Irish Whiskey

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Jun 10, 2007
ahh everyone was talking about cloning a bull from a skin cell they found in a straw of semen and all that business,and when cab ask for a pic of epic, i just could not resist the opportunity. but whos to say 10--20 yrs down the road they won't be cloning animals from photos.(hahahaha)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
DLD said:
JbarL said:
interesting that i recieved a corrospondence from the amaa about a new "venture" for the "commercial" use of maine genitcs  with sek genitics...upon calling the young lady (sek)she didnt no anything about the carrier status/or info on the maines, but  gladly agreed to send me a cataloge......has anyone recieved it and are they supporting carrier bulls?  jbarl

Not sure exactly what you're asking... I believe that all of the bulls featured in the flyer that's been mentioned are tested and clean, and that it says so in the introductory paragraphs. If you're asking if all of the bulls listed in SEK's regular catalog are tested PHA and TH free, no, they are not. Dr. Coover and his staff at SEK have been very instrumental  in helping to develop the test, and have provided semen and paid for testing on the potential carriers among the most popular bulls they carry semen on. They were the first semen distributors to clearly state any known PHA and TH status in their catalogs. I'm not sure who you talked to at SEK, but the staff there is very knowledgeable and always helpful. Maybe if you seemed to just be on a general fishing expedition, whoever you talked to might've felt like a copy of their catalog would best answer your questions.

jbar - what I think you are talking about is the SEK fall update which features 10 Maine bulls - purebred and high percentage that are THF and PHAF and are being promoted to commercial cattlemen as having useful and economically important traits - and (oh goodie) they are clean.

I an delighted that the AMAA finally realized that having someone talking the cattle at an Expo and saying "well sure he is a carrier bull but take him home and use him on Angus and you will be fine" is a pi** poor shortsighted approach to the commercial market.

As DLD said Don Coover was really important in getting the word out - he tested at his own expense a bunch of bulls with TH genetics and published the results in his catalog - he did pretty much the same with PHA - I am sure this didn't make him popular in many circles ::)

The same info is in the latest "Voice"

Did anybody notice the last line on the partnership dispersal sale take on TH and PHA - interesting while the breeders apparently invite it - it is too hot for SP ;D

Gotta love it
  ::) ::) ::) :eek: :eek: :eek:


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
DLD said:
JbarL said:
interesting that i recieved a corrospondence from the amaa about a new "venture" for the "commercial" use of maine genitcs  with sek genitics...upon calling the young lady (sek)she didnt no anything about the carrier status/or info on the maines, but  gladly agreed to send me a cataloge......has anyone recieved it and are they supporting carrier bulls?  jbarl

Not sure exactly what you're asking... I believe that all of the bulls featured in the flyer that's been mentioned are tested and clean, and that it says so in the introductory paragraphs. If you're asking if all of the bulls listed in SEK's regular catalog are tested PHA and TH free, no, they are not. Dr. Coover and his staff at SEK have been very instrumental  in helping to develop the test, and have provided semen and paid for testing on the potential carriers among the most popular bulls they carry semen on. They were the first semen distributors to clearly state any known PHA and TH status in their catalogs. I'm not sure who you talked to at SEK, but the staff there is very knowledgeable and always helpful. Maybe if you seemed to just be on a general fishing expedition, whoever you talked to might've felt like a copy of their catalog would best answer your questions.
in the past sek has supported the use of phac that the amaa and sek are "jointly" promoting a "commercial" ad blitz for the maine breed specificially aimed at cattle producers (commercial), i was  hopefully assuming that it could only be phaf bulls that were recommended and promoted for cattle producers (commercial). i personally have been waiting for the registery to have a stand on this genitc issue to help reduce the "under the radar" carriers of pha, and the ultimate train wreck that some have endured.
the gal at sek, was obvisouly just a nice voice to direct calls, and i didnt really expect much info from her, and she did offer to set up a conversation with mr coover, which i did take her up on, but wanted to wait and  see the catalog listings, and get some feed back from some others before i spoke with him.......seems like a positive direction to me  (finally) and the use of a know gentics distributor seems to be both a positive damage control direction for the registry, and for the positive use of maines for the  next generation of "cattle producers".  thanks  jbarl


