raush limpd$%^&#K

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2009
Etna Green, Indiana
SKF said:
No matter how you feel about Haiti the people there need our help. This is not about politics its about people who are suffering. As some have said they did not come help us in a time of need. How could they?? They are one of the poorest countries so what can they do to help us. Not all people from Haiti dislike Americans . I have a very good friend from Haiti and his family as well as many other people from Haiti love America and are God loving Christians. Two wrongs do not make a right. I really don't care what countries came to help us we need to step up and  set the example and do what is right. Who are we to judge anyone's believes? As a Christian I feel that its not my job to judge anyone but to help someone who is suffering and right now the people of Haiti are suffering. Its easy to get mad and caught up with seeing some that are ungrateful and feel like we should not help but there's so many who are grateful and they are in such need right now. So put aside your political believes and just look at them as children of God who need our help.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
which is what rush was saying, just not through the government, because your dollar will go farther.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I empathize with the people of Haiti, can't imagine the suffering, however, we live in a country that is generous to a fault, I would like someone to explain to me how a county that is TRILLIONS of dollars in debt can afford to send aid to anyone, you can't give what you DON'T HAVE!  If you want to help the people of Haiti, do it by private donations, don't lump another bill on the backs of our children, they can't afford it!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
mark tenenbaum said:
-this is about people (NON WHITE PEOPLE) who are sufering

race card.  check.

wasnt that what rush was so upset about??.......helping obamas  "black"  friends so quickly  ??...leading with the race card pulls out all the real trump cards.....thats rush's way of making a living....and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric....feeding rush is more impo0rtant than feeding  "anyone" .....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
wasnt that what rush was so upset about??.......helping obamas  "black"  friends so quickly  ??...leading with the race card pulls out all the real trump cards.....thats rush's way of making a living....and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric....feeding rush is more impo0rtant than feeding  "anyone" .....jbarl

if someone could post the actual quote what they are upset about or call racist, that would be helpful.

one could say the same thing about feeding obama, since, it's clear he hates america since he rarely/never cites specific examples of american exceptionalism.  think of all the forsaken people out of a job due to government policies, reducing american's ability to help haiti.

if one uses the analogy of supporting rush's rhetoric, one opens up the door to obama's rhetoric which is more empty since he doesn't support the system that allows americans to be the most giving nation on the planet and in history.

here's an example of obama's rhetoric.


you can bet that every time obama says "let me be clear", you can bet it will be murky and nothing resembling clarity at all.  add in the fact that he wants everyone's money rather than creating an atmosphere to create jobs with transactions between individual.

obama's example of a transaction is to tax those more who make good decisions and give it back to the people who made bad ones.  if the reward was more clear for good transactions, and the penalty more clear for bad one's, there would be fewer problems.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
Mexico, United State # 51

Iraq, United State # 52                                                                      <party>

Porto Rico, United State # 53                                                                

Haiti, United State # 54

Send in the FBI, EPA, NSA, FDA, HUD, USDA, CIA, FEMA, DHLS, BLM, NFL, NRA, USMC, FDNY, C-SPAN, ESPN, Trump (Donald that is), and a few pardoned felons, lets get the ball rollin.
Start printin the new flags!

Just think how much money this country could save on heating bills if we moved Chicago to Haiti!!!!!


New member
Jan 16, 2010
There is a very lengthy thread on the Barrel Horse World (hope i can mention that here) discussing this topic.  Alot of good opinions expressed.
I am not sure which part of Rush's 3 hour show the OP is refering to but one portion that I heard was a question to the brother of Rahm Emmanual, President Obama's Cheif of Staff, ( I believe his name is Izechial?) a M.D. that is one of the crafters of the pending health care legislation.  The question was in reference to an opinion that was published and credited to ?Izechial Emmanual who suggested that the cost of medical treatment should be taken into consideration before proceedures are performed compared to the age of the patient and the benifit to society after the proceedure is performend to help control the cost.  Rush (retorically of course) was wondering if the same formula would be used to determine the amount of aid/money to be sent to Haiti.

Rush Limbaugh certainly doesnt need me to stick up for him, and that is good because many times I wouldn't, but I am certain that his charitable contributions have added up to more money than I will see in a lifetime. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
one only has to look at the origins of planned parenthood to get the progressive (democrat) perspective on compassion for others.

one must always weigh potential contributions of a person (or potential person) against costs when evaluating contributions.

no liberal will ever hold to account the consequences of a liberal agenda.

in a nutshell, a progressive is for equal outcome for unequal input.

all they can see is who has more and ways to steal it, essentially the root logic of most religions and wars.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I haven't read in detail all the comments in this thread, I find marks comments that are inserted into the quote quite irritating.

