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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
shortyjock89, can i change your quotes from living "fertilizer" to "living fertilizer" please? ;D
at least i don't think you were referring to the haber process.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
i would like to see the figures...(come on hay guys)...on the amount of "hay" that there are in the miles of median strip in the state of ohio, and instead of paying someone to mow it and  destroy it...roll it up and use it... :eek:....ok i know all you cabon level guys are ready to discount its viabality...and thats ok if its a factor....but think about it......thousands of miles....of say what 100ft...total width.....what about using it to grow corn/ ethanol  hay /livestock.........beans/potatoes/beats....FOOD.......trade those batwing mower funds for round balers and trailers....gotta start somewhere....jbarl

i'm sure the nrcs and the nature conservancy will be happy to fund that project.  it's your property, use it, pay ranchers to bail it, it's probably cheaper than having the govt do it and you don't have to pay medical benefits and retirement benefits to those workers.  here's a great case where less govt is actually more.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007

I think your comments on the FairTax are a bit misleading. It is important to know that there will never be a program that is absolutely PERFECT! As I was told by a very smart cattleman (and many people repeat this)- Moderation in all things is key. Although the FairTax proposal may not be absolutely perfect, I personally believe it is THE BEST system brought forth to this day. It works for the now. I'm not saying in another 50-100 years it will still be gold. It will need some revamping as the markets turn global and we undergo serious changes in the coming decades. Thats what government is designed to do. Govern. Not Governed. They need to do what is right for the NOW. Then add corrections based on data as it comes in. I am not rich, and neither are others I've spoke with, and we support the FairTax. So I believe your statement is wrong. To learn the truth about the FairTax visit http://www.fairtax.org .

As for illegal immigration, we need a solid plan that WILL WORK! At this moment, the plan I like best is the one endorsed by the founder of the MinuteMan Project, Jim Gilchrist ( http://www.minutemanproject.com/index.asp ). It is a  9-Point Strategy carried by Gov. Mike Huckabee ( http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.View&Issue_id=26 ). It will secure the border, grant no amnesty, and send illegals to the back of the line of citizenship. Amnesty will only encourage illegal immigration. In my opinion, the bills porposed by Sen John McCain and other Liberal Elites are amnesty. We cannot accepted amnesty. Ronald Reagan granted amnesty and that is what has caused are current immigration problem. Reagan was an awesome President, but you have to face it-Fact: Amnesty Does Not Work.

I think the future of our nation really depends on this election. We cannot be fooled by those who just talk. We need a President with real world solutions to some of our toughest problems. I believe the guy with those solutions is Mike Huckabee. I'm not here to bash the other candidates or post 100 topics about politics. I would just ask you to check the Gov. out. Visit his website, read what he really is about. I have followed Gov. Huckabee since day one and have practically memorized everything he stands for. If you have any questions/ comments about his record or policies feel free to PM me. You owe it to this nation, to your self, to visit http://www.mikehuckabee.com . Turning back over the mic, Christian  :)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
CPL said:

I think your comments on the FairTax are a bit misleading.

perhaps, but when you are asking 40% of the population to start paying federal taxes who pay none now, this is not misleading.  it is also not misleading about the prescription drugs, it just simply is.

here's a summary


the figures may not be accurate, but they are probably within 10%.

The Top 1% of income earners (comprising about 1 million families) earn about 15% of the total income earned by all wage earners in the United States, yet they pay almost 30% of all individual income taxes.

i used to be for the fair tax.  that's why i am for a tax on revenue realized at the same rate, which i guess is a form of a "fair" tax.  no excemptions, no nothing.  easier than a consumption tax, which fluctuates, and, i admit, places appropriate revenue streams and restrictions on conspicuous consumption, to some extent, always ignored by the rich, unless annoyingly obtrusive (yachts).

i don't think i'm being misleading.

increasing taxes on americans is an unbalanced tariff on the american economy to redistrubute wealth, rather than services to be performed by the federal government serverly restricted by the constitution, but continuallly overturned by the socialist compassionate conservates (corporate facists) and liberals (socialists, communists, something similar)

we rely tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much on government for everything, and are teaching our kids for the last 30 years to do the same.  there is NO diversity in schools to offer another opinion, so i feel the schools are misleading america, not me.

facts can twist the truth around i admit (david byrne, talking heads, who by the way is essentially a socialist), but feelings get in the way of facts tooooooooooo often.

huckabee is a tax raiser, like any good republican/democrat gift giver.  hardly anyone gets elected without sticking his hand out with your money in it handing it to someone else.

gilchrist may have to eat his words on huck.  already doing it with the 14th amendment, which was twisted by ONE court decision years ago, because of perceived discrimination, rather than actual reading of the law, which was to give citizenship to those born from people who were brought here against their will (slaves) not those who came here willfully.  a total distortion of the amendment.

i agree no system is perfect.  i don't rely on believing which is best, only on revenue streams from actual actions.  taxes were originally a way to consolidate power, ie protection provided by an agreed upon king to those living outside the castle walls.  they still are a means to consolidate power.  that hasn't changed.  what this country attempted to do, was to add a caveat that one could not levy new taxes without permission at some agreed upon percentage of the population.  in the beginning, it was land owners, ie companies, who were motivated to notice which ones tended to drive them out of business.  others noticed which ones were discriminatory, sin taxes etc.

