Combined curly calf info

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
ELBEE said:
DL, isn't there some way we can blame this all on the Irish imports????

ELBEE - once we get to the bottom of it I am sure we can spin it to blame the Irish imports or maybe even the Zebu ;D


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Show Heifer said:
SInce someone else brought up the human race. What is the human race going to look like in 100 or more years (if we live through these darn elections)? You have one "mother", having kids from multiple fathers, all with different last names. A "father" (I like to call them sperm donors) who sire many children from many "mothers" (baby carriers) all with different last names. No one knows who is who and then brothers and sister are marrying without knowing they are related.  Or sperm and egg donor collection sites???  Are we going to look like our TH/PHA cattle in 100 or so years.

And as a side note, I do support stem cell research.

simple demographics dictate that the world population will be more hispanic and muslim since they have a birth rate of over 4, approaching 5 for muslims.  also, since 30-55% of muslim marriages are at least 1st cousin, if one looks at birth defects world wide at hospitals that actually report defects, muslims have the highest rate of birth defects by far than any population.  blonde people will almost disappear, as most of them are approaching a 50% reduction in population in many places in europe by the simple fact of having only around 1.2 children per couple.  statistically, this is more effective and cheaper than war on how to conqueur.  you will see many countries in europe pass 50% muslim without a shot in our lifetimes.  what this will mean for NATO, the EU, world markets, who knows.  all the while, some people willl be laughing as other people are more worried about their convalescence, than their society.  amazing that in 1.5 generations, the notion of independence is almost gone, both by attitude, and legislation.