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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I try and understand both side of the isle in politics. I am a fiscally conservative republican. I have always considered legalizing weed, etc etc. I not wrapped up in religion or stem cells or the these kinds of issues. However....I am embarassed for the media. The tv media is coming out with a pro obama health care blitz. We have hit a monumental corruption of the media as far as bias is concerned. There will be books written about the media's bias in this deal. Fox news is considered bias cause they don't bend down in front of Jesus Christ(Ohama). The only thing I can figure out is that this is woodstock generations last stand. They are tenured in the the universities. They are grandpa's now and they are in charge of corporations. We have government now by the hippie generation as near as I can tell. It will be interesting to see how history will be written on this deal. It is ok to attack conservative women with sexist, sexual jokes and it is ok. It's weird. I just think its the guttless generation in charge now. They were cowards when it it came to fighting in nam. The 18 year old generation is probably the weakest generation in with a couple of kids who spend more time on the damn cell phones and texting and stuff that I have to load their trucks for them cause they are text messaging... it is unbelieveable. I am for small government and freedom but this thing is really turning weird. For better or worse we have the haight asbury generation is in charge. I will challenge you that the media is beyond bias it has become king maker. I still think that 20 years from now the media will be probably right wing biased because of the coming crash...but dang it will be interested how history will be written....not by the left wing hippies but by scholars 20 years from now. I don't see how the "the good morning america" bunch can keep a straight face. It is out of hand. jfft.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
aj said:
I don't see how the "the good morning america" bunch can keep a straight face. It is out of hand. jfft.

that's about the sorriest show on television, although there are some pretty putrid reality shows

BO is so bad, even the gays hate him


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
aj said:
The only thing I can figure out is that this is woodstock generations last stand. They are tenured in the the universities. They are grandpa's now and they are in charge of corporations. We have government now by the hippie generation as near as I can tell. It will be interesting to see how history will be written on this deal.
It's weird. I just think its the guttless generation in charge now. They were cowards when it it came to fighting in nam. The 18 year old generation is probably the weakest generation in history.
... it is unbelieveable. I am for small government and freedom but this thing is really turning weird. For better or worse we have the haight asbury generation is in charge.

according to the age missed the draft by about what .. 5 yrs?? quickly some forget...when yoiu turned 18 it was a bit different for the generation before you....that guttless you refer too......less than 10 yrs before i was born folks couldnt even vote...sometimes we forget that times are " radically" changing all the time....20's / womens vote....30's economic colaps....40's...wars to end all wars.....50's...blacks vote...60's....roe v wade......70's...end of  the draft....not a big thing now i guess, to you any way, to some it is.........but each meant big things to alot of poeple.......whats happening now is no different....big things are going to happen and it is going mean big things to alot of poeple....i'm not sure what genereation you  consider yourself in??.....but i doubt if the hippies el' even have ya now.... ;)  jbarl


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
The southern Democrats fought the black rights issue to the end. I'll agree that stereotyping is bad and not accurate. There is a bias in the media and there always will be. If you are a thinking person you have to be bias. It just sounds like the upcoming tv show for free health care is going to be a one sided event. The evil Repubs have been denied a seat on these shows. It is going to be a week long pro free health care blitz. The funny thing is that the dems are loosing support for the deal by their own members. Even they know it is over the edge.jmo But their is a love affair out there for Ogama. I'm sure there will be a interview of Okama by the perky Katie Curic shooting hoops with the lovable president in the future. ;D


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
aj said:
If you are a thinking person you have to be bias. It just sounds like the upcoming tv show for free health care is going to be a one sided event. The evil Repubs have been denied a seat on these shows. It is going to be a week long pro free health care blitz.

if yoiu are a thinking person....then you shuldnt have to  rely on the tv news for your opinions anyway.....especially if yoiur so sure they are all biased...???.....the health care reform before us "is" a one sided event...just like womens votes and the black vote particular very large group of amercians are about to benifit in the same way....i was under the impression that if yoiu liked yoiur prresent policy .....then you just stick with it??....the thought of a women and black folks  voting at one time seemed just as radical as congressional medical does now.....the thought of all amercians having the same medical plan avaliability as a senator???>...may seem like the end to others it may seem like " its about time".....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I don't know what the right answer is for health care, but anyone who doesn't think there is a huge problem has either been fortunate enough to not have a serious health issue in their family or has their head stuck in the mud.

