Well-known member
I try and understand both side of the isle in politics. I am a fiscally conservative republican. I have always considered legalizing weed, etc etc. I not wrapped up in religion or stem cells or the these kinds of issues. However....I am embarassed for the media. The tv media is coming out with a pro obama health care blitz. We have hit a monumental corruption of the media as far as bias is concerned. There will be books written about the media's bias in this deal. Fox news is considered bias cause they don't bend down in front of Jesus Christ(Ohama). The only thing I can figure out is that this is woodstock generations last stand. They are tenured in the the universities. They are grandpa's now and they are in charge of corporations. We have government now by the hippie generation as near as I can tell. It will be interesting to see how history will be written on this deal. It is ok to attack conservative women with sexist, sexual jokes and it is ok. It's weird. I just think its the guttless generation in charge now. They were cowards when it it came to fighting in nam. The 18 year old generation is probably the weakest generation in history.work with a couple of kids who spend more time on the damn cell phones and texting and stuff that I have to load their trucks for them cause they are text messaging... it is unbelieveable. I am for small government and freedom but this thing is really turning weird. For better or worse we have the haight asbury generation is in charge. I will challenge you that the media is beyond bias it has become king maker. I still think that 20 years from now the media will be probably right wing biased because of the coming crash...but dang it will be interested how history will be written....not by the left wing hippies but by scholars 20 years from now. I don't see how the "the good morning america" bunch can keep a straight face. It is out of hand. jfft.