"No state constitution required that taxation be by value or required that rates on all kinds of property be uniform."
By the beginning of the twentieth century, criticism of the uniform, universal (general) property tax was widespread. A leading student of taxation called the tax, as administered, one of the worst taxes ever used by a civilized nation (Seligman, 1905).
Another problem arose from the inability or unwillingness of elected local assessors to value their neighbor’s property at full value.  (who would have thought)
At the time of the 1902 Census of Government the property tax provided forty-five percent of the general revenue received by state governments from their own sources.
Property Taxes as a Percentage of Own-Source General Revenue, Selected Years

                                    Year                State                Local
                                    1902                45.3                78.2
                                    1913                38.9                77.4
                                    1922                30.9                83.9
                                    1932                15.2                85.2
                                    1942                  6.2                80.8
                                    1952                  3.4                71.0
                                    1962                  2.7                69.0
                                    1972                  1.8                63.5
                                    1982                  1.5                48.0
                                    1992                  1.7                48.1
                                    ­­1999                  1.8                44.6

i agree this last chart simply is rich people taking effective action at limiting their tax liability, again simply why i want to tax revenue, as it is a good rudder of the ecoomy and incentivises keeping the economy happy.  i guess one could abuse that through things like overvaluing real estate, but that was simply a means to once again make FIAT money to drive the economy, rather than a real turnover of assets.  all fiction.  we keep getting in trouble because of fiction, subsidies, loopholes.  the fair tax will create a loophole, already discussed by huckabee, to exempt people under a line of economic stress that is movable to get votes.  simply tax revenue realized, keep government within the confines of the constitution and let jobs redistribute wealth, not taxes.


and finally, calling an illegal alien an undocumented worker is like calling a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist.

we have no law and order in this country, and we are taxing ourselves uselessly to redistribute wealth instead of enforcing existing law and fostering commerce.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
when a kid gets caught somken' pot...he/shes  "illegally abusing" it....and could cost them an education/scholarship/job/ ect  :(.....when a politican smokes pot....they are  ....simply "expermiting".  :mad:.........clinton never inhaled.....(kuchinich never exhaled  8))...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
we mmmmmust depend on the state for everything.  a free market solution will not be allowed.  so typcial.


if citizens can't depend on government, why, they might not vote for me.

is it not soooooo clear they want communism?  who and what process educated these people?

"Allowing retailers to make money off of sick people is wrong."

well... what to "for profit" hospitals do?

and if it's a government solution, why, we should just eliminate salaries for those people too as they are making a profit off sick people.

is it soooooooooo clear why health care costs so much?  there is very little competition, and when someone tries, the government stops them.

is it sooooooo hazy?

butttttt  i want a guarantee, and an avenue to sue

cradle to grave, cradle to grave.


laws are for you, not me


see how simple it is to be an elite?  what a dork.

Paying for studies to determine whether crime is a benefit to the community, or not, is just plain stupid.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007
knabe said:
huckabee is a tax raiser, like any good republican/democrat gift giver.  hardly anyone gets elected without sticking his hand out with your money in it handing it to someone else.

Gov. Mike Huckabee cut taxes 94 times during his tenor as governor. The tax increases that Mitt Romney and others love to throw at him were very necessary. They were so necessary, in fact, that a court order demand taxes increase in order to reform education in the state of Arkansas. In Arkansas, you HAVE to listen to the courts. So, because of this increase, test score improved and the overall health of education in the state improved as well.

Trucker Magazine rated Arkansas' roads as THE worst in America. Published in the issue were truck drivers saying they hated to even drive through Arkansas. 80% of the citizens in Arkansas agree to an extra gas tax to improve the quality of roads throughout the state. 80% of the people agreed! They knew they needed their roads fixed, and they knew that was the way to fix them.