But I will add this: The United States sent 193 MILLION dollars to Haiti last year alone. The 10 years before that, it averaged 164 MILLION per year. Where did that money go? I am not sure of the exact population of Haiti, but doesn't that turn into roughtly 15,000 per individual?  Our country is broke. WE are BORROWING money from CHINA.  How do we have money to send to other countries? In fact, why does our gov't do it all? It is NOT in our Constitution. In fact, last gov't class I took, it was AGAINST our Constitution unless approved by a vote of the citizens. Must of missed those votes?!

That being said, it truly is sad what happened to Haiti. Innocent people are suffering, and, regardless of what the world thinks of  we Americans (we are the most hated country in the world. Americans are the number one target for everything), it seems we have the biggest hearts.  If you desire to donate money, please do it through the RED CROSS or a KNOWN CHURCH organization and NOT THE GOV"T. The Red Cross and most church organizations use 90-100% of the donations to help the less fortunate. If you donate through the gov't, only about 20% goes to the need.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
wasnt that what rush was so upset about??.......helping obamas  "black"  friends so quickly  ??...leading with the race card pulls out all the real trump cards.....thats rush's way of making a living....and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric....feeding rush is more impo0rtant than feeding  "anyone" .....jbarl

if one uses the analogy of supporting rush's rhetoric, one opens up the door to obama's rhetoric which is more empty since he doesn't support the system that allows americans to be the most giving nation on the planet and in history.

and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric.....some will send there money for cause and  support to haiti.....some will send there money for  cause and support to rush....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric.....some will send there money for cause and  support to haiti.....some will send there money for  cause and support to rush....jbarl

anybody who sends money to support either rush or obama's rhetoric is a fool.  rhetoric by definition is empty and accomplishes NOTHING except scapegoating and class warfare, something obama has been doing his whole life with government money, while rush has been advocating liberty and individual accomplishment.  but, to see that, one would have to recognize individual reward for hard work, something the left is incapable of and only see it as a source to steal what was worked for.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
and he will continue to have someone/somewhere support his rethoric.....some will send there money for cause and  support to haiti.....some will send there money for  cause and support to rush....jbarl

anybody who sends money to support either rush or obama's rhetoric is a fool.  rhetoric by definition is empty and accomplishes NOTHING except scapegoating and class warfare, something obama has been doing his whole life with government money, while rush has been advocating liberty and individual accomplishment.  but, to see that, one would have to recognize individual reward for hard work, something the left is incapable of and only see it as a source to steal what was worked for.

i said support to  rush or support to haiti.....not obama....i think you forgot what we were actually talking about.......you ...as well as mr rush seem to find some connection...??......thats exactly the idiology his audience all seem to share....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
i said support to  rush or support to haiti.....not obama....i think you forgot what we were actually talking about.......you ...as well as mr rush seem to find some connection...??......thats exactly the idiology his audience all seem to share....jbarl

my point is rhetoric is rhetoric whether it's from rush or obama.  i don't ever forget what i am talking about.  i don't listen to rush and still NO ONE has actually posted the supposedly offensive comment he made.  it's a typical liberal rhetoric to hate and create division rather than opportunity.  obama has an audience, and that audience is taking from those that work.  i think you forgot what we were talking about ...you.... as well as mr. obama seem to find some connection....??.....thats exactly the idiology his audience all seem to share. 

since all arguments from a liberals perspective must include an introduction of talking down those who don't agree followed by taking from those same people, it's clear liberals/progressives will never allow those who would vote for them an opportunity to earn their own money to get ahead.  a liberal/progressive policy is that NO ONE must get ahead or ever improve.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
dori36 said:
This thread is the poster child for Jason's thoughts about a separate, non-cattle section.  I'm for it, Jason.

People dying ........ Their suffering made  worse by bad choices (both macro & micro).......... Looking to who, China? Cuba? Europe? ....... No they look to the USA for we are the leader in compassion........ Which is afforded to us by our liberty and capitalism....... Take that away and who will answer the call for aid, China? Cuba? Europe?

This thread has been an example of exercising of free speech with a lack of knowledge and wisdom (at times)........ Which is also afforded to us by our liberty....... That is protected by our men and women of our military...... Who will bring our aid to the oppressed and suffering...........

Can we move on now? :'(


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
For someone with the iq of a grapefruit....tennabaum has some points worth pondering.