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
It has been my experience in dealing with SEK, there are no "nice voices to direct calls" how insulting of you, the staff at SEK are all very knowledgable about this industry, this problem and the bulls they carry. SEK neither supports or does not support, they are a semen distributor, they sell semen that is the business they are in.  The bulls they have listed have for the past year in their catalog and on their web site have had the TH and PHA status listed in plain view, the only difference I can see is that they are producing a seperate flyer with the AMAA for commercial promotion.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i agree the people are great at sek.  they have helped me out tremendously on a variety of issues, particularly prepayment of crazy shipping routes for semen.  sometimes the way we present ourselves leads to how we are treated or transferred to other people.  ditto for the staff at the amaa.  i would have to say that their service far exceeds that of service departments at most companies i deal with.  the other thing i like about these two orgainzations is that they don't try and sell me insurance or some other product clearly outside of their core competence.  the amaa association has helped me out tremendously on database searches.  can't complement them enough.  a few times i have called or emailed the amaa staff and i am amazed the number of people they call to track down information for me.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
searched the thread on bw and found this

I talked to Cyagra about them cloning from semen and they said that they don't actually use a sperm cell to clone. They recover a skin cell that has been shed from the penis into the ejaculate and clone from that. As afunny aside, they told me the first time they tried it on a angus bull they got a holstein cow. The cell they had recovered was actually from a cow that produced milk that was part of the semen extender.

and this,

I heard a rumor the other day and wondered if anyone else has heard it and if there is any truth in it.

I heard that SEK Genetics, had cloned Meyer 734 (from frozen semen cell), and already have cattle on the ground. Not sure what age.

Any thoughts?

at cyagra's site, there is a listing for simmental, but no animal is there.

nothing substantiated.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Jill said:
It has been my experience in dealing with SEK, there are no "nice voices to direct calls" how insulting of you, the staff at SEK are all very knowledgable about this industry, this problem and the bulls they carry. SEK neither supports or does not support, they are a semen distributor, they sell semen that is the business they are in.  The bulls they have listed have for the past year in their catalog and on their web site have had the TH and PHA status listed in plain view, the only difference I can see is that they are producing a seperate flyer with the AMAA for commercial promotion.
no insult intended...when asked about the joint venture with amaa..she was not aware of any info to give to me...pha was something she was not aware of either. she was quite polite and helpful with scheduling my conversation with dr coover, and gladly agreed to send  me a catalog. her voice was  nice and her direction was positive and helpful. still awaitin amaa comments as well.    thanks  jbarl


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
jbar remember Abe Lincoln  :eek: :eek: :eek: sometime no matter how hard you try to answer a question or how much information you seek somebody always gets their panties in a wad - be glad they are wearing them and not you (lol) (lol) (lol)


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
knabe said:
searched the thread on bw and found this

I talked to Cyagra about them cloning from semen and they said that they don't actually use a sperm cell to clone. They recover a skin cell that has been shed from the penis into the ejaculate and clone from that. As afunny aside, they told me the first time they tried it on a angus bull they got a holstein cow. The cell they had recovered was actually from a cow that produced milk that was part of the semen extender.

and this,

I heard a rumor the other day and wondered if anyone else has heard it and if there is any truth in it.

I heard that SEK Genetics, had cloned Meyer 734 (from frozen semen cell), and already have cattle on the ground. Not sure what age.

Any thoughts?

at cyagra's site, there is a listing for simmental, but no animal is there.

nothing substantiated.

Well, I guess I've already stated my thoughts (so you're prob'ly tired of hearing them and are ready for someone else's...LOL), but I'll try to consolidate them here;