There are a whole lot of middle class people, who have had a job (oftentimes more than one) every day of their life, who don't have health insurance.  Until she turned 65, my mom was one of them.  She had some kind of policy that covered catastrophic stuff, and it was almost more than she could afford.  She used to have good insurance while my dad was alive.  After he died in 82, she became self-employed (daycare center operator) so she could take care of me and my baby sister.  Couldn't get insurance that was similar to what someone working for a large corporation can get.  She had to wait 15-20 years to have badly needed knee surgery until she became old enough for Medicare.  She had her surgery two days ago.

My father-in-law almost died from some type of brain infection this winter.  He had great insurance because his wife is a school teacher and is now on Medicare.  That bill was a few hundred thousand dollars, and they didn't do anything to him but tests and medications - no surgery at all.

Anytime someone gets seriously sick now and winds up in the hospital now for any extended period of time, the bill is (by my highly inaccurate calculations) probably half of what that person earned for income during their entire life.  How many people will end up in the hospital like that at least once before they die?  I daresay almost everyone.  That math isn't sustainable.  Even if you have insurance, someone is paying those bills.

I don't know who is making all of the money.  It's not the doctors, nurses, or even the hospital owners.  A lot is lost to the paperwork side of the business.  Somehow, someway, a lot of that is going to have to be cut out.  National healthcare might be a disaster, although I'm not sure it would be as bad as the half and half system we seem to have now.  It seems like we either to get government completely out of it or completely in charge of it.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
National healthcare IS a disaster and that has been proven by any country in the world that has it.  I am one of those that pays my own ins. and it costs me in the neighborhood of 1200 a month, that is a lot of money and it carries a high deductible, however, I make my own health decisions and if I want treatment it is my decision, not the governments.  Like most I don't have an answer, but I can tell you I can't afford to pay for every deadbeat out there that isn't insured and every illegal in this country that our socialized system WILL cover.  I can without a doubt tell you this much, thanks to roe v wade of my and aj's generation (as pointed out by jbarl), we now have a society that has places no value on life, how long do you think it will take to go to the other end of the life cycle and make the decision that elder care that is costing the system thousands a month per person for someone with say Alzheimer's or cancer or any of the other age related issues is of no value and will not be included, I guess from where I stand that part scares me more than any of the rest of what they could come up with. 


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
I don't really believe there is a so called love affair for obama. The American people voted blindly for change.  Forgetting the democrats stoped any good George w tried to start in his last term.  The democrats in full power will probably be their own downfall.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
farwest said:
I don't really believe there is a so called love affair for obama. The American people voted blindly for change.  Forgetting the democrats stoped any good George w tried to start in his last term.  The democrats in full power will probably be their own downfall.

I agree to a certain extent.  I think now that Obama is in office, some of the folks that voted blindly for him are on some kind of crazy Obama love(band)wagon for the time being. 


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
farwest said:
I don't really believe there is a so called love affair for obama. The American people voted blindly for change.  Forgetting the democrats stoped any good George w tried to start in his last term.  The democrats in full power will probably be their own downfall.

100% agree with this assessment!  I do think that when they realize what all of this "change" is going to cost the normal tax paying citizen, the love affair will be over.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
farwest said:
I don't really believe there is a so called love affair for obama. The American people voted blindly for change.  Forgetting the democrats stoped any good George w tried to start in his last term.  The democrats in full power will probably be their own downfall.

Well put farwest. I dont think the country can run properly with all democrats or all republicans in the house, there has to be balance.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
farwest said:
I don't really believe there is a so called love affair for obama. The American people voted blindly for change.  Forgetting the democrats stoped any good George w tried to start in his last term.  The democrats in full power will probably be their own downfall.

I agree, look what happened to Clinton in 94 he had went in with a majority in the house and senate tried to push through some ultra left wing policies and boom, the people spoke in the next election.  They voted out the majority.  I believe that is what is going to happen this time.  Do I think that the Dems are going to lose the majority this next election, no, but I do believe they will lose alot of ground that they will have to start scrambling to get back by the 2012 election.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Tipton, IA
this isi off character for me on SP, but my thoughts are that Health insurance is in trouble because it is no longer insurance in its true definition.  Health insurance should be treated like property insurance or car insurance.  The way we treat health care these days is like Grocery Insurance.  You know you will have costs every year to maintain your health, much like buying groceries.  We as a society have simply overrun the system.  insurance claims for a drug to treat the fungus on your toenail is not something the system can or should handle.  You don't turn in new wiper blades on the truck to your car insurance.  Major catasrophic events should be covered and that would help bring down our reliance on a bloated system. 


