Flush of a Lifetime & results merged

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
OK People -- LET'S get BUSY  !!!!

Now that we have your attention, this is what I want to do, and I need everyone's help doing it!

Christmas - this year will not be limited to Christmas Day. Some one will get a Christmas gift when THEY want it -hehehe

I am donating an expense PAID superovulated flush of the winners choice of cows. This is something I have wanted to do for some person or family for a very long time, I personally can not go out and buy a gift for some one that would make a difference in thier lives like this will.

There are considerations listed below that I ask you to PLEASE adhere to -- after all -- this is Christmas from Me to Winner -- and I want that to be felt as it is meant -- from the heart. Please read the listed requirements for this project -- and let's all get some one something that will last an entire lifetime -- genetics are good for that -- they just get BETTER!!!!

1) Nominated person/family must NOT know they have been nominated, that I feel is the true spirit of Christmas.

2) Please -- no self nominations.

3) Person/family must trully need a shot in the arm, be financially unable to do this without some help.

4) There should be a "COW" already in thier possesion that they would like to flush, I wouldn't want the winner to win, then have to go buy a donor female, that is not the point.

5) There is no restrictions as to WHERE they live, but considering the cost of travel, it may prohibit certain people from getting the cow here to be done, consider the options of this.

6) The winner will be selected from the list of names YOU folks will send -- our very own RED has been gracious enough to volunteer (Actually I drafted her) to help orchestrate the entire deal. The nominees need to have contact info complete -- a breed listed - and the nominating party please send along a short assay as to why this party needs to be considered.

7) No time limit on getting this done -- any time the cow is ready in 2008 -- but seeing how I am inpatient -- the sooner after warm weather the better!!! hehehe

8) Winner will get an entire flush -- including prep work, collection, and freeze -OR- transfers of resulting embryos FREE of charge. All I will ask is that the donor's feed be covered while here -- how long she stays will be up to the cow and the winner!

9) Winner to furnish thier choice of semen -- 2 units are required.

10) I ask that NO VIRGIN hfrs be presented for this flush -- they are risky at best --and I want to make sure that the winner will get something good and usefull out of this -- plus -- hfrs are not real productive unually until they calve.

RED has agreed to accept the nominations -- and will be my unbiased ace in the hole!

Selecting the winner will be as fun as it is unbiased -- to fully appreciate how I feel about any human intervention in finding out who wins this -- I have asked RED to gather ALL the entries we recieve - write the name on a small piece of paper -- and when we have enough -- she will throw them all in the air with our little buddy WOODY watching. What ever piece of paper he FIRST grabs and runs off with will be the winner. I kid you not!!!

If you know cannineguage (?Jeez) -- you might want to talk to him!! hehehehe

Good luck every one --

Do not post any nominations on the board -- they ALL need to be kept confidential so as not to allow a potential winner knowing it may be coming, I want this to be a total surpise!!!!

Let's all make some one be more proud to be in this great business of livestock production. I am trully looking forward to this, this will make the last 26 years of my life even more full of memories than it already is!!!

God Bless - and Merry Christmas


PS-"" The very fact that you have been thoughtfull enough to nominate some one will be in itself your gift to them. Let's all get the spirit and see how we can make some ones day. I would also BET you all, that if some one wins from far away -- we as a TEAM could figure out a way to get that cow here and back home again - if we were to take a few bucks here and there -- it could happen hey?? ""

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
This is a wonderful gesture. Truly heartfelt.  I have a few questions.  Do you have a deadline?  What if I know somebody that would love an opportunity but they don't even have a donor?  What if I were willing to put up a female for Terry to flush for anybody that would want an opportunity to raise a litter of the mating of their choice? For example, I would provide the female if they chose the bull?  Does this make it too complicated? 


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I think Common Sense's offer combined with Cowboy's is the one that could make the most difference for someone.  I don't know of anybody off the top of my head, but I suggest that folks look for a kid that is still showing who might have recently had some traumatic experience (i.e. lost a father or mother), parent lost job, etc.  A kid that works hard but whose show career is in severe threat of being terminated or severely hamped.  This offer could really make a difference for them.  That kid probably has a cow or two that could be used for recips, but maybe not donor quality.

This is a wonderful offer from you folks!


