1991. More recently, we became aware when a small number of calves born dead with bent and twisted spines were reported to the Angus Association in March 2007. However, it was not until August 12th, 2008 when Dr. Jonathon Beever visited GAR that we were informed he suspected an autosomal recessive gene was the cause of CCS. During his visit Dr. Beever asked for and received semen samples from some of our bulls in order to expedite his research. We were only informed Curly Calf Syndrome appeared to be caused by a simple recessive gene, traced from GAR Precision, a few days before the Angus Association released its report on September 17th.

Q: Has there been other diseases caused by a mutant autosomal recessive gene in cattle?
A: In fact a similar autosomal recessive disease was reported in Holstein cattle in 1992. Bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD) in Holstein cattle is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, delayed wound healing and stunted growth. Affected cattle die at an early age due to the persistent infections. The carrier frequency of the BLAD gene among U.S. Holstein cattle reached approximately 15% among active artificial insemination bulls and 8% among cows in the early 1990’s. The dairy industry quickly developed a diagnostic test to identify BLAD carriers. Because the DNA test was highly accurate and relatively inexpensive to perform, the A.I. organizations were able to test and eliminate many sons of
BLAD carrier bulls, thus minimizing any potential negative impact BLAD carriers might have had on the breed. The control ofBLAD in the general population of Holstein cattle was done by publishing the genotypes and avoiding the mating between BLAD carriers. That strategy dramatically reduced the frequency of BLAD carriers. Similar strategies used in Poland, a country where the frequency of the BLAD mutant carriers was 15% among young bulls, has reduced the incidence of BLAD carriers to 0.8% in 12 years. Obviously, the breeding strategies used to reduce the frequency of BLAD in Holstein cattle would make a good model for efficient control of another genetic disorder mediated by a single recessive mode of inheritance.

Q: What will be Gardiner Angus Ranch’s Plan of Action?
A: For the past 30 years, every animal sold by GAR has been fully guaranteed. THIS WILL NOT CHANGE. Every bull in our fall sale and every bull and female in our Spring 2009 sale will be covered by the same guarantee—period! If you buy a bull or cow from us and are not satisfied, we will replace it. As for our plans at GAR, we are cooperating fully with the American Angus Association and as soon as a DNA test is available, we
will test every animal on the ranch and the results will be made available to all our customers. Our goal will be to eliminate the recessive gene for CCS from our herd by selective mating and testing of offspring. Gardiner Angus Ranch has always used science, technology and data to breed better cattle. We will continue to do so. We will aggressively move forward to produce cattle that are superior for the economically important traits and free of this recessive gene. It will be important for all of us to remember to not throw the “baby out with the bathwater”. Science, data and technology will allow us all to be successful in breeding better cattle.

FINAL NOTE: We encourage the reporting of all calves possibly affected by CCS. For further information contact Don Laughlin, Director of Member Services, AAA by e-mail ([email protected]) or 816/383-5140. Note: if possible, please retain the calf and Don Laughlin will make arrangements to have it shipped to Dr. David Steffen in Lincoln, Nebraska at the Association’s expense.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
sounds like the presidential debate last night, so????????????    sounds like there will still be assless carrier bulls sold after the test, just gonna be honest about it and maybe stick them in to some naive cattlemen,  that's what i read.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
far west....        unlike the presidetial debate  which lacked substance and timeless on all fronts, far as being an "all  eyes on topic". ...we waited so long for....we all just had to see....80 million people......c calf syndrom is a  " all eyes on" topic for many here  as well.....i applaude and all directly involved with a ......very "timely"......." fact to date/ information " "sharing"  piece of sharing... this has been an " all eyes on topic " for many as well of late........i appreciate the help.... to me sets the bar for one of the classiest information sharieng's  i've recieved here to date..............jbarl     (welcome)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Was talking to Knabe earlier today, but got disconnected after a lengthy conversation. Sorry Knabe,  left the phone off the hook. Had too much to do.

Why is it when we put selection pressures on specific traits, these defects often surface? There's something to be said about optimum and maximum. It appears the evolution for genetic improvement is not something that can be done overnight and probably takes longer then our average life time. Are we hurrying the process?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Telos said:
Was talking to Knabe earlier today, but got disconnected after a lengthy conversation. Sorry Knabe,  left the phone off the hook. Had too much to do.

