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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
Good one Rmbcows!
Huckabee seems better than anyone else at this point for me.  That could change.  I will not go democrat!
My husband is self employed, and as many other self employed people know the taxes we pay every year are extremely high.  It is extremely frustrating for us.  We do well, but most of the money you set aside to get ahead has to be paid in income taxes.  We farm on the side and that is our tax write off.  We have to buy equipment or cattle to save on our taxes.  Our choice is pay uncle sam so he can give it away or buy equipment we may not need. We do not like busting our butts to support someone that sits on theirs or is in this country illegally.  I am all for the FairTax system that has gained some attention. I will get off my soap box now.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2007
The problem with the democrats is two things they have a african american influenced runner and a woman. Now I have no problem with either a black president or a female president but is the country ready to let this happen? NO there not why?, because to many americans are still stuck in high school and are immature. The other day in english class someone stated that they weren't going to vote for Obama because it sounded like Osama and he looked middle eastern. Another person stated that they don't want Hilary in office because she is weak. The people of america shouldn't focus on the candidates color race or sex but what they stand for and what they want to due to straighten out this country. In my honest opinion whoever wins isn't going to be able to do anything they want for atleast the first two to three years because there going to have to starighten out all the crap Bush achieved in his magnificient showing of a president (sarcasm).


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I'm just worried how many media people will commit sucicide if their girl hillary doesn't get in there. They have expended alot of energy,effort, and emotional capital to get her in there. Why isn't the big news about the fact that the first black american won a primary in the history of the usa? Its because they want their socialist gal hillary in there. I think the perky Katie Couric should be put on a sucucide watch.jmo :)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cattlejunky said:
Huckabee seems better than anyone else at this point for me.  That could change.  I will not go democrat!
My husband is self employed, and as many other self employed people know the taxes we pay every year are extremely high.  It is extremely frustrating for us.  We do well, but most of the money you set aside to get ahead has to be paid in income taxes.  We farm on the side and that is our tax write off.  We have to buy equipment or cattle to save on our taxes.  Our choice is pay uncle sam so he can give it away or buy equipment we may not need. We do not like busting our butts to support someone that sits on theirs or is in this country illegally.  I am all for the FairTax system that has gained some attention. I will get off my soap box now.

huckabee and the fair tax can be invalidated rather quickly.  most "rich" people are for the fair tax.  some want it at 10-30% of sales.  if you tax at 30% on a dollar, it's 23% of a $1.30 (30/130), which is how it's being sold.  think about prescription drugs at 30% tax.  of course there will be an exemption, so the "fair" tax needs to be higher.  with 40% of the population effectively living in poverty and a job at a fast food restaurant is now considered payable at a rate to purchase a home in the governments mind, there really isn't a fair tax is there.  "rich" people spend less of their income as a percentage, so they will still accumulate capital, that's why they are rich.  poor people, for the most part spend most if not more than their income, that'ts why they are poor.  it's better to make people pay as a basis of their income realized and work on getting rid of exemptions, starting with the morgtage deduction, which really only inflates the price of housing by the price of the deduction.  so simple, yet NO ONE can figure this out.  same thing happened with the no down, interest only loans.  they drove up the price of housing, bringing in speculators, people who couldn't pay principle, hoping to sell on equity ponzi generated and sell in less than 5 years.  greenspan and the government did this out of sympathy that people who worked at mcdonalds couldn't afford to purchase a house.  most tax breaks were stimulus packages made permanent or semipermanent on automatic renewal.  when you are forced to sell your farm upon death, you are taxed at 50% above 2.5 million within 90 days.  that's 50% PROFIT to the government.  oil companies make 8-10 profit, yet everyone wants them to pay more.  the left essentially wants to have an accumulation (savings?) tax.  what they don't seem to understand, is that this capital is used to provide jobs to make more money.