Some of these guys running today are throwing around that they'd make huge tax cuts, etc. etc. Yes I believe tax cuts do help our economy, but when certain needs arise we need a president to can cater to them. We need someone who says, in 10 years this might not look good on my record, but we've got a problem that needs fixed and 80% of our citizens' agree with us, lets do it. A lot of people like to say Ronald Reagan is the father of the Republican Party, but let's look at what he has done concerning taxes. He raised taxes by over $1 billion in while governor of California and raised them again as president after his 1981 tax cuts ( http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4176/is_20040610/ai_n14573362 ) . I think Reagan may be one of our greatest "modern-day" presidents. So you may ask why even he raised taxes. A good leader will do what is right for the country, no matter how bad it makes (s)he look.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i'll concede that to a point CPL.  also wanted to elaborate more on revenue realized tax collection a little bit.  sales tax will NOT collect taxes on income. it's probably why income tax got started.  income tax taxes the rich MORE than a sales tax, as the income is taxed, rather than just their consumption.  most poor people don't save, so they don't have income from savings.  it's the exemptions that need to be eliminated, and make the tax code needlessly bulky, costly to navigate and enforce, and is basically just a waste.  what is the net tax change under huckabee rather than just the number of times he lowered taxes? 

here's some specific taxes mike raised. 

"the average Arkansas tax burden increased 47% over Huckabee’s tenure. "


The net increase in taxes supported by Huckabee, therefore, equaled $642 million. With a population slightly declining - from 2.7 million in 1997 to 2.5 million in 2007 - net taxes collected in Arkansas rose by more than $3 billion during Huckabee's gubernatorial tenure.

roads vs benefits that the government should not be involved in is a oft used as fiscal conservatism.  cut the benefits and offices at the state level to minimize lifetime benefits to bloated buearcrocy, as well as continued overspending on programs that disencentivise both working and creating jobs.

also, this, if you think nais is invasive, try this on for size

"If the state can not better manage to serve our electrical needs, perhaps we should ask them to just step aside and let buyers and sellers make our own deals."

oh, forgot, al gore needs to make money on carbon trading scam to reinforce guilt.

more on huckabee


churches should just give up their tax exempt status on principle alone.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
One of the few polititions I have ever seen that came in and did what they said was Matt Blunt govenor of Missouri, he came in and has made massive cuts across the board and people are screaming like crazy because he is cutting the give away programs, too bad he isn't running in this election.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
capitalism is the real force of change, not rules and regulations reinforcing the status quo.  remember, it's corporations that write most laws.


In 2006 EMI, the world’s fourth-biggest recorded-music company, invited some teenagers into its headquarters in London to talk to its top managers about their listening habits. At the end of the session the EMI bosses thanked them for their comments and told them to help themselves to a big pile of CDs sitting on a table. But none of the teens took any of the CDs, even though they were free.”

What’s the second reaction to that EMI story? Perhaps even now John Edwards is rallying the crowd at the last CD mill in America’s declining rap belt, comforting the nine-year-old coatless daughter of a laid-off mill worker who started there in 1904 making wax cylinders of the Columbia Male Quartet singing “Sweet Adeline,”

the only reason to protect jobs is power and stasis.



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
capitalism is the real force of change, not rules and regulations reinforcing the status quo.  remember, it's corporations that write most laws.


In 2006 EMI, the world’s fourth-biggest recorded-music company, invited some teenagers into its headquarters in London to talk to its top managers about their listening habits. At the end of the session the EMI bosses thanked them for their comments and told them to help themselves to a big pile of CDs sitting on a table. But none of the teens took any of the CDs, even though they were free.”

What’s the second reaction to that EMI story? Perhaps even now John Edwards is rallying the crowd at the last CD mill in America’s declining rap belt, comforting the nine-year-old coatless daughter of a laid-off mill worker who started there in 1904 making wax cylinders of the Columbia Male Quartet singing “Sweet Adeline,”

the only reason to protect jobs is power and stasis.
history tells us that the only real force of change is just that......force...maybe thats what the "homneland security" is "really"  for.....security for the governement  from unruley citizens ......pakistan.(our new buddy)....throws all the lawyers and "objectors" in jail( riots in the streets )......then 3 weeks later the new political "force" there is killed in the streets....kinda like the new "kent state police"....cant have our military and our guard doing that any more........ what will it take to get there attention now???........for all you younger dudes/dudetts still in hgh school or college....did you learn about the "draft" and military service in the 40's thru the 70's in high school or from your family and friends and relatives and "stuff you seen on tv"?
this country has been through alot just to get to the mess we're in now.....some high spots....and some low spots.... i gues w'ere all on our own unless we"re together...jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
america is not being taken over by force, but by commerce.  commerce and war are simply different ends on a pendulum.


