J2F said:
As a business man, If your government is shoving regulations, taxes and health care expenses down your throat, consumers are buying the cheap imports and not American made, and it is either adapt or go out of business what are they suppose to do? Open more factory's in the US? It cracks me up when the businesses or the CEO's get blamed for moving out of the country. IMO it is our (America's) fault, our government, consumers and uneducated VOTERS.
American minds are far too valuable to be enslaved in a factory. IF you've HAD to work a factory job to support your family then you're doing what you can 'at the timie', but in 2012, as Americans who invest
billions in education every year, surely we can expect more. The reason these jobs are shipped overseas is because they don't require any real skill set! A task that someone with ZERO prior experience can accomplish shouldn't be labeled as a "head of household" job. AMERICA'S FUTURE IS IN SERVICE AND TECHNOLOGY. Specialize, embrace these fields, and be successful.