Well-known member
May 15, 2007
knabe said:
cattlejunky said:
Huckabee seems better than anyone else at this point for me.  That could change.  I will not go democrat!
My husband is self employed, and as many other self employed people know the taxes we pay every year are extremely high.  It is extremely frustrating for us.  We do well, but most of the money you set aside to get ahead has to be paid in income taxes.  We farm on the side and that is our tax write off.  We have to buy equipment or cattle to save on our taxes.  Our choice is pay uncle sam so he can give it away or buy equipment we may not need. We do not like busting our butts to support someone that sits on theirs or is in this country illegally.  I am all for the FairTax system that has gained some attention. I will get off my soap box now.

huckabee and the fair tax can be invalidated rather quickly.  most "rich" people are for the fair tax.  some want it at 10-30% of sales.  if you tax at 30% on a dollar, it's 23% of a $1.30 (30/130), which is how it's being sold.  think about prescription drugs at 30% tax.  of course there will be an exemption, so the "fair" tax needs to be higher.  with 40% of the population effectively living in poverty and a job at a fast food restaurant is now considered payable at a rate to purchase a home in the governments mind, there really isn't a fair tax is there.  "rich" people spend less of their income as a percentage, so they will still accumulate capital, that's why they are rich.  poor people, for the most part spend most if not more than their income, that'ts why they are poor.  it's better to make people pay as a basis of their income realized and work on getting rid of exemptions, starting with the morgtage deduction, which really only inflates the price of housing by the price of the deduction.  so simple, yet NO ONE can figure this out.  same thing happened with the no down, interest only loans.  they drove up the price of housing, bringing in speculators, people who couldn't pay principle, hoping to sell on equity ponzi generated and sell in less than 5 years.  greenspan and the government did this out of sympathy that people who worked at mcdonalds couldn't afford to purchase a house.  most tax breaks were stimulus packages made permanent or semipermanent on automatic renewal.  when you are forced to sell your farm upon death, you are taxed at 50% above 2.5 million within 90 days.  that's 50% PROFIT to the government.  oil companies make 8-10 profit, yet everyone wants them to pay more.  the left essentially wants to have an accumulation (savings?) tax.  what they don't seem to understand, is that this capital is used to provide jobs to make more money.

Well said, knabe!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this is CHANGE


Welfare and food stamp benefits soar $3 million higher than September payout.

Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens.

the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education.”

change is good.  we are stupid.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
the stock market only represents a mirror of the nations  401k "donations"....it doesnt equate to "consumer confidence " anymore.....a generation of reciepents of a the present 401k plan, are several years from showing its true colors....not many folks getting 25 years of results of the 401k "promise"....yet...it "will" be taxed....and what about those company matches???....who will end up on the tax on the "company amtch" income?....seems the remedy is going to cause quite turn around in our generation yet.....if we do away with the irs....bluecross blue shield/ acoridia ins.....and all of the employees with the medical insurance and governement irs office jobs....at the same time no less....that literally puts 100's of k's of blue collar floks on the streets...now what do you do about that, ???...i say it sounds like vacancies for some of the "jobs america cant/wont do"......kinda sounds like the slave owners...."oh we cant market cotton with out free/cheap/ labor....the prices will blaa blaa bllaaawe........with the republicans  idea of "paying a fine and registering'''as an illegal  jsut to work ...doesnt that kinda sound like...."organized labor"....paying your "union dues"/"immagration dues"...... and in return you are able to work under controlled "steady" conditions??....sounds good to me....i done it for 26 yrs (ocaw).....when the bridge in Minn. fell and with the still unexplained "faliure"...i thought of the "old" guys"....piperfitters/welders/laborers/ironworkers..., that i started working in with  74.......hard working,smart/tough/ tradesman.....they could build bridges/hospitals/and arenas.....and stuff like that...and i just dont see an " organnized labor force".....avvaliable to , jsut to handle the infrastructure work that "this" country is in dire need of......even down to the state and  township levels....theres plenty of work to do.....i know a hundred young folks that can "plan" on what has to be done.....but there's a very few left who are willing to do what "physically"  has to be done to accomplish  these things..........organized labor and no cost insurance are the only two factors that will affect my kids future........we wil all die of something...insurance doesnt change that....we pay for the politicans, and governemtnt workers,all the militaries  and "eligable" floks's insurance ourselves....and we did seem to be able to market cotten with out slaves and the economic system didnt fail because of it....as so many "politicals" at that era tried to sell as fact to the people....jbarl