"The couple next door had given a false Social Security number to the lender on their mortgage application. She said although they are hard-working, good citizens, she thinks they are in this country illegally."
(social security fraud punishable by 7 years in prison and a 250,000 fine)

“They have presented false information,” Urban said. “As with any type of fraud, they have been dishonest from the start. What gets to the heart of the issue is that it may not have seemed like fraud when they lied, or maybe it seemed so easy, or maybe it seemed everyone was doing at the time, when there were such lax underwriting standards.”

sub prime loans to illegals and those unable to meet payments beyond interest only, and beyond ANY raise in interest rates was mandated by the government.  loan institutions knew they were poor risks, in general, that's why they wouldn't lend to them, again, in general.  the government said it was discrimination.  well, discrimination against people who can't make payments is good discrimination.  the constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, it just guarantees the right to pursue it.  now the government says those loans were illegal.  what was illegal about it?  that the government told them to do it?  it would have been more prudent to keep in place the security that has worked for so many years to purchase a house, 20% down.  when the government removed this constraint, it automatically raised the price of a house.  same with the mortgage exemption.

it will never be clear to the human being that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

again, why exceptions to taxation don't work.  all they do is raise the price artificially, contribute to inflation.  remember, the government is motivated to enhance inflation.  it allows them to pay with cheaper money, print more money, buy more votes, hire more people who will vote for more government.  a never ending cycle.

this is not misleading.  the government should stay out of commerce as much as possible.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i'm thinking that this is the part of his church that obama disagrees with.

perhaps it's the mother of the wheel


from the article.
I don't for a moment think that Obama shares Wright's views on Farrakhan. But the rap on Obama is that he is a fog of a man. We know little about him, and, for all my admiration of him, I wonder about his mettle. The New York Times recently reported on Obama's penchant while serving in the Illinois legislature for merely voting "present" when faced with some tough issues. Farrakhan, in a strictly political sense, may be a tough issue for him. This time, though, "present" will not do.

just say "change" a lot and you won't ever have to take a stand on the issues as you go back and forth.  after all, freedom is progressive, freedom from laws, morals, restraint, free dumb.

never has a position been so ripe for politics.

at least he's up front about it. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this country was formed as a republic, NOT a democracy.  we are advocating democracy around the world, ignorant of the fact we are not a deomocracy.


"In the Senate, Delaware has the same power as California with each State having two votes; but in the House, Delaware’s single vote often is completely negated by the 52 from California. Because of this different source of strength in each body, the votes in those two bodies on the same piece of legislation may be dramatically different. In such a case, before that legislation may become law, there must be some compromise — some yielding of the Senate to the will of the population and some yielding of the House to the will of the States," Wallbuilders said.

this was called the great comprimise.

Wallbuilders noted that – along with proposals to have Congress or state legislatures choose a president – the idea of a national popular vote was discussed by the authors of the Constitution and deliberately rejected.

of course democrats want more democracy and tyranny of the majority.

the founders of this nation clearly suffered from myopia.  such losers.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
SRU said:
knabe said:
the founders of this nation clearly suffered from myopia.  such losers.

gotta help me a little on that.

you sure you aren't a libertarian?

i had my democracy (populism) hat on for just a second.  the founders did NOT have myopia, they knew about more forms of government than probably anyone in the entire world's history.  jefferson's infatuation with the french revolution and closing his eyes at beheadings was a little over the top for me.  but at least for him, he got lots of wine and ice wine (which goes up for sale every once in a while, yes his personal bottles)

i'm probably somewhere inbetween a libertarian and a whig.  democrats used to mean tilting a little away from rebulicanism, not a full tilt towards socialism.  republicans are essentially corporate facists looking to the public coffers to finance expansion of pet industries that don't offer enough profit from selling your company instead of making a profit from a business plan that doesn't include selling.  the whigs folly was not understanding that as soon as you have to explain something to the voters, you have lost.  Jefferson basically played dirty tricks, ie rumors, since he was on washington's cabinet, and was probably the BEST in our history at it.  Adams was a sucker for it and he lost as he was too reactionary on a personal level with him.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

the election is all about FEELING

next time get a better microphone guys, ok, i mean how long have people been doing this.

she does say s*%t a few times so caution for swearing.

this lady is a dork, and so unaware of the facts for such an "informed" person.  scary.

she's concerned about intense eyes, what a dork, she is weird.
i look so much better on the lower monitor, it's all about looks, not content, typical.

if you don't think the media is useless, think again.

perky girl has the most hateful looks.

Whatever they’re paying her, it’s way too much.  no kidding, and raising the price of advertised goods, this woman is soley responsible for inflation.

delete if appropriate red, jason.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this is pretty funny


notice the explanation that hilliary is not a liberal, but a progressive, which she has stated numerous times.

she is a collectivist.  can anyone explain why this is good? 

to me, progressive means eventual state ownership of children.  it's progressive isn't it?  the progressive loss of freedom?  so obvious.  that's why one has to indocrinate children at an early age so they won't notice when they grow up.  your children are tomorrow's borg.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
computer dna sequence editing all day long, sp sits next to that computer.  only break for lunch once in a while.  flat bottom.