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
I sure hope Santa puts something extra nice in Cowboy's stocking for being so generous!  The winner should be very excited.. Cowboy is VERY VERY good at what he does!


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Can I say WOW and not be laughed at?? ???

I sit here today looking at what is taking place -- and I am humbled! I know alot of very good people, many of whom are not well off per say but have raised a good herd of cattle all the while raising a GREAT family as well.

With Juli making the offer above, and many others behind the scene already adding to it --this will be a very good thing. The only downside is I can only do one --I wish I could do more -- there are so many that I would like to help.

Together -- we can make this come together for some one -- my pay will be the look on thier faces -- and yours will be forever knowing you made a difference to some one for years to come!! Congratulations to every one --

Let's get the nominations pouring in -- I will refrane from sending one in just so there is no question what ever in my intent.

I also have an Angus cow open -- we have flushed her as well --she is a Rito 2100 that was shown extensivley on the east coast in the mid 90's. She won every where she went back then -- the owner was goingto ship her -- I bought her for 500 over market, a great cow she is. I could get an embryo or two in someones hands from her as well. Just a thought! She is 14 -- so time is running out.

So many possibilities here -- thanks to every one for making this a special Christmas -- let's do it together!

RMB -- also thanks for the comment -- don't know if I deserve it some days, but much appreciated!

More to come -



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
I'm willing to provide for winners' use if they so desire ,their choice of semen on 3 of my bulls. They are all Shorties of course. CF Primo x, NPS Durango x, or CF Trump 3 x. I will also pay for the shipping of the semen to Cowboy.
I appreciate what you are doing Cowboy!!! (clapping) (clapping)
                                                                                    Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Cowboy, you are to be commended for what you are doing here. You are providing a gift to some family that would probably not be available to them otherwise, at least for a few years. I hope you have some families nominated that are worthy ... and VERY appreciative of what you are offering here.
I live on the " other" side of the 49th parallel so it is hard for me to assist you with this, but I do want to say THANK YOU for your generousity and you giving spirit. Wouldn't this business, and this world be a better place, if everyone thought of others once in awhile rather than just themselves and their own financial well being once in awhile?
I hope your Christmas is extra special and that 2008 blesses you with contentment, joy and success.... as well as grass up to your stirrups and a 100% calf crop.
I am going to nominate Cowboy for the Steerplanet member of the year award.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
justintime said:
Cowboy, you are to be commended for what you are doing here. You are providing a gift to some family that would probably not be available to them otherwise, at least for a few years. I hope you have some families nominated that are worthy ... and VERY appreciative of what you are offering here.
I live on the " other" side of the 49th parallel so it is hard for me to assist you with this, but I do want to say THANK YOU for your generousity and you giving spirit. Wouldn't this business, and this world be a better place, if everyone thought of others once in awhile rather than just themselves and their own financial well being once in awhile?
I hope your Christmas is extra special and that 2008 blesses you with contentment, joy and success.... as well as grass up to your stirrups and a 100% calf crop.
I am going to nominate Cowboy for the Steerplanet member of the year award.

I'll second that motion! I've said for years that the world needs more cowboys - this proves it without a doubt!


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I hope that anyone that is needing a guy w/ lots of experience in hands on ET work gives Cowboy/Terry a good hard look. It's because of people like Cowboy that this world is a better place. He knows about rough times & because of that he's wanting to help those that are too going through a rough patch.
So if your getting together some nominations, maybe give Terry a referral to anyone needing ET work. Thanks guy, it's because of this & your sacrifices earlier in Vietnam that makes this country great! Hats off to our man- Cowboy!

humbled just to know him,


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Folks -- is it OK to cry now --  :'( :'(

I don't know what to say other than thanks --

I wish I could invite EVERY single one of you here for a day -- we could chase rattlesnakes and BBQ brisket and just have a great COW day!! Hey it could happen!!

I am truly looking forward to this -- I feel like a new person already! Proud to know each and every one of you out there!

Merry Christmas to all -- it is for sure a feel good time!

Thanks all --  (clapping)




Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
In talking to Red today -- we decided it was really pushing things to get this done by Christmas -- so Red will be making the

(dog) chase the paper trail - as it were - on New Years Eve.