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
knabe said:
obama, hillary and edwards are all robin hoods.  none has any idea how to make a profit.  only edwards knows how to sham the legal system and jack up the price of pharma.  it's pretty amazing that america hates business so much.  to them, profit is a means to redistribute wealth through more taxation.  profit is immoral.  remember the luxury tax on yachts.  it was lifted because people quit building them.  remember those jobs that went away.  really look at who is paying what as oppossed to who has how much.  about 40% of americans pay NO federal income tax.  poverty has stuck at 15% since lyndon johnson.  if only we had more money so everyone could make the same wage as edwards.   when did working at a fast food restaurant become a living wage?  these are jobs for kids, people on social security trying to make an extra buck and stay involved etc.  not for people to raise the minimum wage for so they can purchase a house with ZERO down and interest only payments.  liking someone is very different than how they affect your pocket book.  i would rather donate my money to charity rather than have it doled out through taxes as a beaurocracy is always needed with lifetime benefits (they are government employees afterall).  oh america, please read about adam smith before you vote.

Knabe, you got it right! (I am sure you already knew that  ;D) but I just want to say, I stand with you on what you are saying.  I work for a chain of family owed grocery stores, when minimum wage went up here last year, it hurt us (not real bad, but still) we had to cut back on payroll, then it goes up again this year and will continue to go up every year.  The president of our company says it is in the constitution now and they could only change it with an amendment- and who in the world would do that.  But like you say, who really supports a family on minimum wage.  Show me 1 person who graduated from high school, and goes to work, works at work, and doesn't get lazy and still gets paid minimum wage.  It doesn't happen.  I guess we have the Unions to thank.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
here's democrats and republicans working together for change.


"After the fundraiser, she received $30,000 in campaign contributions from individuals associated with the company -- donors who had never before contributed to her. Four days after she received the money, she inserted an earmark into a D.C. appropriations bill, giving D.C. schools $2 million to buy Best’s reading program, which was unproven and had not been requested by the school system."

great, unproven change again.  unrequested, again, sort of like digital voting machines and 100% mail in ballots with no voter id.  america is such a tired concept.  can we just hurry up and get over with it?

change is such a nice word.  it can mean anything you want whenever you want.

change sort of self defines itself, taking on a persona all itself.  so easy to vote for.

meet the new boss, same as the old boss.  don't you get it americans?  oh, i forgot, there is no such thing as an american anymore, citizenship is unncessary and so revolting.  it's totally amazing, non-citizens get more as a percentage of their salary as americans.  who said crime doesn't pay.

bye bye goose.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
here's what life in palo alto CA is like.  3 types of houses.  the two dumpy looking ones are valued at just over 1 million.  the two nice one's, directly across the street are valued at 2.5-3 million.  can you pick out the houses in the last pic?  they are valued at about $1k. some of them work at the jack in the box where i took the picture. 


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
facts, they just seem to get in the way of desired outcomes.


autism increases despite removal of mercury from vaccines.  but, but, but, but,

please 60 minutes, dateline etc, can we have more sensationalism,. fear uncertainty and doubt?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
how can a job at walmart be a step up for 7500 people?


"the large number of job-seekers suggests that many people are either under-employed or had stopped looking for work."

this speaks volumes of our economy, the false stats of inflation and false stats of unemployment given to us by our government.  i wonder how many of those 7500 people have an interest only loan, took out an equity loan.  i wonder why we keep voting for those who want us to feel good with more taxes, rather than an economic climate and laws that are fair.  can one place a tariff on an ineffective epa, no property rights, no free speech?  i think so.  the only way to compete with slave labor is slaves, or an uber techno tool that outcompetes labor, ie, a grape picker



prototype already in place that one winery picked all it's grapes last year with one similar.

scary. or get an education.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
how can a job at walmart be a step up for 7500 people?