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
Yeah but he still has a phenominal 67% approval rating.  I just happen to have always been in the minority on this :)


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
My problem with any government social program(welfare, food stamps, govt healthcare) is that the government is taking my money to pay for someone elses problems.  I don't pay for my neighbors car repairs, why the hell should i have to pay for his surgery or for his house or his food??  The government STEALS my money to pay for other people to survive.  I am not against helping people, but I will use my money to help who I want to help on MY terms!  

People came to this country because it was "The land of opportunity."  Not the "land of entitlement"

What a crock....


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Any government program spends as much or more tryin to figure out how to disperse the money and to the jobs to disperse it than actually the receivers. What a waste.  Oh btw. Farwest from the salty, seaweed'sesshell, infested ,hot ,humid'san Marco ,Florida. Seein how our southern friends get it done.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Dusty said:
My problem with any government social program(welfare, food stamps, govt healthcare) is that the government is taking my money to pay for someone elses problems.  I don't pay for my neighbors car repairs, why the hell should i have to pay for his surgery or for his house or his food??  The government STEALS my money to pay for other people to survive.  I am not against helping people, but I will use my money to help who I want to help on MY terms!  

People came to this country because it was "The land of opportunity."  Not the "land of entitlement"

What a crock....

I agree with you 110% , Dusty.  I also think that when a lot of people go get a job they have to take a drug screen test, then why don't we make the free loaders take one to get food stamps, welfare check , etc.,etc. . I think that would eliminate a lot of this crap.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Jill said:
National healthcare IS a disaster and that has been proven by any country in the world that has it.  I am one of those that pays my own ins. and it costs me in the neighborhood of 1200 a month, that is a lot of money and it carries a high deductible, however, I make my own health decisions and if I want treatment it is my decision, not the governments.  Like most I don't have an answer, but I can tell you I can't afford to pay for every deadbeat out there that isn't insured and every illegal in this country that our socialized system WILL cover.  I can without a doubt tell you this much, thanks to roe v wade of my and aj's generation (as pointed out by jbarl), we now have a society that has places no value on life, how long do you think it will take to go to the other end of the life cycle and make the decision that elder care that is costing the system thousands a month per person for someone with say Alzheimer's or cancer or any of the other age related issues is of no value and will not be included, I guess from where I stand that part scares me more than any of the rest of what they could come up with. 

big issues.....many poeple...roe v wade....
issue....moms and dads decided who got abortions.....they were done in station wagons/ storage buildings and hotel rooms....just as many then as now...only safer...why do you think it passed??....theres more poeple screamin' aobut it now than when it was debated???> that the same as telling me i cant have a vasactomy???....
.many people....every woman in the united states was effected by this decision...those who choose to have abortions do....those who dont...dont...what could be fairer than that??....i'm pro life....but i dont care what my neighbvor and his wife do about ...when and if they start a family....
..same with insurance...those who dont want to participate dont....those who could be simpler than that.?? jbarl

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
JbarL said:
Jill said:
National healthcare IS a disaster and that has been proven by any country in the world that has it.  I am one of those that pays my own ins. and it costs me in the neighborhood of 1200 a month, that is a lot of money and it carries a high deductible, however, I make my own health decisions and if I want treatment it is my decision, not the governments.  Like most I don't have an answer, but I can tell you I can't afford to pay for every deadbeat out there that isn't insured and every illegal in this country that our socialized system WILL cover.  I can without a doubt tell you this much, thanks to roe v wade of my and aj's generation (as pointed out by jbarl), we now have a society that has places no value on life, how long do you think it will take to go to the other end of the life cycle and make the decision that elder care that is costing the system thousands a month per person for someone with say Alzheimer's or cancer or any of the other age related issues is of no value and will not be included, I guess from where I stand that part scares me more than any of the rest of what they could come up with. 

big issues.....many poeple...roe v wade....
issue....moms and dads decided who got abortions.....they were done in station wagons/ storage buildings and hotel rooms....just as many then as now...only safer...why do you think it passed??....theres more poeple screamin' aobut it now than when it was debated???> that the same as telling me i cant have a vasactomy???....
.many people....every woman in the united states was effected by this decision...those who choose to have abortions do....those who dont...dont...what could be fairer than that??....i'm pro life....but i dont care what my neighbvor and his wife do about ...when and if they start a family....
..same with insurance...those who dont want to participate dont....those who could be simpler than that.?? jbarl

so, if everyone has the chance to get good health care for free, most people will switch to the Govt. health care thus causing the current health insurers to go out of business then all you have left is govt. health care.  Yes we do have a choice... for now but what happens when we no longer have a choice, or even a choice to go back to??? 