Why is it when we put selection pressures on specific traits, these defects often surface? There's something to be said about optimum and maximum. It appears the evolution for genetic improvement is not something that can be done overnight and probably takes longer then our average life time. Are we hurrying the process?

we may be hurrying it ....or we may have already passed it........ or did we llet  it pass  by us unoticed?.......  is it right around the corner....or just down the street...?          maybe genetics just isnt used to bein' fooled much....good or do we pick the unpredictabel....i can see why you were on the phone with knabe so long :D.. ...i  guess  my answer is some where here in red...........jbarl


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas

we may be hurrying it ....or we may have already passed it........ or did we llet  it pass  by us unoticed?.......  is it right around the corner....or just down the street...?          maybe genetics just isnt used to bein' fooled much....good or do we pick the unpredictabel....i can see why you were on the phone with knabe so long :D.. ...i  guess  my answer is some where here in red...........jbarl

So if you think we might be fooling with genetics too much? How do you feel about stem cell research and abortion? You don't have to answer, I already know!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Are the thou...ban whisky......student uprise mighty risky.....who won?oh come?....fumbled I on chemicals I democrat...boogy boogy....secret spy encoded? us sd!!!!!!!help,help us?...what beer on the dash...yes ocifer!I'm home drive me drunk...oopsy where is Snoopy?bar thy fly the door katie...where am I thou mouse of defience act final?I love Lucy you old goosey. :p


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
......i  agree with stem cell research......and the last time i  checked..... its a womans constitunion right to have an since i'm not a woman, thats one  i'll never have to worry about...hows about you tex? far a c calf/th /pha/ ect  is concerned and " are we fooling with genetics to much?....again the last tiime i checked...each individual cattlemen alone can make decisions to " create" what ever he wants to with in his own tank and have an aquantince who got rid of every straw of " dirty" maine semen he had.....would you have preferered he threw it away....or would you have prefered to have bought it all from him ,    you dont have to answer that...i think i already know....the main uncontrollable  varible  in cattle genetics are the , i's / mes, / and we's .......... reasearch has given us facts....what we do with them is soley up  to us......i dont believe the problem lies in the reasearch  and results of provided facts....if a cow was carring a terminal  pha calf....and she knew it ( and you didnt )...what do you think she would like to do ?.......would you allow her to  be a part of that  decision tex?........jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I think Knabe was trying to correlate the correlation between linebred/ defect free/ outcross genetics for grass fed beef and a 700 billion dollar bail out.

Why does everything appear to be so rushed?  Time is of the essence... and if  it doesn't work, then it just doesn't work... and back to the drawing board we go. How much money can we print? This is exciting times we live in!!! I love experiments only if there is no intent to harm, but.... How many songs will written about the last couple of weeks? I hope John Prine is taking notes. Has this thread been hi jacked?  Sins of Omission which has been forced upon us must be the core root of our newly acquired culture. What the heck is going on.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Telos said:
I think Knabe was trying to correlate the correlation between linebred/ defect free/ outcross genetics for grass fed beef and a 700 billion dollar bail out.

Why does everything appear to be so rushed?  Time is of the essence... and if  it doesn't work, then it just doesn't work... and back to the drawing board we go. How much money can we print? This is exciting times we live in!!! I love experiments only if there is no intent to harm, but.... How many songs will written about the last couple of weeks? I hope John Prine is taking notes. Has this thread been hi jacked?  Sins of Omission which has been forced upon us must be the core root of our newly acquired culture. What the heck is going on.



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Telos said:
I think Knabe was trying to correlate the correlation between linebred/ defect free/ outcross genetics for grass fed beef and a 700 billion dollar bail out.

