CPL said:
I think your comments on the FairTax are a bit misleading.
perhaps, but when you are asking 40% of the population to start paying federal taxes who pay none now, this is not misleading. it is also not misleading about the prescription drugs, it just simply is.
here's a summary
the figures may not be accurate, but they are probably within 10%.
The Top 1% of income earners (comprising about 1 million families) earn about 15% of the total income earned by all wage earners in the United States, yet they pay almost 30% of all individual income taxes.
i used to be for the fair tax. that's why i am for a tax on revenue realized at the same rate, which i guess is a form of a "fair" tax. no excemptions, no nothing. easier than a consumption tax, which fluctuates, and, i admit, places appropriate revenue streams and restrictions on conspicuous consumption, to some extent, always ignored by the rich, unless annoyingly obtrusive (yachts).
i don't think i'm being misleading.
increasing taxes on americans is an unbalanced tariff on the american economy to redistrubute wealth, rather than services to be performed by the federal government serverly restricted by the constitution, but continuallly overturned by the socialist compassionate conservates (corporate facists) and liberals (socialists, communists, something similar)
we rely tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much on government for everything, and are teaching our kids for the last 30 years to do the same. there is NO diversity in schools to offer another opinion, so i feel the schools are misleading america, not me.
facts can twist the truth around i admit (david byrne, talking heads, who by the way is essentially a socialist), but feelings get in the way of facts tooooooooooo often.
huckabee is a tax raiser, like any good republican/democrat gift giver. hardly anyone gets elected without sticking his hand out with your money in it handing it to someone else.
gilchrist may have to eat his words on huck. already doing it with the 14th amendment, which was twisted by ONE court decision years ago, because of perceived discrimination, rather than actual reading of the law, which was to give citizenship to those born from people who were brought here against their will (slaves) not those who came here willfully. a total distortion of the amendment.
i agree no system is perfect. i don't rely on believing which is best, only on revenue streams from actual actions. taxes were originally a way to consolidate power, ie protection provided by an agreed upon king to those living outside the castle walls. they still are a means to consolidate power. that hasn't changed. what this country attempted to do, was to add a caveat that one could not levy new taxes without permission at some agreed upon percentage of the population. in the beginning, it was land owners, ie companies, who were motivated to notice which ones tended to drive them out of business. others noticed which ones were discriminatory, sin taxes etc.
"No state constitution required that taxation be by value or required that rates on all kinds of property be uniform."
By the beginning of the twentieth century, criticism of the uniform, universal (general) property tax was widespread. A leading student of taxation called the tax, as administered, one of the worst taxes ever used by a civilized nation (Seligman, 1905).
Another problem arose from the inability or unwillingness of elected local assessors to value their neighbor’s property at full value. (who would have thought)
At the time of the 1902 Census of Government the property tax provided forty-five percent of the general revenue received by state governments from their own sources.
Property Taxes as a Percentage of Own-Source General Revenue, Selected Years
Year State Local
1902 45.3 78.2
1913 38.9 77.4
1922 30.9 83.9
1932 15.2 85.2
1942 6.2 80.8
1952 3.4 71.0
1962 2.7 69.0
1972 1.8 63.5
1982 1.5 48.0
1992 1.7 48.1
1999 1.8 44.6
i agree this last chart simply is rich people taking effective action at limiting their tax liability, again simply why i want to tax revenue, as it is a good rudder of the ecoomy and incentivises keeping the economy happy. i guess one could abuse that through things like overvaluing real estate, but that was simply a means to once again make FIAT money to drive the economy, rather than a real turnover of assets. all fiction. we keep getting in trouble because of fiction, subsidies, loopholes. the fair tax will create a loophole, already discussed by huckabee, to exempt people under a line of economic stress that is movable to get votes. simply tax revenue realized, keep government within the confines of the constitution and let jobs redistribute wealth, not taxes.
and finally, calling an illegal alien an undocumented worker is like calling a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist.
we have no law and order in this country, and we are taxing ourselves uselessly to redistribute wealth instead of enforcing existing law and fostering commerce.