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Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
You make me laugh knabe! Kinda like the kid (11th grade) that gave an oral reason on a bull class saying  "he was well hung".  Yeah for the "new generation".

OqRanch: I don't care one way or the other on the live chat. Some would like it, some wouldn't. I think this is "instant" enough for me!  But, it is the generation of "instant gratification", so maybe "the next few minutes" isn't soon enough.

farwest, exact what did you EDIT out of your post?  I find a lot of things wrong with our society, I do my best to make them better (in my opinion). I guess if I turned the other cheek like many of you do, I would just be another sheep, mindlessly following a "leader" that has no clue.  That just isn't me. No apology offered.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
I edited a grammar mistake, believe me i wouldn't edit anything that i think may offend you on a second thought.  And there you go again, tearing many people down on this board, accusing them of being followers, or other sheep.  More negativety.  AND YOU TEACH CHILDREN.  Try a positive attitude, be careful, it's contagious...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
  And there you go again (you too), tearing many people down on this board (you too), accusing them of being followers, or other sheep (you too).  More negativety (you too).  AND YOU TEACH CHILDREN (you too).  Try a positive attitude, be careful, it's contagious...(you too)

i'm confused.  kids need limits and consequences.  hmm, so do adults.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
knabe said:
herefordfootball said:
This was my first day on them, so everyday after that was routine, and I knew to go down and get the pills automatically, but if she didnt call me it wouldnt have happened that day.

they used to have these things called pagers that were a lot cheaper and less intrusive to others for things like this.

oops. sorry for the negative comment.

Apparently our school doesnt have the luxury of pagers. and if i had a pager how is that less intrusive when it beeps or vibrates than when a phone beeps or vibrates?


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
And trust me folks, if you haven't looked at a teens cell phone lately, I would encourage you to do so. Look past the simple "make a call, receive a call" device and notice that many answers are stored on these phones, many nasty jokes are stored there, and lets not mention all the "photos" that would be considered child porn if police ever saw them. How would you feel if your son/daughter was photographed in the locker room and it was made public? How about those wonderful shots in the restroom?  Kids do not use their phone for simply "a telephone".  It is their way of feeling bigger than they are, more intelligent than they are, more popular than they are and richer than they are.

farwest, I do not doubt that your kids and I wouldn't get along. I have found in my short career so far as a teacher that the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Show Heifer, your statement about parents checking their kids call log and sent/received messages is an extreme invasion of privacy. I do not have anything on my phone I wouldnt want my parents seeing, heck my phone doesnt even have a camera, but how would you like it if someone was constantly monitoring your calls, messages, etc.? I'm sure there are some things you say in text messages that are meant for your eyes and the person you are talking to ONLY. If kids caught their parents rummaging through their phone history dont you think that is gonna create some trust issues? And another thing is the kid will just get smarter and sneakier about doing whatever they are doing, its not hard to delete messages or clear your call log. If I thought my parents were going through my priivate conversations with others it would really tick me off. Probaly to the point where I wouldnt leave any of my stuff where they could get at it, so in the end it would just cause problems. Kids are gonna do what they want, and the truth is we can not control other human beings. And if you are worried about the kids with the nasty stuff on their phones, well lets put it this way, the parent obviously doesnt know their kid that well because they were stupid enough to give them the phone in the first place.

Oh and if I was you and the students were acting that way in my class, I would tell them to get out or put the phone away. You can text or you can get your graduation credits your choice. That is ridiculous that they act like that. You probaly wanted to go up to them and snap their phone in half, well I would have wanted to, but remeber this there are good kids out there who are responsible. They are becoming rarer and rarer, but they are out there.


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2008
If I am stupid enough to get caught texting in class, I deserve to have my phone taken away! Its not like you will die with out it.

Chat sounds cool...many many forums have can have a timed chat, or you can just have an open room attached to the forum for who ever is on...

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
knabe said:
Jace said:

I am sorry if I ever said anything offensive, when I get frustrated, words come out that I don't mean, and after I post them I think, man, I shouldn't have said that. I have to live with my mistakes though. I have gained a lot of respect for you. I appreciate you saying the truth and letting me know that I am not always right. Thanks.

I guess JbarL hit it on the head. I have never really known life without TV's, computers, etc. I just think that a chat would be fun way to talk to people and have an actual conversation without having to call or e-mail. If you don't like that idea, it is fine. It was jsut a suggestion. Have a nice day!

accepted.  it's pretty much impossible to offend me, just so you know.

i have a rule.  those who want to be offended will be offended.  i have to admit, sometimes it's fun complying.

as for texting, i'm for the freemarket to decide that, not me, i just don't have the dna for it.  i''m too old.

lots of platforms out there to chat, tweat, "get sales results" etc.

adapt, migrate or die.