"the large number of job-seekers suggests that many people are either under-employed or had stopped looking for work."

this speaks volumes of our economy, the false stats of inflation and false stats of unemployment given to us by our government.  i wonder how many of those 7500 people have an interest only loan, took out an equity loan.  i wonder why we keep voting for those who want us to feel good with more taxes, rather than an economic climate and laws that are fair.  can one place a tariff on an ineffective epa, no property rights, no free speech?  i think so.  the only way to compete with slave labor is slaves, or an uber techno tool that outcompetes labor, ie, a grape picker



prototype already in place that one winery picked all it's grapes last year with one similar.

scary. or get an education.

the more things change...the more things stay the same....seems the  lack of slaves for the manufactuing "rich.."political" few caused a bit of a stink back then..........like the CIVIL WAR........didnt have much problems with "wool over your eyes"  politics/labor/trade issues for some time after that........untill a few of the "rich "political"  types tried it to steal the natural resorces from applachia...wva,kentky,virgina....oil/gas and timber.......paid wages in non amercian currency....mine owned towns.......makes what they did to the japanese in the 40's, with intenment camps look like a carrabiann cruise....would have been alot more killing of both "citizens" and "pinkerton"....if the us army had not sent troops to matwan wva( was the only time the malitia was moved on us citizens....till kent state....to restore "orderon/of "citizens"......... if you want to see some work that anyone in ther right mind would have every right in the world to say"i do not want to do that".... watch the movie  documintory (PBS)     "Matwan" ..........it is a factual informed piece on what was going on with labor and our natural resouces and the type of respect governement had in mind for the labor tratment at that time in history.......well the times have changed folks.....but history is tellilng us that labor and rescorces are still getting severly hit anytime it gives those same "not so few anymore/"political" types....its not the one who has the most money...or peop;le in uniforms.....that wins....its .the strenght and power that lies in our industry....we dont make our own steel anymore....we dug up all the railroad tracks...no one keeps more than 5 days of materials in stock...we dont even make our own underware anymore....how can you make a pair of underware in china.....put it in a box of 110 pr more....rickshaw it down to the pier....load it on an overseas vessel..(deisel)...ship it 2000 miles ...unload it with union labor...put it on trucks and deliver it to every wal/k mart in the united states.....and.charge me  1.50 pr....and be cheaper than we can make them here......i'm not buyin it folks....Matwan....great piece of real, not so long ago,...history.....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the mexican army has acted against american interests on more than two occassions than the american army has acted on it's own citizens.

just who are these people and why are we hiring them and buying their drugs?  there are plenty of available avenues for legally hiring ag workers, and i fully support this.

this is one of the major reasons i quit doing drugs, it ruins society on so many levels.  if you think remissions are the leading industry for mexico, think again, it's drugs, and we as a society can't seem to see the foolishness of our behavior and that it undermines our sovereignty and will lead to our overthrow.

recruitment is key, with no new supply of users, this will dry up.  kids, please help.  hollywood isn't helping.


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the future of america


eliminating choice.  we know what's good for you.  you don't. case closed.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
just in case you thought voter id reduced voter turnout, it doesn't.



to counteract the illegal aliens voting for more benefits

http://www.americanunity.org/  with the typical complainants.


although Election Day  confusion and corruption have made news headlines in recent years, the under-reported angle is the growing voting number of voting scams by non-citizens and illegal aliens. 

The man who in 1994 assassinated Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio in Tijuana had registered to vote at least twice in the U.S. although he was not a citizen.

1996 Feb. 26 - The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service denies Al-Arian's petition for naturalization on grounds he registered to vote, and then voted, in 1994 without being a citizen.


