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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
farwest said:
Just wondering, gonewest.   How many kids you got.  If you have any, think you raised them to know right from wrong so you can trust them with privacy.   Or are you into the old hitler type control bs bad attitude that showheifer has.....

I know I'm not gonewest, but I've got 3 dtrs. They are 16,15 & almost 9. I think they are well behaved kids but yet have a life & have fun. By the same token they are my CHILDREN(kids) that haven't experienced all that lfe has out there for them , good & bad. I believe it is our responsibility & duty to teach them what they can expect out there. You may spare them some things & some they will learn the hard way on their own. But if I have to step on their toes & invade their "space" to spare them , then so be it. If doing this makes me hitler like, then heil hitler. There are a lot of choices kids make that they do, not because they are bad, but because they don't realize what the consequences will be.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
knabe said:
farwest said:
  And there you go again (you too), tearing many people down on this board (you too), accusing them of being followers, or other sheep (you too).  More negativety (you too).  AND YOU TEACH CHILDREN (you too).  Try a positive attitude, be careful, it's contagious...(you too)

i'm confused.  kids need limits and consequences.  hmm, so do adults.
Thank you knabe for always posting positive on this board. (clapping)  Or don't i read them?????


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
aj... it is amazing how times have changed. It used to be that you had to get dressed to answer the door. Now you have to get dressed to be on the computer and even answer the phone!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
Just wondering, gonewest.   How many kids you got.  If you have any, think you raised them to know right from wrong so you can trust them with privacy.   Or are you into the old hitler type control bs bad attitude that showheifer has.....

hmm.  seems all yours are negative as well?  or don't i read them all.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
farwest said:
Just wondering, gonewest.   How many kids you got.  If you have any, think you raised them to know right from wrong so you can trust them with privacy.   Or are you into the old hitler type control bs bad attitude that showheifer has.....

Oh no, I'm much more Hitler like. Kinda like the last full generation of parents who raised their children with the values of morality and work ethic.

Children are by definition young. They haven't lived very long. They have no experience. Yet, especially in today's world, they have so many decisions to make on a daily basis. Just from not having experience they will make may poor decisions if given the opportunity. It's your responsibility as a parent to keep  those poor decisions to a minimum. Just "teaching them right from wrong" won't cut it. It's like giving them a helmet and telling them to go play in the street but be sure to dodge all the cars. There are many, many more cars going down the street today than when I was a child.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
farwest said:
Just wondering, gonewest.   How many kids you got.  If you have any, think you raised them to know right from wrong so you can trust them with privacy.   Or are you into the old hitler type control bs bad attitude that showheifer has.....

Oh no, I'm much more Hitler like. Kinda like the last full generation of parents who raised their children with the values of morality and work ethic.

Children are by definition young. They haven't lived very long. They have no experience. Yet, especially in today's world, they have so many decisions to make on a daily basis. Just from not having experience they will make may poor decisions if given the opportunity. It's your responsibility as a parent to keep  those poor decisions to a minimum. Just "teaching them right from wrong" won't cut it. It's like giving them a helmet and telling them to go play in the street but be sure to dodge all the cars. There are many, many more cars going down the street today than when I was a child.
So..... Again how many kids you have, are they raised, how did it go.  You didn't answer.  Perhaps there's a chip on a shoulder here because of your failures...


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
knabe said:
farwest said:
Perhaps there's a chip on a shoulder here because of your failures...

another teachable moment.  your track record is starting to exceed obama's
And i think i'm hitting a nerve or two (clapping)  Kids don't need micro-managed with discipline shoved down there throat.  Why is the preacher's kid ususally the biggest hell raiser in town.  hmmm.  I don't care how many more cars are coming down the street today.  It's still much of the same.  If you have some values of your own about right and wrong they'll rub off on your kids.  But only if you spend time with them...    The biggest failure raising kids is not spending time with them.  It's not rocket science which i know you know all about knabe and are 100 more times intelligent than any of us on this board and i am sure your kids are the same.  Have some knowledge of right and wrong and spend alot of time with them...