Why does everything appear to be so rushed?  Time is of the essence... and if  it doesn't work, then it just doesn't work... and back to the drawing board we go. How much money can we print? This is exciting times we live in!!! I love experiments only if there is no intent to harm, but.... How many songs will written about the last couple of weeks? I hope John Prine is taking notes. Has this thread been hi jacked?  Sins of Omission which has been forced upon us must be the core root of our newly acquired culture. What the heck is going on.

i think knabe can clear "all"...this up.......  genitcs / linebreed /th/ pha/  c calf / 700 billion bail out / all of it........ first identifying genitics...and "manipulating them"  the catttle industry has enjoyed exponential  benifits  in genetic enginering over a relatively short time in cattle industry....have we been  better able to "control" anything  better than the old "plenty of cattle to spare to go ahead and try it days"  ?   it was obvisiuly worth it to them to sacrfice %'s of there herd...tiem after try and figure soemthing out...right?.....just different tools/ facalities/ information sharing devices /...same " research " and  "results"  recording...then the same thing next was obvisiouly something that they dedicated part of there  capital " to as it directly related to there "profit"......did they ever stop ?  the results will continue to change as long as  we keep looking......the timleness of genitc changes are forever....were talking about  cattle here...most to eat...some to show ...and  some to sell lets talk dupont deposited so much C8 ( i'll let you explain knabe)...into the ground water...that all the residents of wood co washinton co/ athens co ohio/ have been drinking for 20 yrs.....they " found it in the drinking water first"....( genetic reasearch begins ).......then it progressed to about every water system in  5 or 6 counties in 2 states....i e dupont then gives each resident $200.00 to "give blood ".....many thounds of people...and there kids ( 200 buck a head as well ...)... and then they sent them  to the lab ( genetic reaearch )..... whree there generated C8 levels "sheets"  ( gentic data collection).....for each partacipant as well as there generations of there entire family ( mass data )( did genetic reasearch stop her knabe ?)..... most were within "acceptabel levels"....some werent....for those that had high or worse levels......i believe they actually thought the tests were going to result in a chance of correcting  what has happend to them  " in there lifetime"......or "at least the kids life time".....knabe long would you be able to  professionally tell these folks ,....that this genetic " change" is  going to take before we actually "see the end of it"...........or what other changes they may see in there generations to come???......who keeps all the love canal "stuff".....been thirty years now for it "over" at that location?...are generations "genitics" sound there......with nightmares like this as reality to human beings would be easy to say hat "genitcs" like "virginity" are simply  "one time gifts from god"....what we do with it is up to us.......700 million dollars....."clone it".......jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I agree 100% JbarL about manipulating genetics. It's the manipulation of people where I have problem.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Telos said:
I agree 100% JbarL about manipulating genetics. It's the manipulation of people where I have problem.

bingo....for the good can be  good....for the plastic polomars people can be bad, for the as we enter stem cell...."for the good".....were at the same cross point ......even with the best of intentions....."we really"...dont know......with the worst of intentions.....we do.......jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
JbarL...for the life of me I can't figure out what you are trying to say by the way you type.  Are they intentional random thoughts, or why don't you use sentences?  ???


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
bluffcountrycattle said:
JbarL...for the life of me I can't figure out what you are trying to say by the way you type.  Are they intentional random thoughts, or why don't you use sentences?  ???

I'll 2nd that. Between the sentences(or lack of) & the lack of using spell check, I don't even try to read those posts. The bad thing is I may missing out on the secret to success. ;D


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Doc said:
bluffcountrycattle said:
JbarL...for the life of me I can't figure out what you are trying to say by the way you type.  Are they intentional random thoughts, or why don't you use sentences?  ???

I'll 2nd that. Between the sentences(or lack of) & the lack of using spell check, I don't even try to read those posts. The bad thing is I may missing out on the secret to success. ;D

secrect to success....not quite......not even close........secrect to survival.......maybe?...spell check...definitely ..... :D  jbarl


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I have a hard time following these posts also.Not to hijack the post but....I am ccurrently reading (1491 New revelations of the Americas before Columbus).One of the main points is that us white folk underestimate the population of the Americas before Columbus landed. There is a theory that epidemics wiped out between 25%-95% of their population thus there were alot more people here at one time than historians originally thought. Why? Two things.First, the new world was virgin soil. They had never been exposed to small pox and what not so they were really hammered. Two, the indians moved into the new world by small numbers thus their homogeneous gene pool over time.For example 9 out of 10 South American indians have type O blood. There is a theory that thw "human leukocyte antigens HLA's"  of the American indians were not able to combat epidemics because of the homogeneousity of their makeup. This would be a "bad for linebreeding in this case.I thinlk interesting. I would make a case for genetic diversity here.