there's more, but no one cares about this country any more because they are too scared of being called a racist, (which they are not because we are in favor of LEGAL immigration with equal access to all through an orderly process that incoporates a rate of assimilation favorable to the US, not MEXICO only.)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
right on knabe.....one could actually say the funding for "terrorism" actually began in the 70's with the profits from the drug trade then.....start by buying some poiticans...go from there........r regans "war on drugs"..( taxpayer funded )...resulted in the preident of a country being taken out of his own place and brought to america (noriega)  with a little help from the amercian "military"  or what every branch it is that theyuse to  arrest presidents with....then they seen to it that the one "citizens" of mexico that had profited the most...(forget his name....) ....and tracked him down and killed him....big move....but not really any results...seems just the name and money direction just changed.....kinda like a new "gang" in someones's turf for the drug and prostition money in the cities.........if you remember (several yaers ago) ... g bush the first ,...was warning amercians of the "santanists and nicagurians>.....ev3ry night on the news.....touble "down there"....santanista ... santanista...then booom.....we are in the air and in iraq.....gulf war 1.....never agin did i here any more about the santanistas......i always figured that was a bit of a poppy issue....... :-\.........alot of my clients are professional legals, and a few actully think that some of that califinoria medical weed....may help the first week of withdrawl  for crack/coke/meth type dependencys....mainly the teenagers......it basically thakes to mental edge off of "the thought of detox"....with a "another" intoxicant offered for entrance....get em stoned in the hospital for 4 or 5 days...and they basically party there way thru the detox physical symtoms...relaxation/ingreased apatitte/weight gain and strength.....almost hypnotized.........preciselly what the  medical weed california offers in medically grade marijuana.................. wasnt that the " biggest reason for not smoking it in the first place........it leads to other drugs.???????.....and if it does....it could lead some "back as well....... its because the combination of peoples addictive nature... and the immediate physical addiction that crack/meth/coke/herion ect is so distructive...kids aint got  achance.....give the same addivictive personally simply other remedy for his "physical addiction"...less deadly....canabbis...i know a few social workers and cops, and they a greee that they would try ANITHING...to slow down the rate of distrcution just in this county.....and we are basically non/metro....the whhole co....i th ink it was your governator that said it best.....drugs are drugs....weeds are weeds.....its ironic that one state promotes its use/expermintation/ and reasurech....and other states attatch a criminal record/fines/ and even jail for simple possion.......jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
in the san jose mercury news today.

if this doesn't take the cake.  a woman, speaking in spanish said "it's pure politics, they are blocking these million people because they know these votes are going to a Democrat"

of course this doesn't mean she can't speak english, but if she was trying to convince me, she didn't.

she said she wants to vote to speak for other latino's (not americans), especially undocumented immigrants who need better access to benefits, jobs and housing.

let me get this straight, ESPECIALLY UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS.  in other words lawbreakers.  she wants the right to vote so she can give away my tax dollar.  if you don't think this republic is almost dead, you are wrong. 

at what point will anyone ever say, ESPECIALLY FOR LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS.  of course the answer to that is after we give them amnesty.  think about it, 40 MILLION MORE.  who will pay for the infrastructure, where will the water come from, the food (we are now a net importer)



your taxes are going to go up and you will have even less voice where it goes.  why is the government responsible for this?  well i guess they are becuase they refuse to enforce the law.

do nothing, becuase to do something is racist, (not really, remember the organization called La raza?  the race?)  the taxes clinton obama and edwards want to raise will not be enough to pay for this.



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
i would like to see the figures...(come on hay guys)...on the amount of "hay" that there are in the miles of median strip in the state of ohio, and instead of paying someone to mow it and  destroy it...roll it up and use it... :eek:....ok i know all you cabon level guys are ready to discount its viabality...and thats ok if its a factor....but think about it......thousands of miles....of say what 100ft...total width.....what about using it to grow corn/ ethanol  hay /livestock.........beans/potatoes/beats....FOOD.......trade those batwing mower funds for round balers and trailers....gotta start somewhere....jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
Knabe, lemme tell ya, I look at most of these things you post...and quite frankly, alot of this stuff scares the living "fertilizer" right outta me.  Pretty bad when no one will speak up for the citizens of this once-great nation, because it's not only politically incorrect, but also racist and possibly illegal to do so! I thought the government was supposed to protect us, not the people who are coming here illegally and are effectively taking over through less than credible avenues (IMO).  Idk what I'm going to be able to do to protect my rights and also my(future) children's rights...if even half of this stuff you're talking about becomes the reality, may God have mercy on us all....