I have tried so hard to offend Knabe he is right. hard to offend him. I have tried about time someone else does. :D
You are never too old knabe. I got my first blackberry this year for work. It has been alife saver for the customer service part of my job. I know customers appreciate immediate repsonse.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
herefordfootball said:
Show Heifer, your statement about parents checking their kids call log and sent/received messages is an extreme invasion of privacy.That is the responsibility & priviledge of being a parent . There is a Church near me that puts messages on it's sign out front & one of them was " Don't say it or write it if you would be ashamed to sign your name to it." That's a pretty good saying if you try to live by it , wether you are a child or an adult. I do not have anything on my phone I wouldnt want my parents seeing, heck my phone doesnt even have a camera, but how would you like it if someone was constantly monitoring your calls, messages, etc.? I'm sure there are some things you say in text messages that are meant for your eyes and the person you are talking to ONLY. If kids caught their parents rummaging through their phone history dont you think that is gonna create some trust issues? And another thing is the kid will just get smarter and sneakier about doing whatever they are doing, its not hard to delete messages or clear your call log. If I thought my parents were going through my priivate conversations with others it would really tick me off. Probaly to the point where I wouldnt leave any of my stuff where they could get at it, so in the end it would just cause problems. Kids are gonna do what they want, and the truth is we can not control other human beings. And if you are worried about the kids with the nasty stuff on their phones, well lets put it this way, the parent obviously doesnt know their kid that well because they were stupid enough to give them the phone in the first place.You'll see if you ever become a parent that there is a lot of things you have to do that your child thinks doesn't seem fair, but we are trying to teach you from our experience & lots of times, our mistakes. I know that today a lot of the teachers are having to take the place of parents in a lot of things , & it's usually an underpaid & thankless job, so "thank you" to all the teachers out there.

Oh and if I was you and the students were acting that way in my class, I would tell them to get out or put the phone away. You can text or you can get your graduation credits your choice. That is ridiculous that they act like that. You probaly wanted to go up to them and snap their phone in half, well I would have wanted to, but remeber this there are good kids out there who are responsible. They are becoming rarer and rarer, but they are out there.You're right, there is a lot of good kids out there still .


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
herefordfootball said:
if i had a pager how is that less intrusive when it beeps or vibrates than when a phone beeps or vibrates?

cause you can't dial, you would tell teachers you carry it, kinda like a penicillin bracelet.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
Doc, I love that quote you had in your reply, that makes a lot of sense. But lets face it we all say things that we wouldnt want repeated or for others to see, if there is anybody out there that can say that they have never said anything that they didnt want repeated or for certain people to hear, well I think you deserve an award for that.

I understand about the kids thinking a lot of things are not fair. Teachers are not recognized enough for what they do. They are real rolemodels for kids out there. I greatly appreciate them for all they are.


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2009
We are all human, and we all make mistakes whether we accept it or not. There is really only one way to apologize. Say you are sorry, if the person who got offeneded doesn't accept it, then that is God's way of keeping you from getting hurt further down the road, in my opinion.

I greatly appreciate the teachers that take in kids that either don't have parents or their parents don't discipline enough. You get hoodlems that just don't have parents that care, but the teachers help them out of the kindness in their hearts. Thank you.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Hello.....can anyone see me out there? I have my web cam set up.......hello......I'm neck-ed.....hello.....hello..... ;D


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Show Heifer, your statement about parents checking their kids call log and sent/received messages is an extreme invasion of privacy. I do not have anything on my phone I wouldnt want my parents seeing, heck my phone doesnt even have a camera, but how would you like it if someone was constantly monitoring your calls, messages, etc.? I'm sure there are some things you say in text messages that are meant for your eyes and the person you are talking to ONLY. If kids caught their parents rummaging through their phone history dont you think that is gonna create some trust issues? And another thing is the kid will just get smarter and sneakier about doing whatever they are doing, its not hard to delete messages or clear your call log. If I thought my parents were going through my priivate conversations with others it would really tick me off. Probaly to the point where I wouldnt leave any of my stuff where they could get at it, so in the end it would just cause problems. Kids are gonna do what they want, and the truth is we can not control other human beings. And if you are worried about the kids with the nasty stuff on their phones, well lets put it this way, the parent obviously doesnt know their kid that well because they were stupid enough to give them the phone in the first place.

There is a first time for everything and I am all about backing up what Show Heifer says. I think it's absolutely hilarious that a kid under 18 who lives in his parents house thinks he has a right to privacy!!  (lol)  (clapping)  That's the whole problem with parents today. They want to be their child's friend and not their parent. When I was a teenager, I had no trust issues with my parents because I had absolutely no concept of having any thing private in THEIR house. How did that ever come about? Where did that come from?

It would tick you off if your parents went through your phone? If I were your parent and it ticked you off, I'd just take the phone. If that ticked you off I'd just keep taking things until your life consisted of school, eating and sleeping. Then when you got old enough to earn enough money you could move from my house and quit eating the food off my table and do what ever you wanted.  Kids can be controlled, IF they need to be. Parents just aren't willing to do it. It takes too much effort and too much time. It's easier to just say "you can't control kids, they are going to do what they want."  Most parents now days parent by giving their kid a helmet to play in the street with instead of telling him and MAKING him stay out of the street.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Just wondering, gonewest.  How many kids you got.  If you have any, think you raised them to know right from wrong so you can trust them with privacy.  Or are you into the old hitler type control bs bad attitude that showheifer has.....