We really would like to have as many as possible entry's by then -- the more the better. I have tossed around the idea of having a second prize drawing as well -- meybe even a third! Reason being, there has been some very generous offers to help out sent in -- and I do know that even though I can handle only one flush to the winner -- there could be some other prizes offered from these great people as well.

Sooooooo -- every one who may be holding off getting an entry in should try to do so as soon as they can. There are lots of ways to be a needy person or family -- I concentrated on what was initially evident -- but there are many more things to look at as well!

Hope you are all as excited as I am -- this is great!

See ya soon -- Terry


New member
Aug 20, 2007
Where do we send nominations for the "flush of a lifetime"...I have a great and deserving family I would like to nominate.  Thanks, cowboy.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
Now this is the part in a meeting where the president would say "now that it has been moved and seconded That Cowboy/Terry be Steer Planet Memeber of the year" if you agree raise your right hand... then everyone would raise there right hand and then everyone would clap  (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) He He He      You deffinatly deserve a great Christmas and a very very happpy new year. I wish you and your family great health and great prosperity (clapping) (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Cowboy, Thanks for doing this ! It will sure be a very good Christmas for someone !  (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping)

common sense

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2007
Cowboy, I see that you extended this to the new year.  Is this just limited to kids or can we nominate a family that may be truly blessed with the benefit of a free flush?  Also, if a person were to nominate somebody could we remain anonymous to the winner? And on last question, is there a limit to how many nominations we can make?  This is just a fabulous opportunity for some family.  I hope that everyone on this site will nominate somebody that they know.  This just seems like a win-win situation.  Certainly we all know SOMEBODY that could use this!?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
We are trying to get as many refferals in as possible -- by New Years Eve. I trully wanted to drop this on the winning party on New Years Day.

There is NO limiit as to how many you can reffer -- the more the better -- just send a short assay as to why they need some help. Doesn't matter if it is an individual, young or old, or an entire family?

I wanted to do this so that some one who needs the boost can realize a new outlook on life, and the cattle business. The results will be seen for years, so it is a long term benefit hopefully. I want this to work well, so I have asked that any Donor cows come here -- I do this all the time, so getting them ready and all that is routine.

Yes --I think that if the nominating party would like to stay in the background -- there is no problem with that at all. I had planned on calling the winner doing a 3-way call -- where as the nominating party will be able to listen in on the conversation and hear thier reaction to winning this. That should be lots of fun, and if the nominating party wants to say sometihng -- great - if not -- the winner will never know who reffered them. I think that is about as good as it gets!! I have had people help us over the years, and I still do NOT know who some of them were. I understand -- sure makes the heart swell!!

Again, time is running short -- I was hoping to do this New Years Eve -- but if we don't get some more refferals -- I may have to run it longer -- at last count -- we only have about a dozen so far. I know there are more out there -- please do not be afraid to send in a name! It only takes a minute -- sure I could send over about 20 myself, but that would be unfair. This is a nation wide event -- let's make it as fun as possible and we WILL make it work!

Thanks folks -- I am getting excited!!!  (clapping) (clapping)



Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
so you have about 12 nominees and probally almost if not more than 12 helpers, i figured we would have quite a few already. I am ready for New years eve so we can who wins (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) i will be very sad if i have to wait even longer :'(


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I have about 18 nominees & all are very worthy. I think go ahead & draw & maybe later we can have a different oppurtunity provided by someone else or a group.



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
Thanks Red - 18 is less than I had thought , but certainly enough for WOODY to grab one and run off with it!!!

Whether we have 18 or 38, I think we are going to go ahead and find out who wins tonight -- if RED has the time to take care of it. To prove that we are actaully going to have Woddy decide the winner, RED is going to take a picture (Hopefully if he is slow moving enough) of him as he grabs the winning strip of paper!! hehehehehe (dog)

Some time during the day of New Years, I am going to call the winner and announce to them what has taken place. I will try and make it a three way call with the reffering party on the other line to listen in. You do not have to let them know you are there, but it would be fun to hear thier reaction!!!

I hope every one who sent in a Refferal also sent in thier personal contact info as well, other wise I won't be able to do this with the 3-way.

Time is ticking, send any late refferals in so Red has time to do this -- she is an Angel for helping me out -- here's to you RED

(clapping) (clapping) (clapping)

Happy New Years to all -- and GOOD luck to all those who have been nominated for this event!!!