There may or may not be 734 clones in existence or in the works - if so it's not public knowledge and probably won't be until such time that the owners make semen available for sale. If there are 734 clones, SEK may or may not have something to do with it, but if they do you can be sure it's with the complete knowledge, approval and cooperation of the bulls owners - Dr. Coover and his staff wouldn't do it any other way. Remember that the Full Flush clones were a joint venture between Kephart and Coover (SEK), so the people we're talking about here have knowledge and experience in this arena. Thus, I have a hard time believing that it would be necessary to try to isolate skin cells from semen to use in cloning this bull. I'm not sure how long he's been dead, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't long enough ago that they wouldn't have kept cell samples in case they were needed in the future.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
DL said:
jbar remember Abe Lincoln  :eek: :eek: :eek: sometime no matter how hard you try to answer a question or how much information you seek somebody always gets their panties in a wad - be glad they are wearing them and not you (lol) (lol) (lol)
My panties aren't in a wad, I have been to SEK and they are a very small operation and the girls in the office are not there to blindly answer the phone, they are knowledgable about their product, and I find it really hard to believe that anyone in that office would tell you that "PHA is something she is not aware of" are you sure you were talking to Dr. Coovers office?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
JbarL, I understand that you don't mean any insult - please understand that I don't either, but what I'm trying to say and I think what Jill's trying to say is that you cannot sell SEK short in regards to their knowledge, customer service, or how they handle the PHA/TH issues. Perhaps she (meaning whoever you talked to at SEK) didn't understand what you meant by their "joint venture with the AMAA". It's really just an advertising campaign - maybe shared costs on the flyers that (presumably) went out to both SEK and AMAA's mailing lists, and maybe a few magazine ads.
Also, whether you meant it that way or not, you've asked the question "Do they support carrier bulls?" in what seemed to be an accusatory tone. Whether you like it or not, you have to understand that if they refused to handle any carrier bulls it would cost them a tremendous amount of business, and they probably simply don't feel like they could afford that. They're doing all they can to promote the clean bulls, and probably wouldn't appreciate being asked if they "support carriers".


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  SRU, IF the RUMOR that you heard is true, we will most likely never see the clone. Doing a quick math calculation in my head, I'll more than likely also be dead B4 they run out of the 3K units used to flush clubbie cows. Here's my next question then, which Meyer 734 son is better then he himself?


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I am a big fan of SEK and all the people that work there and I have vocally supported them and their initiative on TH and PHA - often times being harrassed about it - I have nothing but the utmost respect for them

seems lately Jill you have been a little testy - you ask if ringworn will go away - I say it is self limiting (that defined means it will go away on its own) you get snotty. Now you are after jbar and there was clearly a misunderstanding - I hope everything in your life is ok or perhaps a chill pill is in order- life is too short


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Jill said:
DL said:
jbar remember Abe Lincoln  :eek: :eek: :eek: sometime no matter how hard you try to answer a question or how much information you seek somebody always gets their panties in a wad - be glad they are wearing them and not you (lol) (lol) (lol)
My panties aren't in a wad, I have been to SEK and they are a very small operation and the girls in the office are not there to blindly answer the phone, they are knowledgable about their product, and I find it really hard to believe that anyone in that office would tell you that "PHA is something she is not aware of" are you sure you were talking to Dr. Coovers office?
yes it was sek and dr coover was unavaliable at the time...its the same number that the amaa gave to call and ask questions   jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
  I know that thisd is going to cause a big to do, but, I think that SEK is just trying to provide all the info that they can. Anyone serious about breeding Maine/Shorthorn cattle are going to be double cking on the TH/PHA status of bulls. You have to remember that SEK is a semen dist., not a bull stud, ie. they are not going to lose alot of business by providing accurate information that people are going to be asking them about. The employee's won't have to be on the ph as much answering the same questions, if published. Jill, we all know that you intended no harm in your reply post. Please everyone don't crusify me for this OPINION. Thanks. Cab


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
DLD said:
JbarL, I understand that you don't mean any insult - please understand that I don't either, but what I'm trying to say and I think what Jill's trying to say is that you cannot sell SEK short in regards to their knowledge, customer service, or how they handle the PHA/TH issues. Perhaps she (meaning whoever you talked to at SEK) didn't understand what you meant by their "joint venture with the AMAA". It's really just an advertising campaign - maybe shared costs on the flyers that (presumably) went out to both SEK and AMAA's mailing lists, and maybe a few magazine ads.
Also, whether you meant it that way or not, you've asked the question "Do they support carrier bulls?" in what seemed to be an accusatory tone. Whether you like it or not, you have to understand that if they refused to handle any carrier bulls it would cost them a tremendous amount of business, and they probably simply don't feel like they could afford that. They're doing all they can to promote the clean bulls, and probably wouldn't appreciate being asked if they "support carriers".
my tone has been missunderstood before  :-\  by supporting i meant that they discregard pha as a problem that "they" are interested in.  i think sek is a great soucre of semen,and have never had any direct questions for them untill yesterday.  they were quite helpful, polite and professional