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2007
south dakota
I do not post here very often but this little attitude you have here, Farwest, is making me laugh.
I have micromanaged my kids; they have been spyed on, checked on, grounded; phone, car, TV, computer privileges taken away....I do consider that all a very important part of my duty as a parent.
I believe it is very true that when the kid is out and paying his own bills, then they have the right and privilege to do what they want, but before that time comes, it is my right and privilege to guide and instruct them on how to be successful in their lives; and I believe in tough love.  I am not a pushover by any means and you can just ask my kids.

In case you were wondering I have 7 of them.
3 bio kids.....the oldest is a software engineer (writes computer software), the next one is in his final semester of law school, and the next one is scheduled to take her MCATS in a couple of weeks (sure that a person as intelligent as you know what the MCATS are, but for those on this forum that are less informed....that is the test to get into medical school).

oddly enough, none of those three have ever been in any trouble anytime; so do not fit that scenerio that you give about the "hellraisers".

I am also privileged to have 4 adopted kids ages 13, 10, 9 and 6 and they are now living under the same hellish conditions that the oldest ones lived under........

hmmm, what are some of your accomplishments that you would attribute to the freedoms you have/had as a child living under someone's roof who pays the bills for you and does not require any accountability?


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
I don't get what you mean by not having any accountability.  My accountability was having a part time job at 12 or 13.  My kids are the same. 

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Hey herf - Ever heard of "sex-ting".... its the hot new thing amoung teens. Naked photos of themselves, of others (who usually do not know about the photo), very sexual explicit language about what they are going to do, when they are going to do it and when they want to do it.
Ever heard of "cyber bullying"? Another hot new things kids like to do under the "they can't find me" because they do not have the guts to do it face to face. One article I read stated that up to 20% of teen suicides are at least "encourage" by cyber bullying.

Oh, I forgot, we should let kids do anything they want.  Come on Herf, you know better than that.

farwest; All I have to say to you is "grow up" and if you think you are old enough to be grown up, then REALLY GROW UP.  You sound like you are 7. "But mommy, I don't like rules, and don't you love me, and mommy, I want to do it. MOMMY!!! MOOOOOMMMMYYYYYY!"  Time laspse 10 seconds   Mommy "Oh, ok my sweet honey child. Go ahead and play with the butcher knife. And make sure the little kid that you think hurt you doesn't see you coming."

Kinda sounds like a lot of parent/child relationships now a days. And I wonder why the world is the way it is.....

Jenny: Congratulations on raising some wonderful children that developed with your help into wonderful contributors to society! Those remaining can only look forward to love, support, and a wonderful upbringing to guide them onto the right path.   I wish more parents were like you!!



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
I believe in being accountable.   My kids are accountable as well.  I just don't believe i've been able to raise 3 4.0 students by being strict as hell and not giving them any privacy like i don't trust them.  I think by teaching or telling some right and wrong from the start and by spending alot of time with them which alot of parents don't has enabled me not to have to crack a long whip...  Now all kids are different, all different situations, diferent environments where they go to school, working mom's , kids alone after school at god knows where, so it creates alot different way of having to raise and discipline kids i would guess.   idk.  I'm just saying, i haven't jammed discipline down my kids throat, they have great grades, one is above the 99th percentile on sat and iowa basics, in public people always tell me how polite they are, they've done volunteer community service, have never been in trouble,   So i slopped out i guess....


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Show Heifer said:
Hey herf - Ever heard of "sex-ting".... its the hot new thing amoung teens. Naked photos of themselves, of others (who usually do not know about the photo), very sexual explicit language about what they are going to do, when they are going to do it and when they want to do it.
Ever heard of "cyber bullying"? Another hot new things kids like to do under the "they can't find me" because they do not have the guts to do it face to face. One article I read stated that up to 20% of teen suicides are at least "encourage" by cyber bullying.

