I just don't know what the big deal is. I would be the first to admit that Timeline is NOT a bull for everyone to use. He appears to be doing some things very good from what we have seen so far. The biggest BW Timeline I have had myself at 102 lbs, sold to a rancher with 500+ cows and he used him on heifers. When he told me that he had bred his heifers to him, I was almost afraid to ask him about calving these heifers. When I asked he said, that he wished the Timeline bull had bred all the heifers, as he ran a Hereford bull as well in the same pasture and they had to pull a bunch of calves from him. He said he had no major issues with the Timeline son.
I just don't get the issue here as the people who are doing all the whining about Timeline are people who will never use him, not will they ever have to use anything from him. It is a free world and they can use whatever they want. If I was having calving issues from Timeline, I wouldn't use him again either, but so far all the reports I have had from his owners is that they are not real small at birth but they seem to be born easily and they grow like weeds once they are born. As for his -7.5 CE EPD, I have a bit of an issue with that. It has to be based on his pedigree data, and so far, from what I have seen, Timeline calves are NOT having to be assisted at birth.... at least non more than any other bull. I have heard some wild rumours about some BWs from some of the sons of some of the so called BW saviors of the breed, but I will not be posting about them. It may be fact, but it may also be fiction. And if it is true, I have no idea what genetics are involved in the female side of the equation. For all I know, they may have been from sires with 130 lb BWs and they may have had problems calving a Longhorn calf. As per usual, the sire ( and sometimes the grandsire) takes the rap for calving issues. Calving issues, and BW , can come from a wide variety of sources
I came across pretty strong in my last post, but I am very tired of people posting stories on here about things they know nothing about and have nothing to base them on. I think that is TOTALLY WRONG... whether it is about my bull, or anyone else's. I hope this ends this stupid discussion. As for BS, I have to say I am very pleased that he did send me a PM with more information and as I suspected, his source was exactly who I thought it might be.