Oh, I forgot, we should let kids do anything they want.  Come on Herf, you know better than that.

farwest; All I have to say to you is "grow up" and if you think you are old enough to be grown up, then REALLY GROW UP.  You sound like you are 7. "But mommy, I don't like rules, and don't you love me, and mommy, I want to do it. MOMMY!!! MOOOOOMMMMYYYYYY!"  Time laspse 10 seconds   Mommy "Oh, ok my sweet honey child. Go ahead and play with the butcher knife. And make sure the little kid that you think hurt you doesn't see you coming."

Kinda sounds like a lot of parent/child relationships now a days. And I wonder why the world is the way it is...

Jenny: Congratulations on raising some wonderful children that developed with your help into wonderful contributors to society! Those remaining can only look forward to love, support, and a wonderful upbringing to guide them onto the right path.   I wish more parents were like you!
Showheifer, what do you know about MOMMY without any kids....


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
Show Heifer said:
Hey herf - Ever heard of "sex-ting".... its the hot new thing amoung teens. Naked photos of themselves, of others (who usually do not know about the photo), very sexual explicit language about what they are going to do, when they are going to do it and when they want to do it.
Ever heard of "cyber bullying"? Another hot new things kids like to do under the "they can't find me" because they do not have the guts to do it face to face. One article I read stated that up to 20% of teen suicides are at least "encourage" by cyber bullying.

Oh, I forgot, we should let kids do anything they want.  Come on Herf, you know better than that.

farwest; All I have to say to you is "grow up" and if you think you are old enough to be grown up, then REALLY GROW UP.  You sound like you are 7. "But mommy, I don't like rules, and don't you love me, and mommy, I want to do it. MOMMY!!! MOOOOOMMMMYYYYYY!"  Time laspse 10 seconds   Mommy "Oh, ok my sweet honey child. Go ahead and play with the butcher knife. And make sure the little kid that you think hurt you doesn't see you coming."

Kinda sounds like a lot of parent/child relationships now a days. And I wonder why the world is the way it is.....

Jenny: Congratulations on raising some wonderful children that developed with your help into wonderful contributors to society! Those remaining can only look forward to love, support, and a wonderful upbringing to guide them onto the right path.   I wish more parents were like you!!

Yes I know what sexting and cyberbulling is. I am fortunate enough to have friends that dont do that sort of thing. I am smart enough not to get into certain forums where these things go on. If the child and parent cannot establish a trusting relationship, their lives together will always have tension or wondering. Trust is an extremely dangerous thing, but the parent cannot have eyes on their child 24 hours a day. If the parent smothers the child, the child is going to use every second away from the parent doing wrong, knowing that this will upset the parent, wanting to upset the parent because of the hate that has established between due to the fact that the parent gives the child no freedom.

Gonewest, so what you are saying is that as long as the child lives under the parents roof that they (the child) has no privacy rights? Sounds a little bit like jail to me. If that is the image we are projecting on our children then you can expect that when the child grows up that you wont see them or your grandchildren much.

Kids should not be given the authority to do whatever they want, there has to be limits, but there also has to be freedoms, if there is no trust in the relationship what happens when you have to "trust your child" while they are alone? You cant always be there. If you can establish trust then you can have a meaningful relationship with your children.

Farwest, I think showheifer has probaly been around enough to know the ins and outs of parenting, just because you dont raise a child doesnt mean you wouldnt be a good parent or wouldnt know what to do in strenuous situations.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
I don't get what you mean by not having any accountability.  My accountability was having a part time job at 12 or 13.  My kids are the same. 

waiting on a positive comment.  the record is either scratched or broken.  hard to tell at this moment.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
The only broken record on this board is knabe and politics,   hands addition, it's doom and gloom politics 24/7.  wheres your positvie knabe.  i just posted on high octane a few minutes ago, was that negative.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
Lets all just chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.  O0  O0  O0  O0  O0  O0  <cowboy>  <cowboy>  <cowboy>   <cowboy>

Nobody on here is all negative or positive as far as I know.  <cowboy>